Why do you play on easy mode?

Why do you play on easy mode?

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To piss off cucks like you. I'm hard ass mans so i don't need do video game hardness to show how hard my ass is. It's hard.

i always play on at least normal

most games can't do a hard mode correctly

To get cute anime girls to laugh at me.

Because JRPGs require no skill. I play action or skill based games on Normal.

Grinding is not fun.

>posting anime on a videogame board

As a kid I enjoyed steam rolling through games much more than an actual challange.

Also it allows casuals to enjoy the game.

Because it's easy


I do not. I never do.

Nice words from a coward and a prostitute.


>not knowing that touhou is a video game

>Am I emulating/pirating the game to play previous aged installments in a series?
Easy mode.
>Have I bought the game and want to get max enjoyment?
Normal and hard on the second playthrough if it has replayability and I like it.

I play easy on DBZBT3 because normal is fucking ridiculous at a point, and hard is just that much worse, though for some reason, in the tournaments the difficulty is always pretty easy, regardless of whether its set to easy, normal, or hard, maybe its because tournaments don't have power level scaling like story mode.

Because hard modes are usually trash with the only difference being that the stats/bonuses are skewed to favour the enemy.

I don't. I play on hard mode with cheats or a trainer. Fuck the fun police.

Because sometimes I just want to play a game without putting much thought into it.

your point?

This makes him smart.

because i have nothing to prove

Cause it was unlocked after beating the game on Hard mode and I wanna play a 3rd time with an OP buster for fun

If a game has 3 difficulties i play in the middle one , if the game has 4 difficulties (i mean unlocked from the start) i play on the third one.

I think that playing on the hardest difficulty on a game you dont know anything about means you will be having less fun , having to repeat zones /fights w/e.

sometimes the game is shit but I still want to finish it

Because I play for the story

>game has difficulty modes
The mark of a lazy developer.

no achievements

I try a knife only run in RE just once and you run off to make this thread, fuck you OP.

Because I don't?
Not everyone exclusively play Sony 1st party games.
Name one challenging Sony 1st party game from the last 10 years.

This and is the reason why I always try out Normal first.
Fuckin sucks when you happen to just put yourself in a very hard playthrough of a game that will probably make you waste extra hours grinding and getting those legendary tier itens just so you can beat the main story. Literally doubling your fuckin playtime.

That said, it hardly happens nowadays and hard mode has been the go to for a good amount of time, still too scare of going any higher because of the previous reason though. I only go to a better difficulty in case the game allows me to change it later.

back to your containment board

I dont play on easy mode, but when stuff gets a bit difficult I just try to exploit the system.

I can feel my cells dying, my reflexes slowing down

Because playing on harder difficulties doesn't unlock the Easy trophy

sometimes when i comeback from overtime

I'm in the same boat. Do you play games to challenge yourself, have fun or somewhere in between? For me, normal should be the difficulty setting that provides a challenge and a reward. Easy is instant gratification with no investment on the part of the player, and hard/very hard are usually overly punishing and ruin the pacing of the game I'm playing (unless I'm doing a second play through). That said, if you replay a game and you don't bump the difficulty up at least one level where available you are subhuman garbage.

I'm a white able bodied hetersexual male. I was born in easy mode.

>tfw you have every achievement except the one that requires a playthough on easy mode

I have a friend that's playing Mario Odyssey on Assist Mode because he doesn't like to die

>zero recoil

fuhrer stronk

>hard mode puts you at a disadvantage
Wow, who knew?

To understand the mechanical concepts of the game. As soon as I understand everything and easy becomes way too easy, I keep bumping up the difficulty until it's challenging enough to be fun.

Because I want to move to a new game.

I play games for the experience, not the challenge.

Nice. Forgot about this one.

I do and I don't care about fat elitist faggot
