What are some video games that let me be a communist?

What are some video games that let me be a communist?

Wolfenstein 2



star trek

Any game where you can starve to death


Tropico games

What game?

VA-11 Hall-A

Call of Duty: World at War.

KGB / Conspiracy

Thanks. Looks cool.

hearts of iron
everlasting summer
red orchestra
revolution under siege
insurgency if you pretend you're fighting for the PFLP

Every WW2 game to ever exist

I hope you die. Painfully.

This reaction isn't normal
Sup Forumstards are mentally ill

and death to spies

Strategy games, I guess.

Communism has killed more than Nazis and the KKK combined

Tetris for the true communist gaming experience

Not relevant to this thread. Quit your SJW-tier crying.

Spotted the Sup Forumsirgin edgelord


It's fucking video games. Killing people is generally the point.


Papers Please
Tooth n Tail I guess?
I suppose Multiplayer Shooters and Grand Strategy doesn't count

Are you triggered? lmao

Don't Starve


OP Samefagging

I wish moralfags would leave

Literally none other than maybe some Civ/city builder games, since there has never existed in the history of mankind a functioning communist society.


WTF I love communism now?!?!

You'll be hanging within the decade.

Kirov reportin'

You're mentally ill

quick bitching faggot

cccp-chan a cute btw

Shut up, faggot
How can you be so edgy and such a bitch at the same time? Pick one


Please, oh please, somebody shop that ruskie soldier face from that propaganda photo.
You know which one.

>muh 100 million
>the idiotic failures of stalinist dictatorships as well as people who were communists in name only (pol pot) means communism is worse than an ideology that openly advocates for genocide

Your clock is ticking reds

I wonder if the jews ever thought that if everyone hates them in every era and every part of the world, maybe it's a tiny bit their fault?

fuck you I'm posting cccp-chan and none of you fags can stop me

>n-not true communism!

>muh 100 gorillion

Reminder Sup Forumstards are just the SJWs of the right.


Red Faction

Red Faction


This board is so sensitive, good god.

baby saw a bad picture, does baby need to be changed?

who is this seamen demon and where can I go to sell my soul ?

what does this have to do with the jews though? i never mentioned the jews. why is your first response when i attack fascism to reply "muh jews"? could it be that the braindead fascist's ideology is founded on prejudice and insecurities over his own incompetence?
definition of communism: a classless, stateless, moneyless society
definition of socialism: a society wherein the means of production belong to the people (basically)
like clockwork the brainlet fascist uses his one talking point he got from Breitbart, the inability to examine things analytically.

Red Faction

Papers, Please is pretty good depiction of a soviet bloc

communism has never worked

Yes, this one.

>This kid arguing with himself to bump his shit thread.

It wasn't real communism.
Leninis, Stalinism, Trozkism, Maoism, none of those is real communism



communism has never worked

Papers please

They were all real communism. Was it distorted by leaders? Sure, but if you're looking for a system that's not distorted by leaders, you're living in a fucking fairy tale.

define white

Communism is "By Jews, For Jews: The ideology"

>Baiting Sup Forumstards this hard into losing their shit
You really want this thread to go to shit, don't you?


Rub your shoes in lotion!

Isn't already?

Grand Strategy games

There's not "true communism". This is the real communism. It's like retarded communism apologists are missing that the first step is literally "violently take away people's things".

I’m CIA.

I'm ignorant of politics, but my understanding is that, at least in theory, Capitalism is everyone trying to keep as much money as they want and Communism is where you have to share it with everyone.
The former sounds much more Jew-y to me. Jews don't want to share their wealth.

if it looks like cum you've got a white

Of course. Anti-Sup Forums is just as bad. They don't actually care about the board, they just pretend they do to try to claim some moral high ground. I guess horseshoe theory really is true.

>play everlasting summer because it's free
>you can fucking date hatsune miku

is vocaloid/miku that popular in russia ?

real communism can only be achieved in Heaven

Commie Mario 3.

you're like a broken record user. also,
>communism is an ideology
showing your lack of education something fierce here user, why would you try to debate against something you don't understand in the slightest?

>all these idiots who think that you have to be a capitalist to oppose communism
fourth comintern didn't tag their enemies as capitalists my dudes

Where did this occur?

*blocks your path*

so a semi-socialist holdover state only made to survive until the real marxist revolution starter that later lost any inkling of moving towards the left thanks to reformists is true communism? when you say "hurrr durrr no true communism" you are admitting to being ignorant of history and ignoring nuance.

what are you then smartass?


Capitalism is everyone has the freedom to financially make something of themselves. It allows the best or most skilled to make it to the top.

Communism keeps everyone at the same poor as shit level. Communism IS jewey.

In the Jewish Talmud, it repeatedly states that gentiles (non-jews) are cattle and we are considered slaves.
It even says when the Jewish messiah comes (aka The Antichrist), every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

Communism IS Judaism: Political edition

>In communism you have to share with everyone
Marx did not have a problem with people hoarding material goods, he had a problem with how those material goods were obtained. For example, he'd be ok with you having 100 blu-rays of bible black if the money you bought them with didn't come from the exploitation of a worker's surplus value. (What in capitalism is called benefits)

this is why we have national bolshevism for jew-free communism

Wasn't Venezuela just ruined by communism in the last few years? How many more examples do people need before they stop trying?

Bakunin was better on the JQ than Marx. People don't realize that literally everyone knew about the Jews before WWII, they just differed on how to deal with them.
Starts with F and ends with "ist".

Facism pretty much loses to Communists in terms of morality, every time. Communism is mostly bad because of traits it borrowed from Fascism, alongside sheer incompetence of it's leaders. This is mostly because Communism doesn't have any built in way to deal with it when a shitty leader comes to power, while most other systems do.

On top of that, nobody has actually achieved Communism because it's impossible. Marx predicted that another change in the form of production would lead to Communism, starting in Industrialized first world nations. Instead, modern technology extended Capitalism even longer, and automation is leading the world to "Post-Scarcity Economics", in which there's no need for factory workers, therefore making an economic system that's centered around factory workers redundant.

It wasn't real socialism.

Damn, this game looks great.

>Private ownership is a thing

>on the jewish question
did you actually read it, though?
nazbol is just fascist lite. take the worst marxist spinoff ideas and add an assload of nationalism, disgusting.
communism isn't authoritarian
communism doesn't have leaders
you are showing your ignorance and lack of education.

It was ruined by being run by mestizos who thought basing their entire economy on oil was a good idea, not socialism/communism per se.

>ignoring history
>when every historical attempt at communism ended with a bloodbath

Maybe ask nicely next time you seize the means of production from the people who know how to produce stuff