What did Ubisoft mean by this?
What did Ubisoft mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
White genocide: the game
To be accurate to the art in Pompey.
CPUs getting fucked by Denuvo
Swap the races of the two characters and nobody would care. Only people getting triggered are white virgins who think another person getting laid is somehow and act of cuckoldry against them.
>Swap the races of the two characters and nobody would care
That's part of the problem. Why is it literally ALWAYS a black male and a white female? In movies, commercials, and games it is always a Black make and a white female.
that niggers and jews are subhuman degenerates
Saw that new movie by Adam Sandler And Dustin Hoffman. His daughter goes form dating a white Jewish kid to a black kid. They make a point of showing them kissing and saying "she is much happier with him than the white kid". Really don't understand why there is such a large push in interracial relationships in media lately.
more like cuckbisoft
that white women has always LOVED black men, and that is not a recent thing
it's time to learn a real history, white boy.
>white jewish
Get your facts straight shitposter
t. Coalburning whore
The Jews have been pushing interracial relationships for years, it's nothing new.
they did loss wrong
roman colonists
All I can see is loss.
Why are Pompeii paintings in Egypt?
The guy in that picture is clearly just tanned, likely from being outside. The guy in the OP is a black man.
a double meme, very impressive
People in that era painted people of all races banging, idiot
because they are the only survivors of that decadent culture
I see
fuck you - you are the reason the any even remotely kinky shit is off-limits in media, even when it's appropriate
Let me ask you a better question, Sup Forumsfags.
Why did they censor THIS?
Because Ptolemys
>another Sup Forums thread
>black man having sex with a white woman
what are you talking about
are you fucking retard or something?
Coal burner whores disgust me to no end.
please don't digital blackface.
> 25 and still a virgin
Thinking mans fetish.
>deliberately replacing obviously bronzed white men with black African negros
>a good thing
>Adam Sandler And Dustin Hoffman
both of them were recently accused of sexual assault
really makes you think
Anyone else find ancient porn incredibly lewd? Like, just the thought of buttsex and cowgirling existing thousands of years ago makes my dick really hard.
Stop acting like a fucking retard.
Only 5 years until phenomenal cosmic power finds you, user.
They only push white female black male relationships though.
even tho cuck is overused as fuck , unironic cucks should hang
>digital blackface
>look it up
>it's real, and people are offended.
you should post that on Sup Forums, guaranteed 300+ posts.
the future
>getting this triggered over people of a different race getting something you aren't
>a single ten year old budget thriller nobody remembers
Sure proved him wrong.
Unless you see defeating hyperbole as an accomplishment.
What did he mean by this thread?
>black African negroes with brown hair
They specifically made dicks small in Roman art because large penises were considered barbaric
since when a missionary or a doggystyle is a "kink"?
>saving that picture
Really enjoy that dog knot dontcha?
+200 replies
>obscure b-movie that literally no-one cares about
neck yourself.
How did white people even come into being if women favored darker men? Did white people just appear out of nowhere?
let me guess, white, as well?
reminder that humans have always been shit posters
That's it, I'm done with western games. Slavs and nips are truly the last hope.
Male role is dominant therefore you cant have it other way. Female is always submissive if she was black it would be submissive therefore racist. It's funny how leftards by promoting black male white female relationship at the same time admit that female is just a submissive servant.
The specific paintings they edited to make this cuckold propaganda were of a white man and woman.
Is Sup Forums the single most cucked board on Sup Forums? Every day, they find something new to get upset about and they are constantly forced to see interracial couples fucking and shit.
Isn't that what cuckoldry is about? Niggers taking your women?
why do you think white people are called "white devils" the devil created them.
>Did white people just appear out of nowhere?
yes, pretty much the same as the universe we're that good
God it's great to be white
The people who designed the levels are cucked nonwhites living out their fantasies through ingame easter eggs
Does that trigger you? :^)
Ancient art would usually depict men as having darker skin than women, as they do, but this is obviously excessive.
>someone made up something to be offended about
Does this really surprise you anymore?
oh shit, sick frog meme friendo! mind if I save that, fellow Sup Forums poster?
I think they were just following that pattern, but their art is shit.
>Really don't understand why there is such a large push in interracial relationships in media lately.
Yep I wonder why
Actually it's really simple. Nobody cares who you fuck outside of your nation/ethnic group if the offspring is raised someplace else. Problem with coalburning is that it near-universally means that whitey gets stuck raising the tarbabby
It's a biological reaction strengthened through social conditioning.
new spider man's white villain has a black wife
You mad legionary bois?
reply to this post if you've ever browsed neogaf, be honest
Yeah, the guys in the picture aren't tan skinned. They're straight up negro black men
>roman art
>eating pussy
that has to be a slave
Probably this. How does the quote go? ''Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity'' or something?
Yeah, that's WAY lighter than OP's pic.
More games should feature interracial lesbian cunnilingus.
It's the evolution of the Open World gameplay.
Green is the natural colour of white people.
the game was designed by Ubisoft Montreal, and canadians are notorious cucks. just like the swedes who designed the latest wolfenstein game and that also had plenty of things like that.
Almost as sick as your conspiracy theory, good sir!
They didn't eat pussy back then? Sounds like something Romans would do.
This. Or a prostitute. Eh, same thing essentially. Except slaves don't get payed.
the guy in the painting is faded in color due to the painting being over fucking 2000 years old
This is actually accurate though, surprised this didn't cause controversy in the media.
>Black man going after fat, white pigs
Isn't this considered a racist stereotype?
what the fuck are you talking about you mouthbreathing retard?
there should be a blanket ban on frogposters
as far as I know oral was degrading because it defiles the site of rethoric, which was important in roman culture
plus it's beta lmao
looks like a satyr
rape demons