Are there any companies you flat out refuse to support financially? For me it's Ubisoft, because of their blunt...

Are there any companies you flat out refuse to support financially? For me it's Ubisoft, because of their blunt, transparent, and frankly annoying viral marketing campaigns.

i just don't feel like installing uplay

Double fine

konami, SE, EA, bandai, capcom, ubi, activision, gearbox, valve, bethesda, maybe im missing some
t. full pirate since 6 months

Would be easier to list the few devs I support.
>Stygian Software
>Mimimi Productions

I don't even pirate AAA trash anymore, not worth my time.

EA. I'm probably going to do the same with Ubisoft too.

Every major publisher deserves bankruptcy for their rampant fucking shilling and rehashing, on disc DLC, microtransactions as well as every other horrible fucking stain on the industry. They keep trying to expand the industry like a traditional business would by squeezing every penny out of the limited base of consumers. I hope to god that they're tying the fucking noose that'll hang them in the end

Same here. Fuck 'em. Garbage games, garbage opinions. I only support indie devs, small teams, and Valve at this point.

havent supported ubisoft since asscreed 3 glitchy trainwreck.

They do this because Microsoft and Sony encouraged them. With every sale of sports shit and CoD a portion goes to Microsoft/Sony.

Game DLC wasn't even a thing until Microsoft created an eshop that allowed you to pay 5.99 for a 364Kb download "containing" maps and skins.


And any game with DRM

The unholy trinity: EA, Activision and Ubisoft.

There are others pretty bad, but these three are fucking hell.

Ubisoft EA Capcom Nintendo activision bethesda rockstar and the list go on

Nintendo, especially with how shit the Switch is. It can't even run Monster Hunter World!

Ubisoft, Bethesda.
I will never give these companies another dime.
I still buy EA games at full price.

SE, Capcom and Japan studio

Are they even remotely relevant anymore?

psychonauts ii

pretty much

Arkane. I was excited for Dishonored 2 and it turned out to be the same shit as any other AAA game with it being unplayable on release on PC.

I'm not 100% boycotting but I don't like:
Ubisoft, EA, Capcom and Activision Blizzard.

KEK valve is the most cancerous gaming company. Gabe is a fucking hack, I hope this is bait. Get your head out your ass dipshit.

How the fuck has no one mentioned Warner Bros? They're probably the worst publisher right now.

Ubisoft is retarded, they should know Nintendo has this site bought out. They can sell the shills here all day and night it wouldn't change a thing.

I boycotted Activision for years. They got sbetter enough that I could buy from them but still rarely do. I've boycotted EA twice in the past for several years and probably will again soon.

No other company comes close. I actually admire Ubisoft being so resistant to a lot of market demands, but the teens and NEETs here won't see past shit marketing and SJW bogeymen.

Ubisoft. They won't get a dime from me ever again after the shit they pulled in 2014. Purposely fucking up watch_dogs on PC so consolefags didn't get bootyblasted and releasing Unity or whatever it was in such a horrid state.

not as a conscious boycott, i've just stopped playing EA and Ubisoft titles because the last 5 or so from each company were awful despite the hype

Blizzard. They fucked with StarCraft 2 LAN play. Never forgive. Never forget.

no, I don't care who makes the game as long as its good. Lucky for me most western devs, with the exception of a few like CDPR and Larian, are fucking trash so I never need to give them money.

Blizzard, Bethesda, Activision, EA, Capcom, SquareEnix, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony

No surprise that I exclusively play PC games


Bethesda might join them in the future

i hate Ubisoft but love rayman. someone save him

Typically I'll buy a game if I think it looks good, even if I'm not too big of a fan of the devs. But after this whole thing with EA, I'm looking forward to being able to pirate BF2 for the story mode.

Konami, that's pretty much it. Bethesda is on a dangerous path though.

I'm a poorfag pirate.
I only support indies.