Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Just post the racist comics already

James, for letting Screenwave/Mike/Ryan take over his channel

Gadget violated the NAP


this is one of the most uncomfortable things i have ever watched. he is literally 'that guy'

Loco Bandito

What's James thinking in this moment

Was it rape?

this 7



>Where did the hair go?


I'm sorry for Mike. I really am. He's a white male with hair and dutch ancestry; he could've had the fucking world if not for his shit taste and annoying personality.

where did mine go

Mike obviously has (some) talent with his cartoons and editing skills, but why does he have to be in the majority of Cinemassacre videos now? He's definitely not the reason the channel is popular, and most of his videos get massive amounts of dislikes. What's his deal?

james is too busy raising mikes daughter

Why is his entire sense of humor toilet jokes and randomly yelling curse words?

Who was the Janetty?

James is a family man now and doesn't have as much time / energy to dedicate to making videos, so Mike and other folks step in to keep the channel updated with regular content
Otherwise you might just get a James & Mike Monday video every week and an AVGN video every 3-4 months...maybe the odd movie or book review
Also I feel like they're slowly trying to turn Cinemassacre into something bigger, like RoosterTeeth



hey boys and girls

Are Mike's live streams good?

They just are.

pretty dull usually

its so nice that mike and ryan still let James be on shier channel

>everyone obsessed over the gadget video
>when the elmo one was much worse

What's the context behind this?

to be honest oney and gang overplayed the brown bricks joke


Do you think Mike regrets the Loco Bandito comics?

What do you mean? The gadget video is amazing.

This video is so ingrained in my mind from /v4c/ that I will random think "MEINCRAFT" sometimes

He was trying for years to get them published, so he’s gotta be pretty proud of them. He should’ve never achieved internet fame. It’ll be his ultimate undoing. There are hoarders holding out on leaking shit they found from his past, I read. James has to cut ties with him soon if he wants to save Cinemassacre


He told him to shudup but he didn't listen.

Gadget is more quotable

But seriously, what's up with that clip where James flinches when Mike looks at him?

>tfw realizing Mike writes all those 'jokes' that feel out of place in certain AVGN episodes

oops i mean bootsy


>James has to cut ties with him soon if he wants to save Cinemassacre
lmao no
they need to make better content to save cinemassacre

why is he showing off funko pops

why is he always greasy looking?

Mike: "James, Im not in Danger, i am the Danger"


I alwys thought that pic of james was photoshop but lol

Unironically kek'd

>defeated man and manchildman

That pic is so depressing

Fat people

RIP Bootsy
>we're moving in a new direction

I still haven't made it more than a 1:30 into James' 2016 Christmas Special

Why did James do this?

that video is funny as fuck

the only avgn i though was dog shit was this

And replace him with Fat Cunt Frank?

the polybius episode was shit

>Not the toxic avenger one

oh yeah i forgot about that.
2 episodes then.

James won't get rid of his best friend from college just because Mike's involvement might make him lose a few youtube subs
Anyone who thinks that would ever be a possibility doesn't know James at all and severely underestimates his good character and severe autism

someone post the deus ex machina pasta



Google brown bricks


I heard that Ryan ritually sacrificed Bootsy in a satanic ritual to bind Mike and James into his service.

Funkos are the stupidest fucking wastes of space. Ugliest "collectables" I've ever seen and I'll never not look down on anyone who has any that weren't gifts.

Look at Ryan's pathetic flop of a toy channel, all they do is review the cheapest plastic crap literally for little goddamn babies. Funko trash is a step up for them.

all of them were memes who catered to hoarders

>Those view counts
Why do they even bother

Agreed, they're absolutely hideous

The most mysterious thing is that they have over 8000 subs. I can almost fucking promise you they are all Ryan's Screenwave sockpuppet accounts.

hello ashens

>Those lighting changes from daytime to night
He literally spent an entire day watching that fucking Elmo movie and recording his reactions.

They're like Hummels for millenials.

Post it, I haven't seen it and I could use a laugh.

This is not video games


I want a webm of him slitting his wrists


I can't help but feel that the video actually works as a piece of ironic anit-humor. The dryness of it is pretty funny.



>He's gonna watch his wife get fucked in the ass
>His hairline left and it won't come back

>james calling the old universal monster movies a sausage fest

Pretty much this. The moment James lets any of his friends get involved on a project with him it becomes fucking cancer. They all seem to think that because people think AVGN is funny they can all do some schtick that people will immediately love. Like that fat bitch in the Overanalyzers that tanked it completely with her horrid, fake Russian accent.

why is he glistening?


thinking about mikes shlong

Claire is cute


Fuck off with your tranny gf Mike


just yet another clue that his wife owns his and he's a beta bitch

Did he get that trophy for fucking his girlfriend in the ass?

For the last time he's not a tranny! You twisted fucks!

get ready for angry video game ryan

It makes me feel better about my figma collection, knowing there are people who collect worse shit.

He is the most overweight nerd you've ever heard
He's the high-end BMI nerd
He's the stuffing his face while playing vidya nerd
He's the


I'd watch ironically for the cringe.