to the best FPS game of this gen

Multiplayer is still an unbalanced mess.

No it really isn't


TF2 was the bomb.

They should just do a F2P multiplayer only game on Steam, like CS:GO or R6S.

>wait two+ months for a balance patch
>buff the mozambique for no reason
>don’t touch SMGs at all


>Game didn't sell very well
>Gathered a cult following at best

Are these people fucking delusional or what?

>Are these people fucking delusional or what?
yeah, just like how Call of Duty 1 sold better than this year's CoD will, right? Retard.

the single player was phenomenal but the multiplayer was a step back at launch that turned a lot of the first games following away. In my opinion it was lucky it sold as much as it did

but it did sell even better than the first

B-But they put it on the PS4! Remember all the fanboys who said they would play it when it became a multiplat? What happened?

It still didn't meet EA's sales expectations.
If you have an IP that you know is only popular with a small group of people and didn't sell well to begin with, would you turn around and expect the sequel to out perform it? At best you're going to get some of the crowd from the first game and a handful of brand new players.

It's gonna end up like the others

>/tfg/ is dead

>Give TF2 zero marketing while simultaneously putting it out next to their other massive multiplayer FPS franchise, Battlefield, which they poored marketing dollars into

You're retarded if you don't think EA sees why the sales were low. If anything, they just learned for next time.

That's not what it was in the slightest. The excuse they gave for releasing TF|2 a week after BF1 was that "the games appeal to different demographics and types of gamers". They knew what they were doing. This was all payback for Respawn being adamant about selling the game without a season pass with free content updates. EA took all their marketing money away to make up for losses and then sent the game out to die.

I don't need to apologize, I don't need convincing. I'm more upset there aren't more FPS like it. Titanfall 2 should have to seriously innovate because of other shooters competing with it. Instead it's only had the popular shooters try to emulate it, fail to get why those systems are there in the first place and go back to the same slow ADS shit they always do anyways.

Automatic hitscan in general need nerfing and the TTK could be raised slightly higher, but fuck me compared to other shooters even with TF2's balancing as bad as it is it's still lightyears better than them.

>If anything, they just learned for next time
I don't think you've been here very long user.

Also this.

Not even the F2P part. I guaran-fucking-tee TF2 would still be healthily populated if it was on Steam.

Good riddance. Pack of hypocritical bitches.

>That's not what it was in the slightest. The excuse they gave for releasing TF|2 a week after BF1 was that "the games appeal to different demographics and types of gamers". They knew what they were doing.
No they didn't. The comment was delivered ex post facto as damage control.

For the last time, Respawn's exec already said it was them who decided on the release date.

The reasoning is sound, but it was bullshit to hide and once again EA saddled it with a bullshit sales projection to keep from making a TF3.

>buffing Reapers
>Making attrition matches take forever
>slaughter the grapple
>nerf the Carbine
This entire patch is a joke

best FPS in the last 10+ years.

A damn shame. We'll be back for TF3
If you're talking about the /tfg/ers who use shitscan, we mock and/or shun them at every opportunity

Unless it makes a billion dollars, it's always under EA's expectations.

people dont trust EA and can you really blame them

So they're just saying that they'll keep online running for years to come? I thought they were done with content updates.

>This was all payback for Respawn being adamant about selling the game without a season pass with free content updates.

Source. My Ass

When Loli used shitscan just to fuck with my team I lost all faith in them and quit. That was supposed to be my shitty schtick for variety's sake and I only did it not repping/fighting /tfg/.

/tfg/ deserved the death it suffered.

The SMR is my raifu


No offense but dirty bomb and natural selection 2 are better fpses by a large margin.

>Ammo box just in front of the trigger
Full retard

>best FPS game of this gen
that's not DOOM

>Release a sequel to an exclusive that no-one played
>Release it at the same time as fucking CoD
What did they fucking expect?

It was never all that bad.

Honestly, up the TTK and add Halo: CE health system (med packs and all) and Titanfall 2 would have been amazing.

lol no

not even close.

>Dirty bomb, the spiritual successor to Brink, still retreading the same territory that Wolfenstein: ET did like a decade prior, raped by Nexon with P2W, and now it's owned by a chinese chicken slaughtering company

>Natural Selection 2: The game so mediocre and poorly optimized that the devs abandoned it entirely and threw the carcass to the 300 people who made up the "community"

One of the best shooters I've ever played. The momentum, the "trailer moments" that are just integrated organically (crushing a titan with a titanfall, bunnyhopping across dropships, etc). Shit is really amazing.

It's fucking awesome and I still play it. Pretty much the best Mech game thats ever been made

This patch had made the game playable.

Carbine was shit and Reapers should fuck people up. The only thing that is nuts is the Pulse Blade spam now.

On >Xbone, we all have our own non-shitscan weapons to use
Klager got everyone hooked on the Stiff, Lunacy got them hooked on the EPG, and the others are usually fans of the LSTAR or the SMR

>PC version locks up and freezes almost every match
>Respawn doesn't do shit about it
>AMD and Nvidia eventually put out a driver patch that's supposed to fix it
>Still crashes

It’s better this way.

Making the reapers dash less is great though.

i actually really wanna play it
but on the other hand i forgot all my origin info and dont wanna install it again.

I suppose I should?
I tried the free trial they held for I think it was the first one, and it was quite fun to play. I'm just terrified of putting money into Origin.

Lolita’s saltiness is my favorite thing. Not because I liked when he got mad but just because literally everyone on PC knew who he was and regarded him as the most toxic player they ever met because of it.

MY best memory is destroying Frothy Omen in a PUG with the EPG and then having him drop.

I also loved hoarding dew & Doritos for skins, double XP, and Colosseum tickets.

Origin is unironically fine.

The first time I installed it, Origin actually bluescreened my computer whenever it opened (and autorun was enabled by default) for whatever reason.
Completely fine when I tried again once I heard 1942 was online again and free, but still. The fear's there now.

this game was fucking great