Which one was GOTY?

Which one was GOTY?

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Persona 5

Nier automato

Persona 5


Not Danganronpa

It's actually kind of a tough choice for me between P5 and v3. P5 was pretty good up until the last 1/4th, then it all went to shit. v3 is obviously a much shorter and more shallow experience, but it was fantastic throughout.

Persona 5
Nier is the worst game of the year.

Woah, hey guys

If p5 is in your goty list you are a faggot with no social life and self insert.

>Not Odyssey or Botw
>Weebs are this delusional that they think their obscure weird games have enough mass appeal to be GOTY

If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? The answer is yes, but no one hears it so no one cares.

Why are you so mad

Weebcore trash get the fuck out

Endless Space 2


because that piece of shit cost 60$ and i got a mediocre book of it.
Fucking TLOU has more gameplay.

Nier Automata if I had to choose between those three. Though V3 ended up being way better than I expected.

Don't wanna play P5 until I play 3/4

Middle game came out last year retard

sonic mania

Nier Automata

If it isn't in English, it doesn't exist.


Have you never played a fucking JRPG before? There's no way you didn't know EXACTLY what you were getting when you bought P5 unless you just started playing video games within the last year.

>Sup Forums shits all over western games that put an emphasis on story or visual novels like Life is Strange or The Last of Us
>But it's okay when otaku pandering japs do it


get your cringy shit out of video games

Okay but is this game actually any good or is it just a South Park episode masked as a game?
Because if it's the latter then fuck that, South Park has been really lame in recent years.

Should I get into the Danganronpa series if I really love the Ace Attorney games? Should I expect them to be at the same quality or better than the original PW trilogy?

Botw, Mario, persona and yakuza are all great. Don’t make me choose.

Sorry, we're trying to decide the ACTUAL goty, not just whatever's the most popular. If that's your criteria then just go look up the sales numbers. Do you think the candidates for the Nobel Prize in literature are just drawn from the NYT best seller list?

Mario, Yakuza 0 and Cuphead are better than all 3

>implying JRPGs have as much text adventure VN shit as Persona

Maybe he thought it was Nocturne 2?

Ok, let's cut the GOTY bait bullshit. Which had the better plot/characters and why?

Yes you should play Danganronpa, it's fantastic. Never played AA so I can't compare. If you play DR then you absolutely have to start with the first game and go in order, because each new entry spoils the fuck out of the previous ones.

Because the new SMT is a switch exclusive


V3 shouldn't even be up there

>we're trying to decide the ACTUAL goty
So none of those games then. I mean hell, Persona was released last year, if you're talking about the ACTUAL GOTY then you should be talking about games released THIS year.

There's like 6 hours of dialogue and barely any gameplay in the beginning. Most popular jrpgs don't have that shit.

Played p4 , same garbage with "muh weifu" parts so self can feel at home
Enjoy P3 a lot. It was great mix between school/smt tone
People call 5 a welcome back to the smt roots , but at the end is just P 4.5
Also Kamoshida/Madarame were the only interesting parts , after that game goes to the shitter

Not him but I personally thought the stealth trivialized the game forcing everything to be over in a single turn.
Not to mention I disliked how overwhelmingly strong some of the perks could be.
Not to mention how all of the characters were shit minus the doctor
Not to mention all of the scenarios were really shit
I want the mob system to return from SMT 1

Giving one of these games a GOTY would be like giving the Nobel Prize to a romance novel. Sure they're very well liked by the weird-ass audience they pander to, that doesn't mean they aren't shit.

Gravity Rush 2 remains my GOTY tbqhfam

Get out.

In terms of my enjoyment
V3 > Persona 5 > Nier

So Danganronpa V3 is my (weeb) game of the year.

Get some taste.

>People call 5 a welcome back to the smt roots , but at the end is just P 4.5
>Also Kamoshida/Madarame were the only interesting parts , after that game goes to the shitter

Agreed 100% on both counts.

it's okay when the game is good
also while people were memeing about the whole social justice vibe you initial got from life is strange, most people enjoyed the game and the opinion on Sup Forums is pretty positive

>mfw the game glitched out on me and did this a while back

It's has pretty good gameplay, and is a huge step up from the first game. The writing is more like the last few seasons, but mixed with super hero bashing. If you're not that into the last couple of seasons, I say the game might not be for you since you do spent a lot more time watching the story , but if you're really into grid based combat, then maybe pick it up.
also the OST is fucking great

Give it a shot, i liked Ace Attorney and enjoyed Danganronpa

NieR > P5 > V3, although I definetly enjoyed playing through all of them and cans ee they are heavily flawed in some areas.

>People call 5 a welcome back to the smt roots
You know the best part about this claim?
They say it solely because of the negotiation and guns but they don't realise that they were in 1 and I think 2 .I never played 2 so I'm just assuming

guess what? "i reject danganronpa"

What's your GOTY then?

My analogy with the Nobel Prize wasn't meant to be that direct of a comparison. I wouldn't work THAT hard to defend the artistic merits of V3, but I also think dividing things into high/low art is mostly bullshit anyway.

Negotiation and guns being in the first two games doesn't change the game returning to its roots, if anything it strengthens the argument.

Shit, meant for

In terms of my enjoyement
V3 > Nier > P5
What it's actually going to be voted
P5 > Nier > V3

None of these deserve GOTY.


god the fucking amerilard cover is awful

glad most people played in superior voices though

Replace Danganshit with Everybody's Golf and add Taiko No Tatsujin: Drum Session!
Then we can talk.

>Negotiation and guns being in the first two games doesn't change the game returning to its roots
Of course it doesn't, but it doesn't mean that it's returning to SMT's roots. Well not that it can because it was never an SMT game to begin with.

In any case those elements were never SMT only which is the point here, they're saying it's turning into SMT based on that alone.

who did the jazzy-poppy intro better?


> not Odyssey or Botw

Yeah because both are bang average but get the Nintendo pass

I played the English dub purely because the first game was dub only and I knew there were returning voices. Wouldn't have felt right to play in nihongo.

Persona 5.

P5 > V3 > Nier

P5, unquestionably.

It's funny because the first game's dub is one of the best dubs in video games

Most do. JRPGs these day are pretty much interactive visual novels with sections of gameplay in between all the story events.

No. They're ok, but they're nowhere near as good as Ace Attorney.

Both are great so yes I would recommend you check the series out.

My personal GOTY, but I'd have to say P5 was a better game.

Purse owner.

It's fine when you have a good story. Most Western games have shit stories that are either up their own ass with political messages, or they're way too edgy and grimdark.

>Most do.
Persona 3, 4 and 5 are the only JRPGs you've played aren't they.
Most JRPGs don't even have a VN style system they just have the cutscenes and then they send you on your way until the next story segment which could be several hours after the last one you experienced, in other words the exact opposite of what Persona does in giving you a small amount of gameplay between swathes of cutscenes. Even the Pokemon series despite having a lot of cutscenes as of late still gives you more gameplay.

An interactive novel, a shit action game with tits in it and a poor man's smt game

Nintendo must be worried

JRPGs are not really my thing

>An interactive novel
An interactive novel with cute babies!

P5 was goty 2016
nier this year

Man, Krillin was a horndog wasn't he.

Persona 5 is not a 2017 game.

>listing multiplats

The 2 97s nintendo got sony cuck

Damn, nothing I've played that came out in 2017 stands out now that I really think about it. I did pick up Doom 2016 a few months ago, so I'm just gonna say that wins 2017 for me.

Persona came out in 2016, so that's not an option. Nier has the shittiest combat I've ever played and looks like an Xbox 360 game (not a big deal, but still, it's ugly as sin), so not that.

So, Danganronpa.

>any of those multiplat
>multiplat means bad

that means BotW is bad too

>a terrible visual novel ever being GotY

I judge games by how much they captivated me and V3 was the most captivating game this year

about 50 hours at the edge of my seat is a pretty great experience

There has to be a balance. Yes, just because something is popular doesn't mean it's really good, but a really good game can be popular for that reason, because it is good. A lot of weeb games are just too fucking obscure and weird, that only a small minority of gamers can enjoy its distinct style.

It's trash and you have bad taste. You probably erp that whore in trash threads, too

Haven't played Automata
Persona 5 is great
I heard bad things about V3 so I am not touching it

no I dont

sure you don't

Automata literally changed my life, I loved everything about it
V3 was good but nowhere near as good

well ye

>Any of those
>goty material
I didnt play dang that ron paul v3 but goddamn nier and persona were boring disappointments.
inb4 some user gets triggered by opinions

it's just brainlets not getting the ending

Those "bad things" are just retards too dumb to understand the ending, don't worry

>Weeb games GOTY of anything
Weebs are truly delusional