I just finished getting my new desk set up, can we have a battlestation thread to celebrate?

I just finished getting my new desk set up, can we have a battlestation thread to celebrate?

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What's in the drawers?

>1 monitor

bulk storage for video games, i want to move away from this and get an entertainment center setup and have this stuff on bookshelves or something.

that unironically looks cozy af

New monitor arrives in a few days, only just got the space.

Sorry about my shit taste.

>not even a good pic of the puking girl that noone cares about

That looks nice, user. What're you building there on the right?
I'd post mine but my entire setup is in a fuckoff big suitcase, going to a friend's for a month or so.


Some Genestealers and a Gunpla starter set I recently bought, I've always wanted to try it out.

nice desk, enjoy playing on it

Nice. Now just lay off the 3dpd and you'll be in good shape.


wow are you me? I literally have the same exact setup except 2 monitors. get a Qck heavy and enjoy some CSGO

oh but my ikea gallant or w/e it is somewhat has some paint stripped off :( shitty quality i guess

I like the wood. The chair looks uncomfy as fuck though.

nothing has changed really except the keyboard cause I spilled beer all over it and still haven't got round to fixing it

It is. I bought a knockoff dxracer from some Chinese company and like the day after the warranty ran out, the welding snapped in half. It's at least better than the folding chair I was using for a while.


puking girl? Never heard of that nickbname


>no numpad

or mousepad

This is a proper dual monitor setup

I don't understand how some people put the bezels in the middle, even if they're thin bezels you still have an ugly black line directly in the center of your vision at all times and basically makes all first person games annoying

>Get LWA poster signed
>Frame it poorly in a shitty frame with no backing
Why even fucking bother

Sorry, the solid gold plate frame with it's airtight vacuum-chamber hasn't arrived yet.

>Gunpla set 1
just get the Revive ones. That box is not even a good start

Shit that does look way better. I've not touched the hobby before so I just bought it on a bit of a whim. Still, it didn't set me back too much so no real harm done.

25" model

WHY user? WHY?

Just look for a cool HG from a recent series on Dalong and work from there. Unlike GW gunpla almost never goes out of production.
Or if you wanna start big get other ranges.
Just dont get SD, they have too many stickers and poor color separation, even if they are dead easy to build.

I've only recently started watching Gundam so I was planning on buying a set each time I finish a series. It'd take some time but I'd have a neat little collection by the time I'm done. I'll make sure to stay away from the SD ones then.


I'm a broke loser.

That's a cute monitor on the left.

it may be low spec, but it has perfect geometry!

where can I buy that desk?

>Not having your numpad in a seperate function layer

for the love of god i wish they would put a backspace key on numpads instead of making the 0 key so huge

>he can't get passed the panda

What do you use each monitor for?

Nov Update
Please rate gently

A living meme

Very nice, are you Scandinavian?

No he's just gay. But I guess that would make him Scandinavian.

I use the LCD for most modern games and general desktop stuff. The CRT is for older games and a few newer ones that require really fast reactions. CRTs' instant response and lack of motion blur make them ideal for danmaku and fps. Spin your view around as fast as possible and it's not a blurry mess. You can still see everything. This one maxes out at 768p though. The TV is mostly for video or extended desktop. It has too much lag for action games.

cute, nice color balance overall. What is that mouse? it's hideous and doesn't match the mouse pad at all, but that's what gives it personality. i've never seen one like that.


that looks comfy user, got more pictures?

Okay honest question, how hard is it to use the pc when your mouse is at your left? I tried it once for funsies but it was kinda hard to reorient myself

>no mousepad

I've seen better, but there's something about it that makes me stare at it for a long time, not cause it's got something wrong, but because I think it's esthetically comfy


Nope, Aussie

The mouse was a gift from a friend who noticed that I liked Genji from overwatch, it was better than my previous povertymouse so I'm using it for the time being,
The mouse pad is one from the Pokemon Center while I was working in Japan last year. It has heaps of bird pokemon on it including Rowlet and Swablu who are among my favourites so I had to by it.

Maybe it's because of Maja. She usually gets people mesmerised

I moved, and no longer live in a basement. You too don't have to be a basement dweller forever. Kept the image because its entertaining.
I'm left handed so its not difficult? Playing most games i've used the default settings with wasd, and end up not utilizing the rest of the keyboard without lifting up my right hand.

www ikea com/us/en/catalog/products/S79006419/#/S79006419

show us your boipussy

R u a fat grill?

>www ikea com/us/en/catalog/products/S79006419/#/S79006419
thank you!

does it compare to the gaming mice from the well-known brands? is it comfortable? it looks like a conversation piece at least

Man your place is more depressing then mine. Get some lamps man



Anyone know a good laptop that is powerful and lasts a long time? I plan to hitchhike around the US and live basically in public areas and on the street.

fat guy, married to a dwarf girl.

Come on over, we can play some games. I don't have chairs, but I vacuum regularly.