how long does it take to get good at this game? i really want to like it, but i think i am too bad at video games to be able to enjoy. i just seem to be incapable of becoming better at games. is it the autism?
How long does it take to get good at this game? i really want to like it...
How many hours have you put into it?
I don't know with this game as I played the games in their release order, but you grow to learn them as you go. I got gradually better at Demon's Souls the further I got, and by the time of Dark Souls I had a pretty good grasp of the mechanics already.
Other tips would be just getting more upgrade to your weapon and using different elementals on your weapon. Then just rinse and repeat, experiment.
You will be bad for pretty much the entirety of your first playthrough if it's your first Souls game.
You can try to get good by playing, it'll become easier the more you play, or you can cheese the entire game with Ludwig's Holy Sword.
this game forces you to get gud or quit
you can summon help too so atleast try to live long enough
Put a little time into grinding so you can level up a bit, and upgrade your weapons too. Beyond that, just practise the visceral attacks and just general fighting gameplay to one on one battles.
I was having trouble with Bloodstarved Beast the first time I played. I said fuck it and summoned Alfred just to figure out that bosses get a shit ton of health in coop.
Never did coop after that.
Generally once you beat the Vicar or blood starved beast you tend to be at a level where you're making steady progress.
You do genuinely get better at the game with practice. The game is designed to punish button mashes, for example if you get hit by most enemies, it gives you enough of a window to dodg but not to attack. If you spam attack after getting hit, you get stunlocked to death.
The game encourages aggression but still needs you to temper it with caution.
dont do this
as someone who started with bb i know how you feel. hell i actually returned it after a rage quit but somthing made me pick it up again.
try to put your mind into the game a bit, as that was my problem before, have a strategy for every enemy you see. and learn what the games mechanics are and how they work. for example learning the i-frames in odges or good times to rally back health. as far as weapons are concerned dont fall for the lundwigs meme. use litterally anything else. and by that i mean find somthing that resonates with you and learn to be the best with it.
overall the best advice i can give is be persistent and learn from your mistakes. and improve upon them.
The grab attack fucks me over with BSB. Insanely short windup and if it hits, you're dead.
Summoning increases health but most bosses become much much easier with someone to take aggro off of you.
Solo you may do one or two pot shots in between attack combos by the boss. With a summon you can go to town whilst he attacks the other guy. Plus being able to run away to heal without him chasing you makes things easier.
You don't summon on a soulsborne game famalam
Holy shit, there's actual people recomending worst weapon
only on subsequent playthroughs my guy
if you are going to summon go offline and use npc's they have more health than the boss most of the time
i expected to be memed on desu but thanks for all of the advice anons. i'll keep practicing.
learn how to parry and the game becomes a piece of cake. Maybe a little too much, considering how weak most bosses are to it compared to other souls games.
This and the health regen on hit shit make the game pretty easy at times.
I think it depends on how many souls games you've played before.
I had played DeS, DaS 1 and 2 before BB and I felt like I was getting the hang of it around the time I beat Amelia.
But if it's your first Souls game it might take longer.
Not recommending, just saying that it's an option.
My first Souls game was Dark Souls, back in 2011 when I was still a casual, I found out that the Drake Sword was OP and used it through the first half of the game.
Dark Souls was my favorite game until Bloodborne came out, so I think it's safe to say that it didn't ruin my experience.
it did ruin it. you just dont know because you never had the experience of not having it
Some bosses seem like they're designed to be parried like the regular final boss and the guy on top of the castle.
You *can* do them without parries but it's insanely hard.
Took me until NG+ Orphan to get good, so could be awhile away yet.
The health regen is often used to try to bait you into doing risky/stupid attacks though. Especially early on.
I had a great feeling beating BSB 1st try on my second play through. It takes time but getting gud at this game is worth it.
I didn't "get" it until I cleared most of the main game and was 3/5ths of the way through the challenge dungeons to fight Yharnam. Then again as someone who has been playing action games their entire life, doing something as dodging "in" to your opponent seemed like the most counterproductive thing in the world and I had to unlearn not to do it.
Mfw I used to farm vials at all levels at the central Yharnam and I went there after killing Rom, I was like, what the heck are you doing here buddy?
this was the first souls game I got, got killed over and over by the first mob of guys and love it, first game to give me a real challenge in ages.
all I can say is take you're time, be a coward if you have to, and eventually, you're get a handle on things.
I played Bloodborne without having played any Souls games and it took me like 5 or 6 hours to get the hang of the mechanics and everything.
here's a tip. use the R2 charged spin move for the hunter's axe. it makes the game a lot easier in the early stages. it's worth putting in the time to git gud though. after i beat bloodborne i went and played dark souls 1-3 and really enjoyed the hell out of them (even 2).
yeah the first time i played bloodborne it took me 30 tries to beat him with a fucking old hunter summoned.
second playthrough i beat him solo on my first try.
Look up i-frames and how to use them. The game will click immediately.
I feel like it's subjective, like some people can pick up the game with no trouble. I personally didn't find the game very hard at all, too be fair though I've played past souls game before playing it aswell as game similar to it in design
what's wrong with that sword?
It's relatively easy to get and a pretty good boost at the start, so basically the Drake Sword I suppose.
There's nothing wrong with using it though, use it if you like the moveset.
took me a couple of days to figure it out but my only motivation to git gud was that I had just spent 50 bucks on that motherfucker and I don't like to waste money
if I had got it for less I would have abandoned it