An apology from Takuro Yamashita, President and CEO of NIS America, Inc

>An apology from Takuro Yamashita, President and CEO of NIS America, Inc.

Let's face it, after years of californian hipsters destroying NIS localizations, what made mr. Yamashita do some action and fire the bastards?
Why did it took 10 years to finally try to make a good english localization?

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Too little too late.

I guess its great that they listened to fans and are actually changing shit but honestly, I didnt really gave a shit in the end.
i ignored most of the errors and shit and still had a blast playing through ys8

They're trying to save face after failing to provide a PC version at launch like they promised to Falcom.

>I guess its great that they listened to fans
they didn't you idiot. It was because people sent a japanese letter to Falcom in japan that Falcom contacted NIS

>It was because people sent a japanese letter to Falcom in japan that Falcom contacted NIS they listened to the fans.

How about you go fall into Dana's Paleozoic Big Hole?

>so they listened to the Falcom.

- Fans contact NIS on mail and twitter; no answer
- 1 week fans contacted Falcom, Falcom contacted NIS and NIS apologized.

NIS listened to Falcom. Probably Falcom would sue NIS for destroying the Trails and YS ip.

I wonder why gust fanbase didn't do the same years ago.

I actually wanna try out Y's and Trails. How is the former and are all of the game playable on PC

Pretty much every Ys game is available on PC in some shape or form.

Oath, Origin, 1+2 Chronicles, Ark, and 7 are all currently on Steam and they're all gud, but Oath is considered the "best"


I want to explore Dana's Big Hole!

when does this launch on PC?

Most of the Ys games are on Steam, except for V and Celceta.
V is an SNES game with a fan translation, but don't bother emulating it unless you're curious, it's pretty bad and is likely getting a remake in the future.
Celceta is a Vita game, but a Chinese pc port exists with the bloom and lighting of the Vita version removed. You can play the chinese version with an English patch, but due to shitty coding related to locked FPS in cutscenes, it hangs up in two different cutscenes, one in the water dungeon and the other in the tower dungeon. If that happens just launch the game with the FPS unlocked exe that's on the internet somewhere, and then switch back after the scene.

Nobody said the main focus of the game involves killing a shitload of Dinosaurs in a fantasy setting.

Just got to the Plains and I'm killing Sauropods, Triceratops, Iguanadons, Baryonyx , this already after killing T-Rexes, Ankylosaurs, and Deinonychus

One of the mods for the NISA forums already was a creepy piece of shit to me when I complained about one of their translation issues, so they've been dead to me ever since.

When are they going to apologise for AT2?

>end of november
>i already plat'ed the game
well thanks

Falcom fans didn't like that a really shitty company got the rights to one of their games and saw just how bad of a job NISA was doing, so they took action.

They know they got Sen 3 after this pr movement

xshit fags are on suicide watch lamo


I though all you neofags went back already

>NISA has a track record of doing terrible shit for more than a decade
>People still defend them
>The president and CEO of NISA is forced to publicly acknowledge they're terrible and apologize
>People still defend them
Yea, NISA could sell literal shit and retards would still defend them

Too late. Fuck them they're not getting my money pity Falcom wont cut ties with them after that bullshit.

>not acceptable to our standards
>literally standard translation from them, except maybe lacking the usual supply of bugs.
>Apology comes more than a month after launch
>Our "reward" is them doing the QC they should have done to begin with


I think half the people doing it are just NISA employees doing damage control.

the absolute FUCKING STATE of NISA

>NISA ruin Ys VIII so bad they have to take half a year to fix it
>It's the best selling Ys ever
Falcom fans are retarded

At this point it won't surprise me if they cancel the PC version.

So gust fans actually like them or something?

What a fucking joke.

I guess no pc version this year unless they release it with all the errors.

>This is going to come as no surprise to any of you

Even them know they're shit.

It amuses me how they thought they could get this all done by November's end.

Modern Gust games are shit anyway so even NISA can't do much worse than that

If it makes you feel any better, the game isn't that great to begin with. Flash move breaks the game, making combat pretty boring.

No, but I don't think they are as protective over their games as Falcom fans.

I guess the bright side is that there is no way Falcom will give them CS3 after this shit.

Kill yourself dumbass

>earth guards break the game, making combat really boring

I don't even think NISA will want to work with Falcom again, just for the fact that they mistakenly published for a developer that actually cares about the quality of the translation

Same can be said for Oath and Origin.

Uh yeah, that's exactly right.

Too bad for PCfats

This was my favorite vidya this year


>This comes out
>Only ever saw 1 thread about it when it was released
>Would have forgotten myself if not for that thread

Ys VIII was my least favorite Ys game, even without the translation. The shitty, mashy, brain-dead combat and the trope-y cast of characters already show that this game is shit. Every time one of those dumb fuck villagers did that stupid fist into palm animation I almost quit the game, but somehow I forced myself through this garbage game because of my love for old Ys.

I have this on my backlog, still untouched. Should I wait for the patch or say fuck it and play it? Is it really that bad?


Took long enough. I rolled my eyes so hard when I downloaded the demo and saw Lascrimosa of Dana or some shit, the in-game dialogue only cemented that it was in fact ANOTHER poor localization job. Seriously, Falcom should sue the company, it tarnishes the name of the franchise and I'm sure Ys VIII sales won't pick up because of a patch now.

The game itself isn't broken but the localization is drier than a desert.

That being said, I doubt the localization fix will change much.

switch port? this looks like something that would be more fun on a handheld

It's already on a handheld with, as much as you may hate the fact, more units sold than the Switch, the Vita.

>Falcom games
>on Nintendo consoles

Zwei II has had such a rough history as a game. Its initial Japanese release bombed so hard that it forced Falcom out of the PC gaming market altogether. And rather than release it during a drought period where it could receive some actual attention, XSeed decided to launch the game in the middle of a ridiculously cluttered fall lineup. I guess they were trying to be clever with a Halloween launch given the game's subject matter, but I'm certain that Zwei II is gonna fly completely under the radar. And that's a shame because it's a pretty fun game with a fairly stellar localization (which got no favors from the game's shoddy trailers).

so is the delay only because of bugs as I read? why does it take so long

NISA is retranslating and reediting the entire game because Falcom found out and gave them shit.

well I guess PC it is then but there seems to be something wrong with the PC version and I don't like how these people handle pc ports

I still need to use keyboard to open menu in YS games, thats beyond lazy


I mean you could understand what was going on in the story but at times it's obvious that they just ran it through a machine and tried to make sense of it. And all the item/recovery descriptions are totally wrong.

To be fair I like their budget in-house games.
They have almost no text but they were a breath of fresh air recently.

Reminder that it isn't Falcom fans complaining about this, but XSEED fans.

Ive not played any version yet, how far off the mark was the localization?

>Xseed loses Ys to NISA because NISA promised simultaneous PC releaes
>end up getting no PC release and a machine translation

great choice, Falcom

a lot of falcom fans like xseeds style of localization so it's obvious they were upset when xseed lost it. nisa translations are super dry and robotic, I'm glad they are finally going to have to answer for their shit quality.

damn those niggers be trippin what were they smokin

If there wasn't an issue with the translation's quality then they wouldn't have had to apologize for it in the first place.

i've seen a lot of people throwing this claim around but is there actually any proof of this?

It isn't as bad as people are blowing it up to be, but there are a good handful of minor grammar issues spread throughout the game. The biggest flaws are the completely retarded retranslations of names already in english and the swapping of item effect descriptions with food items. In a 40-ish hour game without any known bugs, that's still alright. Even the examples that people have painstakingly combed through the game for only amounted to around 20, including the big ones.

NISA is more famous, they thought it would get bigger sales numbers, they got fucked.

>nisa fucks up translation
>sorry guys we'll patch it don't worry
>atlus fucks up translation
>yeah we know we fucked up but we're not fixing it deal with it
if you told me this 10 years ago I would have laughed. now I cry

i didn't really notice that much tbqh

I don't have a source for it but during the whole "losing Ys" fiasco it was inferred by some Xseed staff that not being able to do a simultaneous PC release was part of what made them turn to NISA.

They're may be some other reasons but that's what everyone latched onto.

I've seen the Big Hole one but literally nothing else people have been complaining about.

It was no PC port and because they didn't want to do dual audio. On top of that it would have released in 2018 too.


Don't know if it was the localization or the actual script but the writing was literally a middle-school effort. Horrendous. At least the gameplay is slick and fun enough that I got the plat.

We're talking about 8 here not 6.

this must be the case because I seen metal jesus play the game on his vita and he didnt complain

It was Nayuta no Kiseki fan translation tier
Best Trails game

metal jesus is cringey as fuck and most likely only cares about the gameplay. the translation on the ps4 was really rough.


>Reminder that it isn't Falcom fans complaining about this, but XSEED fans
Found the Merciless Nisashilling Vase

So who the fuck was the previous translator for this game?

That's a little too much. It's more like Zero no Kiseki leaked translation tier.

Cant wait for the xshit reactions when NISA annonces Sen III.

Post yfw they'll still charge full price on PC (maybe with some shitty DLC included)

How good is this? I like the aesthetic since It reminds me of those quirky PS2 ARPGs.

How so? Oath and Origin doesn't have flash guard/move.

google translate

The only DLC they'll charge for is Adol's original silver armor costume.

>playing Ys on less than inferno
literal baby

I heard about this, I don't play Ys so can someone explain why the localization was so bad?

Fuck his original costume, give me his Ys7 costume instead

It's really fun.

Earth magic but most shitters who just play the game once on normal don't realize how good and broken it is.

>The shitty, mashy, brain-dead combat
but isnt that all YS games? at least the ones I played are

for the most popular example, they translated crevice to big hole

I've been out of the loop on this, can I have some pictures and examples of the bad localization?

Oh and "crevice" was already in English for them