Hey guys i was thinking of getting the new call of duty...

Hey guys i was thinking of getting the new call of duty. I havent played the game since modern warfare 2 back when jt was a good game. For the most part video games are kinda shitty these days. I cant get into them because they make the game feel pointless. The only game ive been able to enjoy since 2013 is killing floor 2. Because it has team work, amazing maps, alot of great variations in the classes. Its really the only game that isnt a chore to play. Witcher 3 was a big dissapointment it was more of a chore. Tbh every ps4 game just sucks its such a dissapointing generation. The developers always want to make money instead of good games. Why is a shitty game with random modders more fun than anything that is released?

Anways should i get call of duty or is there some other nice game i can get instead. Im interested right now in pvp.

As far as fun is concerned, shadow of war and crash trilogy kept me entertained for quite a while. Titanfall 2's horde mode is actually surprisingly fun as well

>The developers always want to make money instead of good games
>yet you want to buy the new Call of Duty
Fucksake lad.

Crash is a remake. The only games that interest me these days are remakes which is dissapointing.

Pick up battlefield 4 or battlefield 1

The only reason im buying its is becsuse im looking for a competitive pvp game and nothing esle comes to mind. I was gonna grt destiny but that game has no pvp so that sucks

Are those games old

Well it looks like videogames might not be for you anymore. You need to make your own fun. If you let little things ruin a game for you, like lootboxes, then that's on you. Battlefront 2 looks great.

I agree, with your Witcher statement. It felt like a chore to me too.

Destiny 2 has very competitive pvp lol

Battlefield 4 is a bit older, but it is an excellent modern multiplayer shooter and you can get it really cheap

I guess. I dont hate games i just usually find one game that i like and then play it for too long. Left 4 dead, dark souls 1 pvp and killing floor. I like games that have a nice online community and culture.

Yeah witcher had no direction. They just put you in this big world wiyj too much stuff to do and none of it feels meaningful. Witcher 2 was a hundred times better. The game was divided into 3 chapters so it felt important.

Yeah but its very limited. Those companies are retarded. When halo and call of duty got together to make a game i expected the greatest pvp experience ever. What did we get? A boring grindy coop game. Thats bullshit i wanted pvp.

I played battle field 3 it was just a boring version of call of duty.

If you think battlefield 3 is a boring version of call of duty then I honestly can't help you.

>should I get a fucking Cowadooteh game
if you need to ask this, you need to seek help.

Every other game sucks. I was so excited for rainbow six. It was nothing like the originals. Developers dont have creativity anymore. They just know how to scheme.

Damnit. Gaming is dead

>Every other game sucks.
more like 99% of all modern games suck.

>thinly veiled twi shill

Begone with you, thot!

So its not just me? Everything if this generation has been garbage. Fallout 4 i didnt even buy cuz i knew it was just a dcheme. 2008-2011 was the final golden age.

The biggest problem in the past DECADE has been the AAA industry's increasing jewiness and focus on "wider audiences", AKA casuals. Old IPs are occasionally re-warmed for media coverage, but even they are usually "adopted" to modern trends.

I've honestly mostly enjoyed "mere AA" games, older classics, indie shit and big mods during the ongoing decade. Sure, there's been great exceptions too, like the recent Zelda BotW, the entire HD Collection of MGS games, and some controversial titles like FF: Type0 and LR.

>2008-2011 was the final golden age.
Nah, the end had already began long ago at that point.

>Hey guys

It's just another cod, every cod has been the same game since 4 but this one doesn't have jet packs and wall running I guess

Is that borderlands 3?

I think you're a faggot based off of these two things you said

I'm getting the new CoD desu, first one I've been excited for since MW3

I have to warn you about the new CoDs - they have microtransactions nowdays (lootboxes with cosmetics and guns to unlock) and their tickrate feels more than dated now that many other games have more than 30Hz up/downstream - you will die around corners a lot and when you ever played anything decent it feels like shit in comparison.
If you can look past that keep in mind that you get less content than the previous CoD on release and then have to buy the season pass to get a decent amount of maps. It's a pricey purchase for a quick CoD fix.

kf2 is fun

>excited for MW3


Its map design is nothing but tight hallway trash, so no, you won't enjoy it if you're looking for an experience like MW2.