why does japan hate easy mode players?
>playing nier:automata
>getting bullied on hard mode
>die in one hit
>complain to nip friend the game is too hard
>get bullied and he tells me to git gud
why does japan hate easy mode players?
>playing nier:automata
>getting bullied on hard mode
>die in one hit
>complain to nip friend the game is too hard
>get bullied and he tells me to git gud
Everyone hates easy mode players
Git gud
Don't play games.
Maybe you should acquire proficiency.
stop ruining my thread!
here's hoping he comes through
Stop not posting the google drive.
yes please
not g drive but it's something
Post her tits
The real ones or the fake ones?
The google drive had things this doesn't have.
wtf its just a panda tf nigga
please stop posting Shinuki pics
good one
Why do her eyes look strange, whats up with that.
Just play on normal you fucking retard.
Contact lens
>complain to nip friend the game is too hard
You fucked up. Don't tell me you've never seen the videos of 50 year old women wrecking scores at the arcades.
Vidya people take their shit seriously over there. Change friends, take up anime people or even outsiders.
shut up faggot
>inb4 it was her fault people stole her pics and harassed her
>be easy mode player
>play hard, get rekt
I'm sure that whore actually cares about the series. Not.
So, what? This idiot sold pictures of their body and didn't expect it to be shared?
Always some faggots out there that have to ruin it for everyone
>Post nudes on the internet
>Get mad when people see the nudes
>Delete everything
I don't even understand
Itagaki, that's a name I don't see mentioned around a lot. Dude has so little to do nowadays that I managed to talk with him on Facebook for a while. He's a fun dude.
they way she writes it turns me on
All I have is this fishy website!
Think it's more those turbo autists who get a kick over showing her pics to her family and friends
I'm not good at cross-linking please don't yell at me if it doesn't work, I hope this isn't against the rules
I know right? What do people have to gain from this? It doesn't work out for anyone.
>Nier: Automata
>the "muh interpretation" circle-jerk
>minimalistic callbacks to the original game
>average combat that can be easily blown side open, and fairly early on
>trying too hard to be a "thinking man's" game
>sub-par job of telling a story - most people don't get/understand half the shit this game tries to impart
4/10, sad when the world shouted it as an 11/10 game.
Lol dumb slut
She does not even look that good 2bh. Literally the average whore you would see in any city + makeup and anime cosplay you guys are pathetic.
Why are you fags forgetting japan cried about how hard DMC3 was and begged for difficulty to be toned down while the west got a harder version?
>I'm just a piece of meat good to fap on, with no feelings, no soul, no emotions.
This cum dump gets it I like it.
She was charging people for the nudes, people shared them and she stopped posting nudes. That would have been fair enough, a lesson learned for everyone. The bit i find difficult to understand is the part with the stupid fucks that harassed her friends and family for some reason.
Can mods just fucking ban this faggot? Every fucking day the same fucking pictures asking the asinine questions when he knows they are not the focus of the thread.
Would almost bet my life that is was some faggot from /soc/
Lost how many times they do shit like this
>some faggot from /soc/
Not him, but genuine question as i've never been to /soc/, are people that fucked up over there ?
Women can't handle responsibility, they only want the goods things, but when shit gets bad they become crazy shits like , they're very emotional, because that's how nature made them
this chick is ugly as ballsack
Git gud
No im not just playing along with the thread stop bitching and get better at video games
It has nothing to do with /soc/ or anyone related to Sup Forums. This is just a thing that tends to happen from time to time with people who do lewds on the internet, even pornstars get hit with it. This 2B girl just happened to be the unlucky one out of the thousands that don't get their family members informed. I'm not saying it was deserved in the slightest, but it's something you should just know that might happen. Even if they didn't directly involve themselves and hit up her parents there was still a risk of it floating around and finding them anyway.
Nice to see slut shaming still kicking
Yeah it's that bad. They did the same shit to this qt
She was giving them lewd vids and then like always they take shit way tooooooo far and start getting all her personal details, Trying to contact her family and friends
stop thotposting
go on user, tell me more about what women are like
I want to impregnate Shinuki!
Every 9 months so she is always pregnant!
and lactating!
For the rest of her life!
disgusting, die sodomite
>playing nier automata
t.someone who has never been to browntown
No thanks neogaf, just deal with women more and you'll see their behavior
>not saying it was deserved in the slightest, but it's something you should just know that might happen
THIS, this is probably the most important thing in this type of situation, that most girls can't really handle when it backfires, they never think about the possible outcome before doing lewd shit It's a shame what happens to them because it's just insane to go to that level of stalking/personnal info sharing but come on, they could take some measures beforehand just in case.
>I am just a piece of meat good to fap on
Yes, where is the confusion?
I want to breed Shinuki and kiss her birth marks
He's right though, women have been raised like spoiled princesses, it's the reason when things don't go their way they get upset.
>playing video games
What do these girls think people do with her nude pictures, appreciate them as art? Is it ok to masturbate but not mention that you masturbated? Will pornstars soon complain men are masturbating to their work too, and feel violated?
Are you telling me men don't get upset when things don't go their way?
Do you wanna bite that growth on her meat flaps too?
they're dumb and overly emotional, just like you BITCH
He's right, git gud
So, how does the game run nowadays without the FAR fix?
>dumb and emotional
>all caps insult
not saying you're wrong, I just find your post funny
The game runs fine, but there is the fullscreen bug that can only be fixed by the borderless window ap or FAR.
There's a difference between getting mad and holding it in or breaking something, and throwing a bitch fit or telling the world that you're going to kill yourself over and over again.
One day I hopped on a girls stream and said I had a nice time masturbating to her pictures, got banned on the spot and called a creep by her followers. This same girl posts nude pictures of herself online on patreon ( not even artsy ones, pure lewd softcore porn ones), I'm pretty sure the sole purpose of those pictures are to be masturbated to but I might be retarded
>only women can't handle responsibility
>only women want only good things
>only women get upset at bad things
Thanks user, you calling me a bitch in all caps doesn't make you look dumb and emotional at all.
You guys really need to start asking yourselves what your REAL problem with women is. Is it them or you, because these reasons you're giving are not at all exclusive to women.
Yes there is a difference. Are you now telling me breaking shit is more acceptable than letting out your feelings?
Git gud
There's an equal amount, if not more autistic women compared to autistic men, but it's usually ignored or not noticed since the actions are usually already associated with being feminine.
Women like the idea of men masturbating to them, not the actual reality. They wanna think it but they don't wanna see it.
>Thanks user, you calling me a bitch in all caps doesn't make you look dumb and emotional at all.
Why do her tits look like a plastic prosthetic?