>Past a certain age, a man who still plays video games can be a bad thing
Any truth to a statement like this?
>Past a certain age, a man who still plays video games can be a bad thing
Any truth to a statement like this?
What does that even mean?
Do whatever you want, worry about your own life on your own terms and stop thinking about what others think of you. The universe is yours and it's goal is only whatever you want it to be.
the older you get, the less you care what others think of you.
Really only if it takes up a lot of time or pushes out important people. I've got a couple buds with kids who still play games now and then on Steam but they manage to get time with their families
he's right though
Not true. Goal is to pass on your DNA and procreate.
yes i agree with the legacy media's narrative that gamers are terrible people
You need to live by societies rules and norms. If you want to be recluse go live off grid.
I'm not capable of having children, what should I do?
He's right, I quit playing video games at 22 and wish I had stopped sooner.
only teenagers get self-conscious over what others think of them
yet you're here.... You guys don't even try I swear
Hahahaha loser
so basically, octomom contributed more to humanity than sir isaac newton
no shit retard. i only post on Sup Forums to derail shit threads into political discussion.
that's what adults do. they discuss politics.
Of course there is; he could be a video game playing murderer, for example.
Learn fucking English.
Newton left something behind. That was more of the point I was trying to make. You need to leave a mark on life. If you just live it meaninglessly and not contribute anything, it's a waste.
our whole species is a fuckin' waste
we exist to be a cautionary tale to whatever aliens come check out the ruins of our dead gay earth
Yes, I think so. I'm the only one out of my family and friends who still doesn't have a family or a full time staff job. I go to work for 9 hours, get home and game all day. They know this and I can tell they think I'm a fucking loser who wasted his life and opportunities.
So you are the arbiter of what is a waste and what is not?
The point of life is to experience living. Whether you do that as an infertile homeless woman or not. If you experienced life you did it right. The only goal in life is to die.
How bout dis playboi? Let's say you spend 20 years raising kids and they end up resenting you and not liking you and want nothing to do with, what then? Did you win at life if that happens?
How about this then? What if your kids dies before you, then you'll become fucked up and shit, did you when at life then you stinking normie?
What about this scenario? Let's say you get a kid that ends up being everything you hate? Or is a retard, or a neet? Did you win at life than playboi?
The answer is nahh, nahh u didn't win at life if any of those scenarios happen, you've wasted resources and your life on an offspring that didn't deliver, and still end up old and alone.
I want Sup Forums to leave.
no, the goal in life is to live. death is when you spike the football at the end
I guess if you think nothing happens when you die that's true.
Like everything in nature, death is just a change, and I'm sure you'll call me crazy or edgy or whatever, but I'm sure you'll see it differently on the other side. See you there user.
Live your life how you want and stop letting your slave drivers tell you what's right and wrong.
awesome, we'll hang out bro
According to who
No thanks retard, I'll continue to reap the benefits of society while being a recluse. Suck my fat dick.
>can be a bad thing
Almost anything CAN be a bad thing
Yeah, death is a change from functional organs to non-functional organs. A change from an animate object to an inanimate object. To think that there's an afterlife is incredibly egotistical.
>pretending you aren't hedonistic nihilists because you're all contrarian faggots who don't want to be associated with Rick and Morty
Keep letting cartoons dictate who you are, you pathetic fucking sissies, lmfaoooo.
The older I get the less I care.
Apathy and death.
Most philosophers.
You'll see it differently soon enough.
i figure that after i'm dead it'll be pretty much the same as it was before i was born
that is, nothing at all
Yeah it's pathetic. Anyone who thinks the point of that show is to agree with any of the characters didn't get it, too.
No I won't. I'll die. I won't see anything. That's why nobody knows what happens after you die. Because nothing happens.
Sure. You'll see it differently soon enough.
You're full of shit. Most philosophers don't bother with retarded questions like "what's the point of it all bro??" Because academic philosophy isn't a fucking yoga club.
Take your stale meme back to Sup Forums.
Yes. Because he specifies "can" anyone who has a hobby that can stunt maturity can be dangerous to someone growing as a adult. Now what is labeled maturity is sometimes false.
Ultimately something is only a required maturity when it has to do with decision making and responsibility. Acting a certain way isn't always what maturity is. People for some reason think shooting your inner child and burying it in a shallow grave is "maturity".
Considering I know for an absolute fact that there's something after our bodies die, though likely nothing like what modern religion likes to fart about, I find you incredibly egotistical in ignoring fact.
Only true for online games and MMO RPGs.
It's somewhere past age 9,001.
At least it's less harmful than a man who can't stop fucking random thots and breaks his family apart.
Modern religions are just the corrupted messages of religions before them.
There's a whole lot of wisdom to be had in those old religions, too bad the gods of old religion become the devils of the new.
a friend of mine got a PhD in philosophy, and i'm ashamed to admit that i spaced right the fuck out every time he tried to tell me about it
i have no idea what academic philosophy is about
anyway, my friend found out that there were exactly zero jobs available in his field. he's a bartender. someday i gotta go drink at his bar
Only if they appeal to the rules of something is too insane. Obviously rolling on the McDonalds floor screaming memes isn't illegal but it might as well should be.
But at the same time you have to be ready for societies norms to look at you differently. But those who judge things that seemingly have no business being judged like appearance/hobbies shouldn't be taken seriously.
Live is a very gray thing and for some reason people only like to think about subjects like that in black and white. People think "life is about being yourself" means throwing all rules away or being a autist in public 24/7 are as idiotic as people who think you should conform to all of society norms.
Yeah okay.
Suck more cock, faggot
My boss (40 back then) once started a conversation about vidya with me out of nowhere because I was not only the only
male but also youngest in my deparment.
Turned out he was a gamer who had every fucking console since n64. Played because "games help me to relieve stress after a job and I still enjoy them as a kid". Recommended him Nier back then he found it really good. Cool af guy, I quitted half a year later though (working in female team is for masochists).
How do you know?
>working in female team is for masochists
Only if it's all you do and you're a fucking NEET.
Not that guy, but:
There is no feasible way to explain this without you calling me a wacko, So I'd best not even try. There is something after death, you don't have to believe me user, you'll go there no matter what. And it's gonna be weird. But you'll go there, we all go there.
You'll see it differently on the other side.
Nah. As long as you have balance in you're life, not only playing video games without doing anything else with your life, playing video games is fine. It's the same with movies, books, tv shows, hobbies, anything that entertains you.
You need to balance your life with other things. Balance things that make you healthy and improving yourself/learning with enjoying yourself and taking breaks. Too much on either leads to destruction.
>be very slim and fa
>also be gay, but never told it anyone at job because I'm not a special snowflake (women will always know it though when you don't give them "male attention"
>literally dress better than whole female office because my bf was a model
>female coworkers are jealous af
>they gossip all the fucking time
>they never use time productively and grab smartphone every ten minutes (resulting in overhouse while I had only couple of them in the whole time)
>they can't stand each other yet try to talk casually (thing that got me most)
>they think that you ARE obligated to help them with evey shit
>they are completely computer illeterate
>you can't talk with them about any interesting subject as all they discuss are nails and H&M clothes (which results in them thinking you are weirdo who can't into small talk)
Those are general points
God I wish NeoGaf didn't explode, at first it enjoyable but now people like you are scattered all around the web with their awful wit
It's no worse than any other entertainment medium or hobby.
behold, the neogaffer
>absolute fact
Tell us your secrets, gypsy user
Would you even believe me if I did?
>i know the truth, but i can't prove it and nobody will believe me!
What are you, a kid's movie protagonist? The adults won't listen to you even though magic stuff is happening all around you? Grow up faggot.
Spouting memes on an imageboard full of 14 year olds is not discussing politics.
How am i gonna go anywhere when I'm dead? Seems to me like you're saying I am not my body so when my body stops working, I don't die. Death just means you disappear. There can't be anything after it or it's not death.
No, the idea of magic has simply been corrupted from thousands of years of Christian oppression and fucking neo-pagans who think it's an exact science.
The problem is that with neo-pagans being the only image of witchcraft, and it being so culturally ingrained that magic is nonsense, I'm just absolutely sure if I went on a 10 paragraph tangent about how our world works and the world beyond, you simply wouldn't believe me.
Magic is real. Do you want to hear more? Or should I stop now.
>implying theres intrinsic value behind discussing politics.
>implying most discussions arent just uninformed bias confirmations and "opinions"
Are you a brainlet user, because you sure as fuck sound like one.
I believe that there are two life forces within you. A soul and a spirit. The soul is translated from old English to mean "breath" it is why you think, it is why you ask questions, it is where logical thought comes from.
The spirit is something further away. It's the voice in your head, it's why you feel bad when you do something you don't morally agree with.
When you die, and take your last breath out, the soul is separated from the spirit "life" becomes very different now, the part of you that thought, asked questions, and logically processed the world is gone now. You will... Be. But not in any way you could understand now. Memories are a product of the brain, thoughts are product of the brain. Your brain is gone now. You will live, but differently. It's a passive sort of existence that you really won't even be aware of. From there things get weird.
None. It's amazing how people can still say vidya is a waste of time yet almost everyone who will probably tells you that wastes thousands of hours of their life watching TV.
Everytime I see this guy I can just imagine he's still having blue balls for that Daddario titty tease.
I'd have.
TV is a respected medium that has literally changed life and even ended wars.
but its not fedora
the key to enjoying life is not caring about anyone but yourself
And who sold the people war in the first place? TV is as much a propaganda instrument like all media and the idiots take the bait every time.
>being a manchild who gets obsessive about vidya to the point that it’s clearly harmful to the other facets of life
>playing vidya in your free time just like other people spend time with the entertainment medium of their choice
I don’t know why people make threads like this every day here, this should be obvious to everyone who’s got even half a brain. Guess that it really hits the insecure ones, or at least the OPs of these threads believe that they do.
Maybe, but even as an art medium it's still more respected than video games will ever be. Video games are seen as children's toys. TV is something that is not stigmatized with being only for kids.
>caring about the hobbies of strangers or co-workers
Fucking kek okay kiddo.
>respected medium
Jesus fucking Christ you believe this? Especially with the fucking drivel that is being shoved onto TV these days? TV WAS a respected medium, not now, not anymore. There is nothing wrong with playing video games for life as long as you have the rest of your shit sorted out. Don't play video games all the time and ignore your responsibilities. Don't play video games and ignore learning how to drive, keeping yourself in-shape, finding a job, settling yourself.
Because the current old people grew up using TV and still use it. Wait 40 years and when half the grandparents play games it will be the same shit. Both Radio and TV had backlash initially.
Not him but please go on.
Magic works essentially how it is described in old D&D books, with less effect obviously.
A witch/warlock/shaman/whatever's magic only works because s/he believes with all their heart that it will.
In it's most basic premise, magic is a trade. Everything in nature is a relationship with something else. When you make the circle, when you perform the ritual, you speak to a spirit, and trade your human/souls ability to create, with there ability to occur.
All spirits are born of this unexplainable "occurrence", they can make things occur, but they cannot interact, or create.
When you "give" them a creation, they are grateful. They want to make something occur. The ritual shows them exactly what you want to occur. But spirits do not know English. They can't comprehend it. You must show them through the oldest language known to man, symbolism. The ritual is merely an offering of creation, and a symbolic explanation of what you want in return.
If the spirit likes your offering and thinks it wouldn't effect the world in too big of a way, it'll give you what you want.
This is the most basic premise of magic. It only works if you believe it does, because how can a spirit hear you if you don't even think you're talking to it?
This is magic.
Death and the life afterwards is a completely different story. But I'll share that too if you please. I am shaman. My faith has no name, but my gods do.
That's just the power of human belief, everything after that is mostly our own kool aid, because we believe in it.
You don't need to believe in spirits and rituals to make your belief have power.
great season, love that shit.
but no, hobbies are hobbies. So long as you aren't hurting yourself or someone else, you be ight.
Absolutely true user.
But even if you don't believe in spirits and whatnot, imagination is power, and personifying things, giving yourself something to tangibly imagine, inherently gives it more power, makes it easier for your belief to carry power.
I believe my gods are simply patterns of energy, but when you attribute names and figures to them, you can surmise that energy in a very beneficial way.
What I say is mostly metaphorical, but making something a metaphor absolutely does make it more powerful.
Do you believe in the rule of 3's user
If you mean the threefold law, no. If you mean the power unexplainably laced in the number 3, then yes absolutely.
Isnt the three fold law more or less a variation of Karma or something?
What about making trade directly with the world?
Say offering one ability for another like binding oaths limiting yourself in one aspect for power in another.
Who's gonna stop me, the police?
>variation of Karmic laws or something