Will you return to Pokemon?
I already did with ORAS after BW scared me off
High possibility after I finish .hack G.U. Last Recode
And is it just me?
Or does Faba resemble Happy Merchant in this artwork?
stolen OC
When they release the next Mystery Dungeon game.
Are you a glutton for punishment? Did you play the last one?
No, Im just going to continue fapping to the Pokemon.
I put 60 hours in Sun but stopped because I didn’t like the post game. This game looks packed with content though, definitely buying
where's gen 2 villain?
there wasn't really one central villain to pinpoint it on
50 euro for patched S/M. I'll pass. Pokemon haven't been good since gen 4. Gen5 was alright too.
Redeemed, so he’s not in I guess.
>Are you a glutton for punishment? Did you play the last one?
Is Super the last one? If so, yeah I guess.
I didn't play Gates to Infinity, but I played all of the rest. GBA one too. They're fun and pretty high quality.
Used to love mainline more, but I just kind of stopped caring after X/Y. Nothing to do with the games though, I just lost interest.
Why would Giovanni go out of his way to recruit his own underling
Gen 2 was half-assed garbage. Tiny new region, no new team or team leader, 90% of the region was full of mostly old pokemon, and the new pokemon were actually underpowered compared to the old ones.
dude you didn’t have to try and make a gen war out of his simple question
>have to replay the shitty, glib SM story just to get to this part
No, I'm not returning.
Nope XY was so awful I left Pokemon and consider BW2 was the ending of the series.
The story is literally 100% different
Never left.
Should I catch a shiny Bounsweet before this is out?
No, as for you, keep spoilering yourself like the impatient retard that you are. Must be a blast playing a game that you know 100% what will happen.
So it's not going to be an overly dramatic animu story about a ultra special and mysterious little girl that is secretly related to the bad guys with an ow the edge rival that is ALSO secretly related to the bad guys that is forcefully shoved down your throat every 5 seconds?
You're still going around doing trials and fighting kahunas which is the meat of the game how is that 100% different?
On the fence. Bought Moon and thought it was mediocre, only to be slapped in the face with Ultra Sun/Moon which seems to have an assload of stuff that the originals should've had yet apparently isn't even a sequel just a re-telling with more of the parallel universe shit that Game Freak seems to love these days
Yeah, but I'm not gonna pay for it.
I might sleep on this one I still haven't beaten BW2 and only have some time on sun I think I got like the second island badge kahuna i dont fucking know. I need to ask VR about gadgets to play ds game carts on TV.
Because the plot is completely different
That's like comparing BW2 and RGBY and saying "both are about collecting gym badges and fighting an evil team, they're exactly the same".
Stop playing Pokemon
Yeah that pic is pretty cringe
Better story than the last 6 games
It would be cool if they brought back a few of the old gym leaders eventually.
You don't believe that.
Lillie is still plastered everywhere even in the postgame. It's just the different flavor of the same shit.
>Hiding yourself behind a bait post
I love Pokemon but I got bored of Moon due to the in your face cutscenes every 10 seconds. Are US/UM different in this regard?
Drop the franchise
>Actually replying to bait.
>Actually replying to LABELED bait.
i would, but >rainbow
Make me.
I don't know, I'm not a time traveler you fucking squid
>Is just bait bro, everyone is just pretending to be retarded
No, I finished with Pokemon after Moon. I realized it's a fucking pointless endeavor and tedious most of the time, and that Game Freak makes itstupidly easy to beat as well. Rare Pokemon are a joke because they can easily be hacked or duped, comp play is a joke because the Pokemon can easily be hacked or duped and you have to do a retarded amount of breeding and other arbitrary bullshit if you want to do make a decent team legitimately.
Pokemon is a subpar RPG series that offers no challenge. I could easily find a more "comfy" experience on the thousands of other games that are casual and more stimulating or relaxing, or find more challenge in legitimately interesting RPGs. There is no point in even caring about the series anymore. Even in the anime, it's just Ash getting his ass beat whenever it really counts so that they can drag it on even further. I will at least be able to stop caring about the series on a good note thanks to this smug ass cat.
Can you please not call me a squid user, I just want to know if they made Pokemon great again
This. I'm gonna wait and see this time around to see if it's worth it.
>he still buys 3ds games
>Knuckles Chaotix
how u did dis?
I have SMT
Honestly thinking about modding my 3DS now. Tired of being dick slapped by Nintendo.
Why are all the main leaders from the past in this image? Is Gamefreak pulling out all the stops for the final handheld Pokémon game?
I also thought the same, too bad I can't because updated like a retard.
Wicke makes my peepee hard
yeah they're all in the final 3ds game
I never left to begin with
>one of the best gens scared you off
>but the worst gen brought you back
This must be bait. Black and White were a fucking disaster.
I'm glad there is a send off for the 3DS but I'm ready for the Switch version.
It is way better than gen 6 and 7 at tge very least.
Hell I think it is better than DP and RS (emerald and plt not imcluded.)
If you started with the first game you are a bad person
The best Pokemon games to date. You were a disaster.
>goes on and on about challenge
>pokemon has always been piss easy and made for babies
>he actually thinks these games were challenging at some point
By no metric is BW better than anything.
cringed pretty hard desu senpai
Not him but you're right the games were always easy, it's just now it's beyond comically easy. t's just sad and no fun.
Then you are wrong
not him but you are a faggot desu
>still plays pokemans
Lusamine isn't a bad guy anymore and Lillie isn't the central focus, even if she is still important.
>retarded amount of breeding and other arbitrary bullshit if you want to do make a decent team legitimately.
Not anymore only thing you need to worry about nowadays are natures and maybe egg moves.
You can make your starter pretty much tournament ready pretty easily nowadays.
Most difficult part is that you need to grind to level 100 to be able to increase IVs.
Fine, I'll be serious for a moment, user. I'll concede that BW's main story is more challenging than ORAS, but ORAS has a more robust postgame and better wireless/online functionality (naturally). With BW, after I tracked down the sages and caught the handful of legendaries that were offered to me, I ran out of things to do. ORAS had a lot more to mess around with, imo, and I loved it enough to get reinvested in the games.
A month after beating BW, I only ever turned it on once a day to rebattle a few trainers, because that's really all I could do. I had nothing else to do, having cleaned out the Abyssal Ruins and conquered the battle subway with ease. DP lasted much longer for me, so I felt cheated with BW and swore off the games. I only got ORAS because my 3DS was starved for games.
When I play Pokemon I get so bored that I get sleepy.
No, Pokemon is dead. Game Freak made both single and PvP shit somehow and the series seems to be going in a worse direction so fuck it.
Seeing all the Evil Team leaders join together just reminds me that they got progressively dumber over the Gens:
>Team Rocket was basically just a Mafia, looking to steal and sell rare and powerful Pokemon, putting up fronts for their operations such as the Casino.
>Aqua and Magma wanted to eliminate the land and sea respectively, apparently not realizing how horribly either of those would devastate the ecosystem of the planet.
>Galactic straight up wanted to destroy the world and build a new "perfect" one, not realizing perfection is extremely subjective. Also how did they plan to survive the destruction of all existence?
>Plasma just wants to be the only ones that control Pokemon. N was lied to and preaches that Pokemon shouldn't be "enslaved" by Trainers, but even that is stupid because it was already established that it's a Mutualistic Symbiosis.
>Flare just thinks all the world's problems stem from overpopulation and want to commit mass genocide with a doomsday device.
>Skull was back to Rocket's "steal Pokes, get Money" strategy, but much worse at it, to a comedic extent. However, they were just a front to distract people from...
>Aether Foundation, run by a madwoman who wants nothing else but to fuck an alien jellyfish.
Pokemon was never extremely difficult, but it was at least challenging enough to be worth playing. Now it's like you turn your brain off and play.
>muh hype
Is the fucking delta episode
This shit is ORAS again
No fucking postgame
And this retarded "RAINBOW ROCKET" thing is even worse.
Why would Maxie and Archie work on the same team? What did Giovanni promise them?
Are they just enhanced versions? I might since I didn't play the last ones and because they are the last games for the 3ds.
Inb4 all the villains are in the maison.
dolphins aren't fishes reee
I didn't find ORAS post game that interesting, it was a massive step down from emerald.
I couldn't care less about any of Zinnia's shit, the only thing that saved the delta episode was going into space riding based fug to fight deoxys.
I thought that the battle maison was less interesting than the battle subway and liked going through the otherhalf unova and catching older mons there better than just going to stock mirage spots.
You could also rechallenge the elite four to actually fight alder and it was cool that you could cynthia as well.
Combine that with a better maingame and I enjoyed bw way more than ORAS and I fucking love hoen.
>loves SM
>hates BW
Found the genwunner. Sorry you had to play with all new Pokemon.
because it was their one chance to get off a waterless/landless planet where they were guaranteed to die
Kyogre isn't a dolphin
>Skull was back to Rocket's "steal Pokes, get Money" strategy, but much worse at it, to a comedic extent
Yeah, Skull was great. People outright ignored them when Skull tried to rob them.
Kyogre is based on an orca, which is actually a species of dolphin, not a whale.
>mfw love Black and White's story and characters
>But hate Unova, hate the tedious EXP scaling, and especially hate the Pokemon
We don't even know what their goal is yet, but I get the feeling it will be stupid.
Archie and Maxie look like their GBA selves, and Ghetsis is in his Black & White 1 costume, so there's theories going around about Giovanni using Ultra Wormholes to summon versions of them from alternate realities or whatever.
>loves SM
lol dumbass
Gen 5 has the best monster designs, though?
Fucking in-game cinematics ruining the game! JUST LET ME FUCKING PLAY ALREADY!!!! ULTRA BEASTS WERE A MISTAKE!
By far the worst, bad enough for it to be the only Pokemon game I pirated instead of bought.
I will return to Pokemon when the game has a whimsical/comfy/chill plot about just being the best, not about saving the universe from the evil corporation that wants to use poke-God to crush spacetime on itself and other such nonsense
Gen 1 and 2 were the best because there was no gay story about saving the fucking universe
I will defend plasma and galactic.
Team galactic was basically cult that was ran by a charismatic psycho.
He never cared about the team or anyone else for that matters, they were just a means to an end to get that psychos ideal world.
Team plasma, in N's case pokemon being forcefully captured and being taken by their natural havitat to fight is a legit concern since any random schmuck can just do that and abuse their mons, they just kinda ignore it because a lot of mons like it because reasons.
In dennis' case grooming N to be one of the two legendaru dragons' master and subjugate/convince people to release their pokemon so that they would have a monopoly on mons is a legit scheme.