>do this kind of stuff in Sonic Adventure
>"lol wow you can break the levels, big deal"
>do this kind of stuff in mario odyssey
really makes you think
Do this kind of stuff in Sonic Adventure
Both reward you.
But man, those double standards
>people will argue that you were never meant to do this in sonic whereas you are in mario odyssey
>extra life at the top of the building clearly proves them wrong
Hold up, who are you quoting?
the difference is, sonic the hedgehog has quite LITERALLY been proven by the us national library of health and medicine to GIVE people autism. It's extreme cringe. At least Mario is for all ages and isn't horribly embarrassing to be caught playing.
that's pretty cool though, I don't think I've seen anyone doubt doing stuff like that being neat
>extra life placed on the roof
>totally breaks the game
Sup Forums
who are you quoting?
literally nobody ever said that
>who are you quoting?
Fuck off immigrant newfag retards
You posted multiple quotes in the OP implying that they are by the same person.
cant wait for the v hivemind to decide that sonic adventure is better than mario odyssey
>im an oldfag if I make shit up!!
I was about to say mario oddysey has items in places where only more proficients would go but I was surprised to see 1-ups in places like on top of that building like in the gif.
man I want a sonic adventure 3
>controls became smoother and better conveyed momentum and speed as the franchise went on while the Adventure games feel like janky pieces of shit
>at the same time level design has taken a sharp downward spiral to the point that a lot of them in Generations and Forces are literally on-rails for the most part
None of this is fair
Sup Forums is only 1 person. Every post is just me with another proxy
Nice OC! Mind if I save this?
Fuck off immigrant newfag retard
Who the fuck are you quoting? I like that kind of shit in any game.
Literally Sup Forums, you monobrains. Use the archives for a change. You can easily find posts calling the OP webm out as an example of a level being broken and devs just adding a 1-up for lols, whilst that new webm of Mario getting through a koopa race with similar tricks gets replies that praise it
It's almost like Sonic Team can't progress without failing.
That webm was pretty satisfying.
But it is broken. Do the same shit that was done in the webm and you can get out of bounds in most levels. It just looks "cool" in the webm because that level is completely open and you can't get out of bounds.
It is though
>better soundtrack barring the two pauline songs and the forest song, which are on par
>interesting hub worlds that connect the main levels to explore
>Six different ways to play the game with distinctly different objectives and abilities (granted one of them is awful and another is mediocre, but good overall)
>interesting but not great plot vs. Mario generic princess excuse plot
>sanic is faster, levels have exploration but also a focused goal so speedrunning is fun
>features the man with the master plan
>foundational 3d game that inspired many to come including mario odyssey
Literally the superior game, how can mario even compete
if it's so easy why haven't you just posted it instead of being an angsty, limpdicked fuck?
>"uh... it's somewhere bro, go search it!"
>"What do you mean I'm making shit up in an attempt to waste your time?"
Get better tricks, pal
>newfag doesn't recognize the "who are you quoting" thing
I liked it then and I liked it now what's your point dipshit?
It's from reddit, I think he recognized it.
Mario Odyssey is good, but they way a lot of people praise it, you'd think they've never played a platformer before. Most of the game just feels like a bigger version of 3D Land.
pm'd it to you
Nigga I don't know who you're quoting but I appreciate this in both games, ESPECIALLY Sonic for how much jurisdiction you have over your speed and momentum in the Adventure games.
I just haven't bought a Sonic game since Riders though, and the last non-spinoff being Heroes. Because I look at the new games and it doesn't look like there's still that freedom.
Sonic's gameplay in Adventure had so much promise. If only they kept expanding upon it instead of being dipshits.
At the very least, it's a close contest. Sonic Adventure is a great game and most of the people who disagree are just edgy contrarians.
>you are an edgy contrarian for not liking a broken game that controls like shit
OP has a point.
People pointing out HOLY SHIT THERE'S COINS ON THE ROOF THAT'S REALLY HARD TO GET TO, THEY KNEW. As if this is the first time a platformer has ever had an easter egg or secret in video game history.
You say "broken", I say "charmingly retro".
Also the controls are fine, the game is quite easy through out, if you ever felt out of control then you need to get gud.
It was very well received at the time. It hasn't aged well.
>you need to get gud
Its a fucking sonic game. Its not difficult.
Why are adventurefags such horrible autists?
Right, that's what I said. The game offers little resistance so I'm not sure how someone would even get the opportunity to say the controls are bad.
Everybody shits on their games and them for liking it. Most people be hostile dealing with that kind of thing.
I liked sonic adventure