post em.
Steam profile thread
>inb4 furry/weeb profile picture
>please validate my existence, the thread
>tfw I always post a random profile in these threads
>Santa Catarina, Brazil
>Probably a faggot from Caçador
Rate mine
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Did he kill himself? Did he stop playing games entirely?
>getting banned was an intentional decision on my part
>i was banned for absolutely no reason
nani the fuck
Mostly playing LoL or stuff on Switch. I'd play Overwatch but it runs poorly on my pc. Also I like Smash 4
where can i see more of you?
WOAH...that's a nice slut
I dont really do much with steam anymore. Just sorta exists.
>weebshit toon picture
>said it once, ill say it again...
why not
>100% achievements group
>"Achievement hunter"
>not posting average completion rate
don't be rude pls.
How've you been, Grafics?
Watch this
i've been okie, mysterious stranger.
How about you?
Where the traps at?
Is Steam cancer? So many "gamers" and "pcmasterrace" "gamers" seem to buy endless amounts of games for cheap when they don't even play them. Essentially they give money out for free. They could easily pirate the game or wait until they want to play it when it goes on sale for even cheaper. Its only natural most games go down in price over time. Not to mention all the Facebook degeneracy that happens on Steam profiles and people literally giving Valve free money for emoticons and what not. Is Steam made for the exploitation of retards?
>tfw anime sissies like my voice and playing with me
>they get easily attached
>I string them along for free games and money on PayPal
>Completely stop talking to them after a month or so and laugh at their sad and desperate messages
I feel like I'm doing them a favor by toughening them up. I also enjoy the free stuff.
video games?
>how to tell somebody is hiding some dark secret
wondering if you still crossdress
yeah its called a vac ban
vac bans show up even on private profiles
maybe I do, maybe I don't.
what's it to ya
this monkey and this thread again
I just miss seeing it
go away you fucking chimpoid
>pic is you
normie inc
Neck yourself you worthless HUEmonkey.
there there saber
everything will be okie
hey qt
hallo joe
stop shitposting on Sup Forums pls
I-I haven't posted on Sup Forums in 10 months
Getting caught was part of his plan, you see.
>Literally no one posting their links
Wth is wrong with you guys? I thought we were also making friends
>adding people from nu-Sup Forums who have a very very high chance of being casuals, immigrants from reddit or other shit tier undesirable websites, or mudblood apeshitter scum
add me up losers
In 2007 I would've said" sure. I'll post it."
But now? Not a chance in hell.
>perma offline friend collector
>ironic weeb
that's a no, lesbo
I'm actually a little fatter. What's your point?
>Sup Forumsscape
anything positive about your profile was utterly ruined by that, why would you not only willingly play a garbage tier browser game for dirt poor third world scum, but also play it with casual retards from Sup Forums?
add me up loser
Honestly haven't been on that in probably 2 years, I forgot I had it in my groups tab. I never really pay attention to any of my groups anymore.
>make good thread
>no replies
>make shit repost thread
>get replies
why do you hate me, Sup Forums?
this isn't a good thread
Why does everyone single one of you have to be a fucking weeb
Haha were le Sup Forums culture xD
Is this the sissy white bois thread?
>Shitting on mechanical keyboards
(You) did a great bait here, well done
i think i have a problem
yeah u do
>4k games
>probably not even 1/10th played
fucks wrong with u? un Sup Forums urself
indie bundles are a hell of a drug
and it's only about 1/2 not played, I generally try to play most of them to see if any are actually good but there's so many that it's hard to keep up
i'm ejaculating on every steam profile in this thread fuck
Lucina is cute
great read
Never understood fags with custom profiles, is that your facebook/blog?
literally me
some people do it for attention, some aren't even custom profiles that you linked, they just have backgrounds that you can get with cards from playing games, and some are joke profiles
Reminder that the sopa de macaco guy is angolan.
looks like the typical white brazilian to me
My profile pic is a face I carved on a log that my dog plays fetch with.
monkey fake news
>Rabi Ribi
Good taste.
On my way to 50% AGC
Your dog plays fetch with a log?
I'm shallow enough for this.
>Still mad I disappeared from Steam since 2013 and missed all these great summer badges
still mad I missed this years. Damn it
Does yours not? I have a wood pile in my back yard for campfires and my dog uses it like a toy box.
>all these blogs
I keep my profile private, it's my own little space
apart from when I post it on Sup Forums of course
I like the avatar, mind sharing it?