Find a flaw

Find a flaw

No Kazuya

you're saying that like its a bad thing

Yes I am



These are legitimate answers. Great game nonetheless.


Tekken 3>Tekken 7>TTT2>Tekken 4>Tekken 2> TTT>Tekken 6> Tekken 1>Tekken 5

Ogre and Jin are OP

Tekken 7 was fun, but all the unga retards ruined it.

hold back

When will Lars get his fucking buff? I want to play Tekken 7 again.

>5 at the bottom
>5 below 6
Explain further.

Why T5 so low?? I appreciate that you're not shitting on T7 to be fashionable like so many on this board, but T5 seems like it was another leap from T4, why below T1 even?

Gon is the reason Tekken 3 isn't on PSN.

I didn't even know he was a licensed character until I looked on Google to see why Tekken 1 and 2 only are available.

>hold back
>they start spamming lows or throws

lars is fine
assuming you actually own the game there's no reason you can't play it

fucking spammers amirite fellow person that totally isn't a poser

Gon is awesome, what are you talking about?

Swap 4 with 5 and you'll be correct. 4 wasn't as huge a letdown as TR's Angel of Darkness, but it was a huge slap in the face of fans who were expecting a "next gen experience". It's decent, but it's so underwhelming it's meh-tier.

Lars is the only character I wanted to learn, I got into Tekken with the fourth one but just played it casually, same with 5 and DR. 6 is where I got serious, Lars was my guy and I've never switched. Seeing him get nerfed bummed me out because I don't care for the other cast. I know he's alright but it's still a massive downgrade because he was God-tier in 6 and in TTT2.

Jin is strong.
Ogre however is league-of-his-own tier.
>12f unlockable Crescent Moon for 60dmg.
>Best sidestep in the game.

made eddie, forever allowing scrubs to just mash away instead of wanting to actually learn the game

Small time.


Or learn paul and become unga incarnate.

tough shit nibber
looks like you actually have to use your brain now

Same could be said about Howrang, but scrub Eddy is actually easier to deal with because he doesn't frame trap you.

Eddie and Law button mashers were cancer. They were beatable but it was never fun.

silent entry is so easy to break hes just not viable in yellow for dumb shit like that.

Who is this guy hes drinking a lakefront beer tgats only sold in wisconsin, is this guy from milwaukee my city

No idea who this is but he looks like a chump.

it's mike from red letter media

Tekken 3 got the best "new comers" out of all the games, yes they are all actually considered cancer by the players online since they are very popular and always picked but from design point of view they are all pretty great.

Not a big fan of Tekken 5-7 new characters

Also the marketing for this game was ridiculous, everyone knew about Tekken 3 in 97 and it was everywhere.

Probably cause it's graphics and intro for the time was fucking god tier for a fighter.

No fighting game ever topped that ost
Also Tekken 3 Yoshimitsu best Yoshimitsu

There isn't one, the fact that the continuin series haven't even come close in quality is proof.

>gimped Jin Kazama

Yeah, no thanks.

Only Eddy is cancer.

Only T6 was disapointing to me qua newcomers. 4, 5, (DR) and 7 all have at least a few interesting ones. Josie is one of my mains.

This. That fucking mashing combo is the worst thing to ever happen in fighting games.

Back, Back, Stab, Fuck you

T3 is iconic and T tag and 4 were hyped as fuck when they came out but i never heard from the series ever again until T7

Will Lee ever get a buff in T7?
>inb4 Lee nerf
Shut up don't remind me

I'd just nerf the top 5 or so characters and call it a day, the game is balanced enough to make it worth not rocking the boat.

I'd be alright with that too; Drag definitely needs a nerf

Reminder that Harada is a trash otaku. Tekken 3 wasn't even directed by him.

really? i thought he was the one who saved the series with T3

I need to go back and see it it's good, I had no idea either way as a kid.

i always preferred his alt

>not the "spam X to win" character

My copy occasionally freezes on loading screens

Nah Gon is based

I genuinely think this is the greatest fighting game of all time, considering the time it was released.

>Actually preferring the faggot son to the rad as fuck papi

All i can remember is that it had a lot of content for a fighting game

no walls

!? not japanese diablo ancient japan scary time super fun game video game time game ,.


His xenomorph-like helmet obsessed me for so long. It became my only idea of cool helmet.

>it's not tekken 2
why even bother posting this?

None. Played it for so long that when I played Tekken 7 at a friend's house, as soon as I realized Devil Jin had the movesets of True Ogre and T3 Jin I was good to do from memory.

It's not Tekken 2

I prefer 2 myself but honestly the difference isn't big enough for it to be a competition.

Makes more sense to compare to other series.

The male characters don't take extra damage from Nina's balls kick move.

I don't know what it is about Tekken 3 that I find so appealing. The rest of the series hasn't had the same appeal to me.

I don't know what it is, I think the soundtrack plays a big part.