>pc version of Nioh doesn't have mouse support
AHHAHAAH, holy fuck. Koei at it again. Buckle up boys, another great port ahead.
Pc version of Nioh doesn't have mouse support
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Who the fuck uses a mouse for action games? it's like using a pad for FPS.
Neither does the PS4 version.
Well it's hard to argue with that
I use it for all Souls games. Granted, these games are slow enough and the camera is made so that it works. For games like DMC, KBM doesn't work at all because the camera is not centered around the character, but around the arena, which makes directional inputs annoying asf.
Oh god it's going to be awful isn't it?
>i use mose nda keebord wit drark so,les gaemss
It's still better because it's not on PS4.
Fuck, if it had came on Xbox, I'd even be happy.
>Who the fuck uses a mouse for action games?
you'll be surprised at how many PC players use a mouse for action games. I remember people bitching that DMC4 was too hard to play with mouse+keyboard and then the same complaints when bayonetta was ported to the PC.
PCfags are so desperate for games they don't care about shit like that
it also runs like garbage lmao
>i-i play om pladestations
Why do PC gamers INSIST on using a fucking mouse for video games. Stop it.
It's, a "Koei Tecmo Port somehow surprises people who weren't expecting a Koei Tecmo Port"
How the fuck do these people exist.
I cant think of any FPS game in the past 20 years that doesnt let you use a pad.
Bayo plays with mouse perfectly fine.
>pc version of Nioh doesn't get to use PS+ membership for a better online experience
AHHAHAAH, holy fuck. Koei at it again. Buckle up boys, another great port ahead.
I wouldn’t give a damn if the port’s problems were limited to that, but I’m very concerned about how well it is optimized and how buggy it is. Granted, I have a monster of a rig that probably can just brute force good performance out of even the worst of ports (ok, maybe not Saints Row 2 bad), but still.
>pc retards think that this plays like a FPS
the state of steamcucks
Man, These PC Cucks will miss out on PSN™'s constant downtime, adding to the Great Experience™ that only PlayStation™ can offer!
Greatness Awaits!™
fucking consolefags had to pay for three separate DLC's lmao
Given the delay inherent in the mouse control scheme for attacking in Souls, you'd be retarded to play like that.
Maybe you should make a better online platform if your so good at it.
these games play good enough with a proper m/k support
>from soft know how to add mouse support
>platinum games know how to add mouse support
>many other japanese studios know this shit by this time
>koei is still producing ps2 era pc ports
Yes, I'm quite surprised, you know.
Of course it is.
>be PC gamer
>don't have at least one gamepad
kb+m is objectively superior for dark soulz, provided you make some autohotkey scripts
you guys just aren't good or autistic enough to understand
Don't be. It's koei tecmo producing koei tecmo ports and they will never start. These are the lowest of low efforts made to turn a quick buck with minimal effort designed to support future projects by idiots who buy into them.
>KT port is bad
>tfw a 1080ti and an i9 won't be able to run it at 1080p 60fps
Why the fuck KT never give mouse support is beyond me. Even Bamco can learned and did it for the God Eaters ports.
Keyboard and mouse is unplayable for the first dark souls, but say what you want I actually liked kb+m for ds3, as well as dauntless
Daily reminder KT PC ports only use a single core, so if you're a dumbshit who bought an Intelcuck i7 8999k you're fucked because the games will only use 15% of your processor.
granted Nioh is way faster then any souls game
computers cant handle controllers
Its single core performance is still better than others so you'll still see a benefit
Its easily playable for DS2 and DS3
>people were expecting a KT pc port to be good
Actually what?
How about you give some source at least faggot.
Westaboos never quit
no one knows or cares who this shitty jap dev is, the trailer looked cool.
He's not Japanese. Him and the only other blonde in the game are from Europe.
Is that the Dark Souls clone were everything looks boring and the same?
7700k single core is better than 8700k
why on gods green fuck would you use m&k for a game like this
I've switched to PC 2-3 years ago and I STILL don't understand imbeciles that want to play fucking everything with KB+M.
My only guess is that they're just cheap and lazy.
dude, souls games are moving in slow motion compared to nioh
Unfortunately this is one of those times where it's a lone foreigner in Japan who has the skills of a samurai/ninja
using third party mods doesn't mean shit literally nobody played dork souls pc port with mouse and keyboard
I'm starting to see the downsides of anonymity
Anywhere else you spouted fucking retardation like this and you'd get fucking blasted off the forum and never post again, it makes me miss tripfags because there were accountable names to shitposts and you could filter them and never see dumb shit again
we played with guitar hero controllers
I can just mod the hair color anyway.
Welp nevermind OP isnt full of shit.
>we played with guitar hero controllers
yeah if your a fucking casual real hardcore players used the rockbank drumset
skipping through that video real fast, he doesnt move the camera a whole lot, seems like itd be possible to play with kbm only and jut have 4 axis or whatever the fuck its called camera control. Just updownleftright and lockon.
no one who plans on getting the pc version actually cares
So what? It's a PC game, it should always have mouse support.
>3rd person games with m+kb
Jesus please don't tell me any of you do this
>Who the fuck uses a mouse for action games? it's like using a pad for FPS.
yeah i play 3rd person shooter like MGSV or Resident Evil 4 with M/K
whats wrong with it?
>it makes me miss tripfags
They're still here. The problem is they won't go even when everybody filters them and they stop receiving their platinum (you)s, because they're already so fucked in the head that they think just standing out with a recurring name & trip makes them exceptional.
>playing 3rd person games with anything other than a mouse and keyboard
>le teepeeass is bad with MKB
What kind of fucking memery is this?
Everything that involves shooting (having to point a crosshair at a target) => only m+kb
console players without any m/k experience
More like you're going to mod the game, unlock all the skins at once and play through the game as Fuku.
Someone buy me a steam controller.
Whats the cheapest Cdkey?
If you're talking about DaS2, it's because you didn't disable double clicking in the menu.
I did retard, its easy as fuck
he's not even blond in-game, it's more silver
2game is at £27.23 if you also use the code 2GAME10NL, but it's Europe only
It's not a PC game though, just a port of a console game.
>nioh with a mouse
I can tell a lot of people here haven't played the game before.
This game literally would not work with a mouse/keyboard.
wow no shit
Can someone donate to my gofundme so i can get a ps4?
And why is that?
People don't play anything other than FIFA on Playstation.
Wow, it's like that never happened in real life. Next you're going to tell me The Obsidian Samurai is fan fiction.
If you release a game on PC and want me to pay for it, it has to have at the very least M&KB support, unlocked resolution, and unlocked framerate.
Otherwise I'll just pirate it.
Pls help
gofundme.com slash 4n6amns
It's not even like Nioh is that great of a game anyway, it was only lauded as good because it was a PS4 exclusive. I bought it hoping to pad out my PS4's library with good games and this just sucked. The combat's pretty good but everything else about it is just garbage.
i did you fucking faggot and I owned people in PVP by being able to quick turn with my zweihander
>The combat is good in a action game
>game sucks
This. And PC is 4k + 60fps. PS4 is neither.
Yeah because gameplay is only 1 part of a game, not its entirity. The graphics are awful, the enemy variety (from what I played until I got too bored to continue) is lacking, the story is both retarded and boring, and the loot/weapon system was just clumsily implemented.
Like why would I want to play a game that only has decent gameplay and nothing else when I can play other games that have decent gameplay and more to offer?
Not him but it's pretty fucking complicated to control properly. It's got a harder scheme than DMC4 for example and while you -can- play that with KBM it's hard as fuck.
Bit of a dealbreaker for me since kb+m is my standars setup since die by the sword/severance/enclave on PC. I'll see if it's true though once official information has been posted and not just OP's rumour.
playing witcher 3 with a mouse and keyboard
Be honest. How far did you play before you dropped it? The story is fine and my only beef with the loot is how poorly accessories and handled.
>poses a query
>receives answer
>declares it shit because its not what he wanted to hear
Go back to the shadows
>being this casul
A little bit after the centipede boss, I just lost interest in the game. I guess I'll be dumped on for "giving up too early" but I think after 3 or 4 bosses I've given the game enough of a chance to win me over.
I suppose that’s fair. The game is HUGE though (you made it less than 1/3rd of the way through the base game - you don’t even have all of your skills unlocked by that point), and the DLCs added some of the newer enemies to the original missions. I also thought the game looked fine but that one is pretty subjective I guess.
I thought the enemies looked alright, but the environments and textures looked really bad, that cave with the giant centipede in particular looked like a PS2 game. It had that weird "Dark Souls 2" look to it where all the textures look off.