>BTFOs the PS4 Pro in every game test
We back xbros
>BTFOs the PS4 Pro in every game test
We back xbros
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That can't be right; the Xbone would need to have a game in order to perform a game test.
>the biggest game of the gen, BY FAR
>on xbox
>NOT on ps4
Face it. Xbox won.
So the Ataribox runs on Linux, had an AMD processor and Radeon graphics chip. What does it mean bros
>early access games are now on consoles
why are you excited for this
You are joking right? Jesus, unfinished games on consoles too. So steam paved the way for eternal jewery thanks gabe
Is this going to be one of those games that Sup Forums goes crazy over for a couple months and then never talks about again?
won what? everyone thats interested in that game are already playing it on PC.
It’s too late
Now it just needs something to play besides shooty bangbang and vroom vroom
They;ve been on console for ages, ark was the best seller on psn for 3 months in a row.
And yes, I'm excited about playing the biggest game since minecraft.
Like literally everyone.
Too bad it has no games. Go shill for Microsoft on Facebook or something
Anyone who wants to talk about it goes to /vg/ already. Sup Forums threads always get shitposted to death or are made with the intent of shitposting.
Not a shill, just excited that Sony is being BTFO
Sony is garbage when they are first in the race, they don't try
It’s a pretty solid choice if you don’t want a desktop.
I don't own a ps4 or xbone, but I'm genuinely curious how sonybros deal with this.
Putting all exclusive shitposting aside, pubg will completely dwarf every other game, even the current console top sellers like cod and gta.
I'm excited to play this with much fewer hackers, I hear the PC version is pretty bad right now
how much are you paid to say these things
$0.25 per post? do you make minimum wage?
i'm honesty curious
>implying sony will ever loose
>They;ve been on console for ages, ark was the best seller on psn for 3 months in a row.
Factually true
>And yes, I'm excited about playing the biggest game since minecraft.
Factually true
>Like literally everyone.
Very obviously true if you talk to anyone in real life.
Stay mad sonybro
Why is Sup Forums going so nuts over it? I watched some gameplay clips and it just looks like counterstrike or something.
Sorry, meant for .
most people on Sup Forums called it flavor of the month, which means a game which lasts a month and died.
It has gone on to be the biggest game since minecraft and could well be the best selling game in history (excluding games which can be played on mobile), so basically Sup Forums was completely wrong.
It also has a exclusivity contract with xbox, and most people here own a ps4 which triggers a lot of people
Frankly wrong.
The player count on the free Fortnite Battle Royale game mode proves that very wrong.
>game test
what games tho loool
also come help bump this amazing news with all your butthurt
do you honestly think everyone that already owns the game for PC is going to go out and buy an xbox for pubg?
do you realize how retarded that is?
>no exclusives
>already own gaming pc
>market already positioned with PSN
>microsoft doing shady as fuck deals behind the scenes to try to take away exclusives from sony and shit
First time I've been excited in a while.
Are you trying to imply Sony isn't doing the same thing regarding exclusives? With games like Nioh or Monster Hunter World.
>do you honestly think everyone that already owns the game for PC is going to go out and buy an xbox for pubg?
I said absolutely nothing like that, I explained why it's triggering peope.
No one with pc will buy a console for it, a lot of people (on ps4/with a shit pc which can't run it) will buy a xbox for it though
Except they won't.
>another game that's on pc anyways
If you talk to people in real life it's clearly more popular with the console crowd than cod, fifa and gta.
Pic related speaks for itself. Tonnes of people are buying pcs solely for it
Yes, we are
Of course not but it was an extremely smart move by MS to be the only one to have it on consoles.
you have yet to prove that pubg will sell well on a console
do people even play FPS on consoles anymore?
There’s lots of people, myself included that will buy an Xbone X instead of having a desktop.
You guys realize the Xbox One X isn't going to sell well beyond Christmas, right?
FPS is by far the most popular genre on consoles.
Check vgchartz (or anything which shows game sales), talk to people, youtube, open your friends list etc
You’ve been in the Sup Forums bubble for too long. FPS is extremely popular here on normieland where owning a desktop is an outdated concept.
Preteens do, which will bring ruin to the game.
Watch and see.
>japanese companies would put their games on a console that literally no one in japan owns if it weren't for sony
No retard.
You're a fucking retard.
What ever happened to the Mircosoft HoloLens? Wasn't it supposed to be MS's answer to VR?
>buying a console for one game
>calling anyone else a retard
i just don't see normies dropping destiny 2 or the latest COD rendition to play fucking pubg
its just not that engaging - its only popular because streamers picked it up. the map is bland, the graphics are pretty dated, it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the console crap
and this is coming from someone who plays exclusively PC
Normies will do anything that seems popular, ruining it for everyone else.
Game gifting will be available next week and digital refunds from what I've heard. I also head that if you gift someone a game and they already have it, either of you can regift it to someone. The person who was gifted the game can also choose to give the person who gave the gift a refund. About time.
So, the PS3 was an incredibly hard sell for a while with a 600 dollar price tag.
The original Xbox One didn't sell due to its' 500 dollar price tag, among other things.
No one is going to be buying an Xbox One X at this price point, especially if they have not already adopted an Xbox One.
just look at this shit - do you honestly expect console preteens to play this?
Look at that pic. Fortnite is the most streamed console game (likely very popular).
It is TRASH compared to pubg. Wait for the xbone port, it will be the best selling game on xbox within 6 months of release
Xbox One X just isn't going to sell. It doesn't matter what features it has. The consoles really pick up speed in the 250-300 dollar range.
You can buy an Xbox One S and a PS4 Slim for the price of an Xbox One X.
>that pic
>what is inflation
Is the game going to have crossplay or some shit?
>download card inside
hehehehehe KEKS
Why did you try to shitpost with this minimal effort?
Is there seriously, unironically, anyone on Sup Forums who thinks the Xbox One X is going to sell well beyond the Christmas season? This thing will have absolutely no fucking momentum in Spring or onward.
What is the appeal in this?
You do realize most people already play it on pc and 40%+ of the playerbase is literally chinese players, who i doubt will get an xbox one for it
It was to good for casual gamers. I'm glad Microsoft canned this. Idiots would not of been able to appreciate it fully
From a normie perspective
best graphics for multiplats (remember 90 percent of console best sellers are multiplat) and the biggest game this gen, pubg
What does the ps4 offer instead?
>Sony embarrasses themselves in 2006
>Gets their shit together and has arguably the best console 3 years later in 2009
>Microsoft embarrasses themselves in 2013
>Still have a shit console with almost no exclusives 4 years later
I mean I seriously don't get it. I enjoy my PS4, Switch, and PC but other than like, maybe 5, exclusives and 4k Blu Ray I just see no reason to get the thing. It feels like Microsoft isn't even trying.
wow kiddo sorry you just lack a basic understanding of the economy
>m-muh weeb games
Literally the only game that people buy is GTA and COD.
Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game
>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played
What is the point of PC gaming?
>(remember 90 percent of console best sellers are multiplat)
Did you not notice this?
No one plays anything but cod, fifa and gta on ps4/xbone outside of Sup Forums.
Microsoft has the best graphics for multiplats and the only truly important exclusive this gen (pubg), the appeal is obvious for normies
i would give anything to see all falseflaggers fucking banned but being the unfunny faggots that they are
COD is the only game normies buy. No one is buying a 500 dollar games machine for it.
Proof? When Xbox One launched and was 500.
It was overpriced and had a tiny FOV
Your picture is misleading
>d-don't bully me, u gais
wow kiddo, sorry you just lack a basic understanding that the number is what matters in this statement.
Alright, the normal xbox has by far the biggest game this gen.
What does the ps4 have instead?
>i just don't see normies dropping destiny 2 or the latest COD rendition to play fucking pubg
they already have. DOTA and CS players have already abandoned those games which are far bigger than cod or fifa on consoles, to play pubg.
>the normal xbox has by far the biggest game this gen.
What games?
wow kiddo sorry you didn't look at the year that number was given
stupid idiot wow just wow
Xbots are funny
It's a luxury console. I don't think they expect to catch Sony, bruh. People here are delusional if they don't think normies care about 4k bluray and the more powerful console to play call of duty and destiny on.
pubg obviously
Not only that, but there is no guarantee that it will even come to the PS4. It's easily the biggest game of the past five years and everyone wants in on it. Releasing it almost a week before Christmas is genius.
PS4 will have a finished PUBG that isn't bugged to shit on launch.
Wow, sorry you think that just because "300" is 483 in today's dollars, that somehow things over "300 dollars" today are cheaper to us in 2017.
> People here are delusional if they don't think normies care about 4k bluray and the more powerful console to play call of duty and destiny on.
Obviously, normies do not. Because 4k fucking tvs have a 10% adoption rate and no normie cares, only enthusiasts.
The sad part is I've seen performance whores legitimately trying to talk up this console.
so we finally have official stats proving that the cancer on this board is in fact due to the rampant sony fans. this is a good thing thanks for this. good spamming material
>implying Chads hang out on this site
>mfw the Xbox is Bradley and the PS4 is the black security guard from the fridge
Why would someone who doesn't own either buy the console which will have to wait/might not get it for years?