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>unironically reading Blizzard novels

Considering prince pansy is leading the alliance, of course the conflict had to come from the horde, again.

Nice. Hopefully we get the trailer at blizzcon.

Why the fuck is the text so large? Why is the spacing 1.5 instead of just 1?

>we will never get an alternate timeline where Sylvannas and Garithos made a legitimate alliance and became the dominant force of the entire Warcraft universe

Is the text large in that book?

It’s a book for children and brainlets , what did you expect?

It's like what you used to do when you tried to fill the minimum pages for an essay

Did Nathanos ever get that sweet undead pussy?

because it's a pamplet sneak peek of the new book, not the book itsel, you fucking faggot neck yourself

>We will never get an alternate timeline where Garrosh didn't have to become the wacky evil corrupted guy
>Garrosh will never execute Sylvanas and mana bomb the Undercity for being scourge 2.0

Nah man, my teachers in high school and lecturers/tutors at uni were on to that shit, what I did was slightly increase the spacing between letters and slightly increase the margins, as well as use size 12.5 instead of size 12 font.

Would turn a 14 page essay into a 15 page one. Not a huge difference, but still.

I always fucking hated "minimum page" requirements. Had one course where the lecturer was fantastic, said if you could answer the question fully in as little as 1 page that would be fine. Never had any recommended lengths or anything, shit was fantastic, could just write based on the question.

When he was human, yes.
A Windrunner cannot be separated from human cock no more than the lich king from the frozen throne

>Garrosh gets pissed at whatshisface for nuking the night elf school
>Garrosh gets pissed at my waifu for falling down the rabbit hole

>then Garrosh randomly goes full evil for no reason

th-thanks blizz

Is the new book? Pls post spoilers, I have my autism hazmat protection gear on, I swear that I can take it, user.


Blizzard really should have just used Vol'jin for their corruption fodder in MoP and continued to develop Garrosh instead.

Lore wise the Horde would have absolutely zero chance of taking Stormwind. Let alone the Forsaken.
The Forsaken are SUPPOSED to be very few in number. They are less than half the survivors of a single city (Arthas needs to kill at least half in WC3) and they have been at constant war for a decade since then. They should have only about 1/4th the population of a smaller city, where as Stormwind is the human capital and also populated by other races.

I don't see how the rest of the horde would be the least bit interested in attacking Stormwind.

Lore wise the Alliance is significantly stronger than the Horde.

Couldnt they just holy light the shit out of the undead anyways?

Of course none of this will matter becuase if it's ever depicted in game it will be 12 stormwind guards vs 12 forsaken and then Salyvannis will just play an animation where all the guards die.

Forsaken replenished a lot of their ranks after WotLK though

>not Admiral Daelin Proudmoore

the cult of the damned was a hundred individuals when it first started spraying the plague
two weeks later, they were millions
guess what's gonna happen to your city, fuccboi

Does that even matter now that we've gone back in time and done the Iron Horde? Timewise, we're pre-Lich King anyways.

What the fuck is this fanfiction-tier writing?

Nice fake, faggot.

Siege weapons won't do shift against the 6 airships that can bomb the shit out of them. Stormwind also has the Grand Cathedral which has the strongest Light users on the planet hanging out in it, so they can cure the plauge with no difficulty.

Again, though, like I said, it's all irrelevant because Slyvannis will just Mary Sue the entire horde to a victory that ignores every aspect of the greater conflict.

>not spreading the plague across the entire continent and saving Stormwind for last
I would legit be pissed if they're going this route and this didn't happen.

>Stormwind also has the Grand Cathedral which has the strongest Light users on the planet hanging out in it
Who knew those Scarlet Crusader roleplayers and guild recruiters would finally be good for something?

>the light cures the plague

>Being this retarded

Sylvanas and her valkyr have been raising more and more undead everyday. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they outnumbered every single horde race combined. Consider the following, mouthbreather. They were able to invade Howling fjord. They got the drop on horde and alliance during wrath gate, and were able to hold off horde and alliance during the siege until the "Hero" comes in and saves everything. After wrath she had the numbers to make a full on assault in gilneas and actually win. Now in legion she was able to occupy stormheim. Her numbers are fucking swelling. Couple that with the other races of the horde and with enough foresight she could fucking steamroll SW.

What? We didn't change worlds.

>After wrath she had the numbers to make a full on assault in gilneas and actually win.
Actually, the Alliance came back in full force and from what the canon says, it was either a stalemate or the Forsaken got pushed out of Gilneas.

>so they can cure the plauge with no difficulty.


lore hasn't mattered since the beginning of WoW. Vanilla was still reasonable because it mostly dealt with less wc3 centric stuff but after they started going after the original storylines it kept escalating in ridiculousness

Even if it was a stalemate, that's a pretty big statement about how strong the Forsaken are against even the Alliance.

>after they started going after the original storylines it kept escalating in ridiculousness
This is why I'll never understand why people bitch about how big the numbers are on healthbars and shit. WoW is just a fantasy version of DBZ at this point.

Argent Dawn figured out how to purify plague barrels a while ago.

Yes we did you stupid brainlet

>cure the plauge
>no difficulty.

That doesn't mean they know how to cure an infected person. A'dal himself, a literal BEING of the Light and head Naaru, can't cure someone infected with the plague.

If a Naaru can't, a priest or paladin sure can't.

When? What happened to Old Azeroth?

>plague barrels
forsaken's plague is different in form and structure
it doesn't turn people into undead, the val'kyr do
it's just an immensely powerful biological weapon that kills any living creature in the blast
gilneas fell because of that, user
there is simply no cure to the forsaken plague, it is specifically engineered to be mass-extermination solution
it has been used pretty much fucking everywhere and syrrrlsoonanas is not scared to use it

>Naaru can't fuck
>Therefore a priest or paladin can't fuck

Nothing. I honestly have no idea what he's talking about.

They can't cure the infected, but they can stop the plague so only people hit directly by a barrel would be infected. At that point they are no better than regular siege weapons.

>the Horde has zero chance at taking a city it's already razed before
>the Horde has zero chance at taking a city who can't keep a king alive

Sure, buddy.

It's gone now you idiot were you paying attention?

What about that gargantuan cannon in azshara pointed straight at stormwind

Nice old people font.

>talks out of his ass
>accuses me of being the brainlet


It's an alternate timeline idiots.

>gilneas fell because of that, user

Gilneas don't use the light, which is the direct counter to the plague. Stormwind houses the Grand Cathedral.

The Horde attacked Stormwind when it was a independent city. The Alliance was not a thing yet. They also attacked it by pouring out of portals right next to it with no one knowing it was coming.
The Alliance would know if Horde attacked now.

>still no proof
Also I never called you a brainlet until now, brainlet

No, the only alternate timeline we went to was Draneor. Azeroth is still in its original timeline.

>cure the plauge
You mean the shit that even fucked up The Lich King?

So did a single Paladin, where as Stormwind is crawling with all the most powerful Paladins.

Piratefags absolutely btfo

Time to smite some Forsaken filth with the business end of my hammer.

>So did a single Paladin
The dude got frozen instantly and he had to beg the Light to save him while (You) fought for 10 minutes.

God I miss the golden age of autistic forum arguments about the power levels of each faction, who Lordaeron belonged to, whether the orcs even have any moral ground at this point, etc.

Is that before or after you suck a fat elf cock in goldshire, you fucking nothing meme class.

You mean that same Paladin that died like a bitch, getting roasted in demon fire while begging for a light that never responded?

It really confuses me that anyone could honestly defend the Forsaken as being remotely good. You'd have to be a shitposter or brainlet to seriously think anything they've done isn't horrendously evil, especially when compared to any other race in the factions

you do know varyan wasn't in SW when he died, right?

um excuse me fuck you

>alright we defeated sargares
>he stabbed a hole in the planet right next to C'thun, Yogg'saron is still active in ulduar and N'zoth is breaking free
>Lets not forget Zandalar and Azhara
>So what should we focus the next expansion on next?
>Horde vs Alliance with another Warchief as a raidboss

I will lose what small respect I still have for Blizzard if they do this.

>ever considered good guys

>Fight Stormwind
>Stormwind has 100 times your numbers
>Win somehow
>Raise them all into undeath
>Have to deal with a pissed off horde of zombies 100 times your numbers again
Only the Horde is that retarded.

>oh hey my allies who are guarding my flank are sounding a retreat
>I think that means I should also retreat, right?

why was Varian so stupid?

The fact that the Horde and Alliance even keep fighting at this point is fucking retarded. I wish I could just play as a neutral faction or some shit because holy fuck, there's bigger things to deal with here.

because pandaria wasn't about an ancient land full of fat furries and mistery with fucking mantid-looking people driven insane by the remnaints of an old god and a bunch of other fucking twisted shit, like chinese-statue looking motherfuckers and their dead king who was just back in time thanks to a fucking faction of trolls and time shenanigans
don't be silly, this is pandaria 2.0, south sea with a sprinke of alliance vs horde that will end with sylvanas getting gangraped by 30 people again

>Sylvanas finally does something that her Sycophants can't defend
>Jaina will be the diametrically opposed hero to save the day and prove how right she was all along

>I don't understand the Forsaken or played WC3

>Stop having wars in Warcraft!

>having a penis in 2017
Who are MY role models supposed to be?

I dont think Sylvanas ever set a foot in Stormwind

You mean when Sylvanas stabbed her one potential ally in the back and painted a giant "exterminate ASAP" target on their back? Like I said, it's the trademark Horde retardation.

Is Sylvanas still a virgin

>It's only war if it's the two factions warring! Other wars don't count!

neck yourself

Baine needs to start crashing the Undercity zeppelin with no survivors if the Horde has any chance next exp.

I would day 1 resub if this was actually the plot

Fuck Sylvanas, and it's high time the Horde paid for Theramore. It might have been Garrosh's plan, but it was enabled by Baine and Vol'jin being to chickenshit to do anything

>you will kill sylvanas and take her loot in your lifetime

Absolutely based

and then they hatefuck each other

lol no
Half of Lordaeron and and Quel'Thalas has been up that cooch.

Dalaran was supposed to be indestructible and housed all the great mages of the era when I waltzed in and razed the place with my zombie army.

Stormwind is nowhere near as powerful.

>this is what elfcucks truly believe
Sylvanas got HUMAN'd by the Big Blight Caller and never looked back. The only place that Elven quim has been split was in Natty's House, why do you think he single-handedly secured that shit in the middle of the Plaguelands during the time that the Scourge were at its peak invasion power?

Nigga probably wanted to catch a few more whiffs of those sheets.

Again, this was pre-alliance.
It was JUST Dalaran defending Dalaran.
The entire Alliance would defend Stormwind.

>this was pre-alliance.

Alliance was formed all the way back in WC2.

This is exciting
I hope there are some nice surprises at this blizzcon

But didn't include most of the races.

>huge text
>short paragraphs
What is this, a book for elementary school kids?

>Is this Warcraft themed book for children?

Anyone with an interest in NeoBlizz lore is likely underage or too mentally stunted otherwise, so yes

>It was JUST Dalaran defending Dalaran.

It was the most powerful city in the world and everyone in the current Alliance + Blood Elves instead of Night Elves was there to defend it.

I think it's just a small booklet they hand out at Blizzcon that contains the first few paragraphs of the book.

Did it get invaded after Archimonde already fucked it up?

>Option A
>South Seas xpac, Kul Tiras, Zandalar etc
>Boats, exploration, playable naga/murlocs etc
>Azshara/Nzoth endboss

>Option B
>Cata 2.0, old world revamped, old god and naga undertones, Horde v. Alliance conflict ramps up again
>1-85 levelling process fixed, new shit to do at a variety of levels, PvP is fixed, subraces/racial hero classes
>Endboss is a racial leader turned into another loot pinata.

Which one would you pick?