People used to play games like this for 10 hours a day, having the time of their life

>people used to play games like this for 10 hours a day, having the time of their life
>now if a game doesn't run at 240fps @ 8K with all graphics set to high people call it literally unplayable
What went wrong?

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The gimme gimme generation happened.

because things have improved and standards have changed

>10 hours a day
dude it was closer to like half an hour before going back outside and playing in the dirt again

also people think that having extravagant tastes increases their personal value, so they'll demand the best constantly, we love that shit

Who are you quoting?


this, my dad was a big gamer back in the day and even he only played for like half an hour a day and then go play outside

I agree. Damn kids these days and their Eye pads and smart phones. Back in my day we actually used our phones to talk! Now if you excuse me, I have to go to take my pills.

It's retarded that people say things like "back in the day, fps didn't matter!".

Most SNES games ran at 60fps, no shit frame rate didn't matter.

Baby Boomers?

Most people don't like games now because they're shit, not because of the graphics. If they talk about the graphics they usually talk about the the missed potential of having the game run at a variable resolution that sometimes hits 1080p at 20 fps because consoles are terrible.

>Most SNES games ran at 60fps
People also lost their shit when Star Fox came out, which ran at like 15fps.

what if games are shit because people don't buy games without fancy graphics that cost millions and don't even run properly on consoles or low-end PCs

Graphics are the most identifiable flaw you can find in a game. It can take experience and self-reflection to understand why you don't like a certain aspect of gameplay or story, but anyone can see when a texture is out of place.

Graphics are arguably the least important part of most games.

Plebs focused on muh graphics is how Avatar made billions of dollars despite having a mediocre, at best, story

Well then it's a vicious cycle. I'd kill for some lower budget games that are actually games with good gameplay instead of watered down movie games or games with AssCreed combat.

I used to associate framedrops to awesomeness because that usually happened whenever you used a super attack or a lot of shit happened on screen. Now just turn the camera or travel a bit too fast in any open world game and this happens.

How does that change what I said? The vast majority still ran at 60fps so the odd game with a shitty framerate was not a topic of contention, they were outliers.

Same. I remember putting goldeneye into the single digits with explosions and loving it

man, i fucking love me some paperboy. that, and the Rampage games remind me of being a kiddo. good times.

Nobody played paperboy for ten hours a day


paperboy was a fucking shit game. 100% nostalia in play there.

Rampage, however, was fucking awesome and made me a furry

The younger generations wants the whole top of line and top tier 60 frames per second. Show's no respect for the originals which started the gaming industry.

Seeing the giant lizard turn into a naked girl made me feel funny inside as a child. Twenty years later I take hormones, dress as a woman and get fucked by men. Thanks Rampage!

wow we experienced very different things from this game

wait no we didn't, there's still lots of sex with transexuals.

i'm an oldfag & I played Paperboy at the arcades then
It was cool and all, but we were mainly there to meet girls and maybe get buy some weed
pic related was my favorite to play at home

People used to be amused by jumping jacks and hoola hoops user.

>people used to salt and dry the fuck out of their meat to preserve it
>now people just put it in a freezer
fucking casuals

>have the technology to have games running at 240fps 8k resolution
>jewish devs are too greedy to incorporate this, leaving blunders like Uncharted 4, AC Origins, and Horizon Zero Dawn to be lapped up by the public, despote being shit that rivals early PS3 games.

>people used to salt and dry the fuck out of their meat
used to?

>People used to eat these for years
>now if meat is uncooked it's uneatable


This doesn't relate to the thread at all

>t. millenial

Cooking with fire predates humans by 800,000-2,000,000 years

Thats salting user, not drying via salt.
THIS is salting to dry.

what the fuck, i can't even play the game unless it's rendered at 16K (downscaled to 4K) with 16x SGSS Anti-Aliasing

no. paper boy sucked. rented it as a kid, put it down after 30 minutes. what a mistake.

>>now if a game doesn't run at 240fps @ 8K with all graphics set to high people call it literally unplayable

That's just Sup Forums

Yes it does you brainmidglet.

I still play text-based games, doesn't mean I don't shit on ugly AAA games like pic related.

Sometimes having the best just shows you that you are a miserablepile of shit anyways
t. richlet

i still play these kind of games for up to 10 hours at a time. I see a lot more young folks in the hobby, and i like their pee pees

A "friend" of mine literally told me he feels sorry for me because im playing Diablo II because "it looks horrible"

Same guy asked me if i have Destiny 2 or PUBG to play something else other than LoL with him. I cant fucking even.

Same person said he cant play single player games because if its not online its not worth it and its boring

When compared to the previous two installments in the series, Assassin's Creed Origins takes a major leap of faith towards a bold new direction with its gameplay and mechanics. Unity and Syndicate both introduced small changes to the AC formula, while keeping the core principal untampered - find your target in a sprawling city, stealth your way to him vertically or horizontally and try your best to assassinate him by stabbing him in the back with your hidden blade, or if push comes to shove, use your assortment of other weapons to dispatch your target(s).

Origins takes the core idea and builds around it a larger scope of gameplay variety, while placing it in an open world environment. These are no subtle alterations, nor are they a departure from what makes an Assassin's Creed game an Assassin's Creed experience. Everything is still here, but bigger. Previous titles had upgrade mechanics, while Origins has a skill tree separated into three branches. All three compliment the core gameplay mechanics, thus alloweing the player to mix and match his favorite style of gameplay.

The setting for this installment - Ancient Egypt - is probably the most popular historical period in my personal opinion when looking back at the previous games. The world is sprinkled with amazing sights. While exploring, the player can come across a plethora of side activities that are not as cumbersome as in previous games in the series. That is because the development teams at Ubisoft drastically downsized the amout of collectables and opted for a larger emphasis on side quests, where each has its own unique storyline that ties with the main plot.

Overall Assassin's Creed Origins is a healthy return to form for the series! It feels like a true sequel that builds upon the core concept of the series.

>wants to spend more time with you
>you ridicule him and call him a "friend"
neck yourself

Do you consider people you met on discord your friends? Are you THAT gullible ?

Hes just a NEET "student" with nothing to do all day but play video games ,if it wasnt for me hed play with someone else.

>Do you consider people you met on discord your friends? Are you THAT gullible ?
You said nothing about him being somebody you met through discord versus somebody you know in real life, you fucking retard.

"friend" means literally that.
Someone whos not a real friend but you just know him somehow

This was equivalent to 240 fps @ 8k back then.

That's called an acquaintance.

Are you autistic?

That's called an acquaintance, moron.

What the fuck ever

You've really shown your intellligence. GJ

240fps at all graphics on lowest is the best choice

>too dumb to know the meaning of basic words
>too autistic to know when somebody wants wants to hang out with you (even in a virtual setting like vidya)
What a winning combo

back then it was the best they could do. no one had any better
Now when we can have everything in 4k 120fps there is literally no excuse for it to be sub 30fps 720p.
/thread etc

>dont remember one stupid English word
>user grabs the chance and rushes to show how superior he is to everyone because of his tiny dick


Games used to have better gameplay.
Look up 2048. The graphics are squares with a number, but I bet you can't stop playing it

>being this defensive and proud of your ignorance
Let me guess, you're black?

Yeah like so black you cant see me in the dark.
No you fuckhead why the fuck would i be black? Are there so many niggers in burgerland that its a common thing to see? Fuck off now im out of (You)s

>no internet back then to complain about it
>more original concepts in gaming more frequently
>only had local multiplayer
>games didn't cost billions to make so more selection
>physical game rentals...nothing like looking at a cover of a game you'd never heard of and, even if it sucked, getting good at it over the weekend
>score attack games were much more frequent

jesus christ how much are you getting paid to push this crap

damn. i remember playing out. shit was fun.

>Seeing the giant lizard turn into a naked girl
Yo, what?