Far Cry 5

Seems like Ubisoft is taking a big risk by making a game in America about religious fundamentalism.

Will this game earn critical acclaim and financial success?

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Far Cry has been shit since 2.

anybody else real fucking tired of religious themes in games, movies, art? feels like everything needs to be an allusion about the bible

This is the fakest thread I've ever seen. Work harder Ubi marketers.

athiests are not welcome here

>a game in America about religious fundamentalism

It's not about vanilla religious fundamentalism, the villain is a former movie-star who's created a cult venerating him as the messiah.

Stop acting like this game is about Christians.

Using Christian imagery nevertheless so they can still denigrate it. Now do the same cult thing but with Muslim imagery.


I'm tired.
Taking jabs at Christianity is easy and safe.
Criticizing Islam would take real courage and you will never see it in AAA shit.


>Using Christian imagery nevertheless so they can still denigrate it

One of the player's allies is the town priest who wants to topple the false-messiah who corrupted his flock.

How about far cry Israel where you take out the false jewish messiah and watch as Jesus Christ comes back to smite the false prophet and his antichrist army?

God no its a ubisoft game

I should have noticed this, they pay hundreds of youtubers to shill for their releases as well. Thanks conspiracyanon.

That would be great.
You already have a satan-worshiping nation. It would make for a great Far Cry experience - but this time, it's based in reality!

Sup Forumstards do the shilling for free though.

it's not a conspiracy. it's just how viral marketing works. i'm a marketer. i've worked for car manufacturers where we "leak" things all the time to get blog headlines. there's a famous case of american appearal doing a photoshoot with sasha grey for advertising. they were "leaked' to blogs and said to be "too hot for advertisement" so all the blogs spent weeks posting literal ads for AA for free.

it's just how it works,

No, if anything I'm sick of the kid gloves treatment all religious shit gets.

>it's not a-actually Christianity...it's just a religious cult...
>n-no, these middle eastern terrorists aren't Muslims...don't be ridiculous...
>l-look, here are some good guy Christians and Muslims fighting together! Isn't that nice haha...

Why can't these people just quit the bullshit? We're all adults here. Religion is horseshit, we all know this

why didn't your greentext include judaism, hmm?

I love how, of course, more European faggots are making this game. The fucking French no less, America needs to make a game about their history of being pussies.

>Will this game earn critical acclaim

>and financial success?
fuck no

It's okay when Nintendo does it! Odyssey is GOTY amirite? Nobody is allowed to like Assassins creed here

I'm not buying it. Ubisoft games all rehash the same level and gameplay design over and over again. A man grows tired of garbage eventually. The political undertones on the trailer just pushes me farther away from the game.

>Why can't these people just quit the bullshit? We're all adults here. Religion is horseshit, we all know this
All I can tell you is that some people need a comforting lie just to get through life.

Judaism is a religious minority that doesn't appear in games very often compared to Christianity or Islam.

farcry 2 was shit
1 was great even with its flaws

t. Ubisoft marketing strategy

if there was a descernable pattern of nintendo leaking and then viralling their games i'd point that out too. ubisoft is the most blatant about it. i think nintendo just has a lot of diehard fanboys due to being a first party game maker for a proprietary gaming device. that makes for diehard fanboys. they don't need the viral marketing, their manchild fanboys do it for free.

They are paying a political toll which is the current "trend". Once paid they will concentrate on what they think sells.

show us the map editor you fucking cucks, then i'll think about acquiring your game.

muh jesus fags still exist

Everything I don't like is Sup Forums. Have fun when you realize this place ain't for you and take off to resetera with the rest of your GAFugee rabble.

It's going to get shitposted to absolute death and if it doesn't sell ten trillion copies Sup Forums will claim it's the flop of the millennium. I feel tired just thinking about how unfun Sup Forums will become when it comes out.

It's fascinating watching opinions of Israel vs Palestine flip flop every few years.

There is no pattern, stop acting like your shitty made infographic is based in fact you fucking faggot.

The least they can do is stop organizing into churches and talking themselves into terrorism, though. And somebody seriously needs to comb out all the approvals of violence from the text of their holy books.

>the french
>history of being pussies
I'm sure the country with the greatest war record in the history of the world would be devastated if they knew that the country that regularly gets BTFO by poor as fuck farmers was making fun of them.

I wish israel would annex the rest of palestine already so we can stop crying about it. In fact I wish Israel would annex the entire middle east.

Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums

Who flipped?

>I want a nuclear war


all i know is i wont buy

>there's no pattern

i could keep going, but i think a nice summary is IGN's article that *literally* lists every single leak that's happened in the AC series, at one point pointing out that it'd become a "yearly tradition" by that point for kotaku to get a "scoop".


The companies making the games are faking leaks for headlines, then coming to places like Sup Forums and reddit to post the blog headlines. There IS a discernable pattern, you chucklefuck, and I'm obviously not the only person to see it.

wow another far cry game im so excited you can literally do everything and shooting is still fun and really like putting your parents in a meat grinder with cottage cheese

Kill yourself pussy

Keep Yourself Safe my silly american chum.

>linking to ign
>linking to polygon

You forgot about Kotaku faggot. You're legitimately the biggest dipshit on this board if you think everything having to do with an Ubisoft game is completely fabricated down to the shitposting, fuck off.


>surrender in WW2
>Americans characterize you as surrender prone cowards forever afterwards

Why does France only get this treatment? What about Poland or Belgium?

I'm not saying you're wrong.
But if you're going to include examples of certain claims in your image at least make it fucking legible.

and you're a naive ten year old if you think they don't manufacture headlines and take advantage of online communities to market their niche products. read "trust me, i'm lying" if you're capable.

Mario Rabbids was a legit leak. It was the center of Ubi's E3 conference and obviously intended to be a surprise.

I'd say France gets better treatment than either one.

France is normally ranked among the allies, while poland is considered a conquered state allied with the germans throughout most of the war despite the fact that both were under german control.

I guess most of it is the propaganda work of Charles De Gaulle and the french resistance creating the idea of an allied but extremely inept france contrasted to an axis poland.

Judging by how americans reacted after 9/11 if they were to actually get fucked up like France during the world wars you'd probably see a nationwide mindbreak.

i'll update the image. if you were here for the farcry 5 posting you'd have seen the week or so leadup of threads being spammed with "NEW FARCRY 5 LEAKS ON REDDIT!!!" before the reveal and massive spamming of fc5 threads

What the fuck are you talking about? Taliban and middle eastern terror groups have been the bad guys in any war game set past 1990

I hope you get beheaded by the Muslim brotherhood you fucking cocksucker

The point being, it's been years. If the leaks were of concern they'd plug them.

>poland is considered a conquered state allied with the germans

I've never heard it characterized as an ally of Germany. Was that what the propaganda of the time was saying?

>shitting on white people and Christianity is taking a risk

Even if it were obviously a shit-tier company like Ubisoft never takes risks knowingly. We can only hope the day of the rope catches up with these froggos

Yeah is ®©™®©™®©™®©™ubisofts®©™®©™ farcry 15®©™®©™®©™®©™®©™ 2017 ®©™®©™®©™®©
Going to be a mature game that will resonate with mature gamers such as myself?

They surrendered without a fight and have a history of surrendering

I'll pirate it and let you know.

Making fun of religion has been an old shtick in comedy forever.

The ironic thing is that anti-preachy has become super trite and preachy,

But they're never explicitly tied to Islam. Name just (1) game where enemies shout Allahu Akbar.
Middle-east characters are always bad because the Middle-east is full of fucking terrorists

Nah it's always been shit.
How do they keep making more

whatever, just trash imagery and words to take up the screen. I might watch it on youtube after I'm done jerking off one night.

>countless games which have a narrative/social commentary focused on America written by Europeans
>hardly any with it vice versa

Really makes you think! It's almost Europe is full of jews and smug assholes trying to subvert a nation.

I can't wait to start killing Christians. God I'm getting an erection just thinking about it!

>They surrendered without a fight

They surrendered because Germany cut their strategic head off with the yet uncountered blitzkrieg and fighting any further would have been a pointless massacre. Even so, in this one six week campaign, French forces would lose a fourth of the men the US would lose over the entire course of the war. Not to mention the French men that would die later fighting for both the allies and the axis.

>It's almost Europe is full of jews

If the leaks/rumors are true i don't see any problem with killing scientology inspired cult members

Farcry 2 was the best farcry

>why are these people pandering to American sensibilities when the largest part of the market is in America

must be da joose

>smug assholes trying to subvert a nation.
Isn't that the very definition of the American nature?

It's a shame America stepped in and saved your pathetic continent, have you thanked your savior uncle Sam today for being able to live your life?

*respawns outposts endlessly*
*spots you through dense foliage from 500m*

But France actually stepped in and saved the American terrorist uprising from the British. If it wasn't for them there would be no America.

Christianity in America is becoming Islam-tier and Christians don't even realize it because they have their heads so far up Trumps ass with the whole us vs them mentality.

I'm American, idiot, I'm just not an ignorant jackass.

Sounds like a great challenging survival experience.
Better than a theme park with "fun for the whole family" attractions.

>*spots you through dense foliage from 500m*
Somebody couldn't into stealth

Jesus never lived.

Sure thing Ahmad

I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ

It's literally broken in vanilla.

Yeah because abandoning the faith sure have helped western Europe huh?
Might as well get burgers fanatical enough to fight the future European caliphate

It's literally not. You have to get the camo suit and move incredibly slow if you want to play stealthily. It's a survival game that punishes you harshly for fucking up

Yeah what an engrossing survival experience this is


Far Cry 2 is a shallow open world FPS with x-ray vision AI that makes stealth a borderline pointless playstyle. It does nothing particularly well. The missions are samey, the story is uninspired, the setting is dull, and the gunplay is slow and dated. It's full of unnecessary padding and mindnumbing traversal.

Yes because most of us playing games are liberals

>ubisoft, a billion dollar corporation pays people to shill their game to neets on Sup Forums


They don't need to pay people to shill. You guys are so predictable and so eager to be outraged and angry at things all they need to do is bait once and you will be talking about it for the next 6 weeks.

would have been way more edgy to make an anti islamic statment of some kind.

>christian fundamentalism is bad
Yawn. It's like thinking you have made some kind of bold statement saying something bad about Trump.

It's about awareness. And we already know that IGN was shilling its own farcry 4 articles on Sup Forums after making their own Sup Forums threads about the game. You're retarded. There are more "normalfags" here than neets at this point.


why does every video game need a bold political statement retars

see you in 3 days

It doesn't, but since that is what they THINK they are doing. They could have a little more balls about it.

>a bilion dollar corporation
>not paying one schmuck to occasionally make a thread whilst retards argue amongst themselves on a website that gains plenty of traffic

Fuck it might as well just be one guy on the advertisement team that takes like 10 minutes out of his day to make a thread, that's it.