Nier: Automata

>Nier: Automata
>the "muh interpretation" circle-jerk
>minimalistic callbacks to the original game
>average combat that can be easily blown side open, and fairly early on
>trying too hard to be a "thinking man's" game
>sub-par job of telling a story - most people don't get/understand half the shit this game tries to impart
>world seems large but compartmented and small once you've been around
>visuals are very hit/miss: sometimes gorgeous, sometimes bland
>only 2, MAYBE 3, mind-blowingly awesome boss battles - the rest are meh

4/10, sad when the world shouted it as an 11/10 game.

Arrogant bullshit aside, seriously... this game was a letdown. A " meh " at best. Anyone else agree? Anyone else feel this during/after playing the game?

i bet you think sonic is good game design

It's great the first playthrough and maybe the second time, but I don't wanna play 10 times the same thing just to get the full story

On the contrary, I think N:A and Sonic share similarities, in as much that both games have (had) this huge swell of hype and popularity, yet when you actually play them you're left feeling very underwhelmed.

Lmao why do people keep saying this like anyone buys the bait

Is this bait?

Don't bother trying to make legit comparisons to the first game, majority of people didn't play it and will just automatically disregard your point

what do you consider a good game?

>only 2, MAYBE 3, mind-blowingly awesome boss battles - the rest are meh
How many mind-blowingly awesome boss battles do other games have? Because most are lucky to get 1.


>>the "muh interpretation" circle-jerk
I have no idea what you mean by this


automatafags are human refuse

As a whole, good game?

Dark Souls. Chrono Trigger. Link to the Past.

I can spew random good/great games, but.... your point?

You've never played DMC3, or Bayonetta, or Bloodborne, have you?

Then look research it for yourself. You're a big lad, you'll figure it out.

>somebody calmly presents a list of criticisms
So ...this is the power of Nierfags...whoa

You only like this game because it makes you feel smart you fucking pseuds

The boss battles were freaking lame.
Drakengard 3 PC 2018 pls

Those are all character action games, where the entire POINT of the game is the graded combat where every weapon has deep movelists and you can purchase more weapons and moves from a shop.

This is an Action RPG, and its combat is similar to those in the genre like Kingdom Hearts, Kingdoms of Amalur, etc...

What's the point of arpgs

Ah yes, the wonderful "circlejerk" and "trying too hard", truly a masterful critique.
It's a fucking Sup Forums post which means it's a shitpost by default, even more because of an overdose of buzzwords.
The only interesting thing is that Sup Forums literally can't stop its autistic screeching towards Automata which is actually mildly amusing.

>>minimalistic callbacks to the original game

How is that a bad a thing?

I like it but I fail to see what makes this game or any other Taro game for that matter "deep"


the map is too small to enjoy it more than 2 playthroughs

Do explain how it makes you feel smart? Paying a simple attention to the game is all it needed, heck of anything, this'll just make tarofag resillience

I can see how hacking isn't everybody's famous mechanic. It needed more variations for sure.

Game has serous balancing issues, Unless you switch to hard somewhere in the middle, it gets too easy.

The small budget shows, but it wasn't much of a problem for me. The game world wasn't vast, but it was very connected, and I enjoyed traversing it.

I don't know why people act like it tried too hard with its story. If anything, it didn't try hard enough, A2 could be more fleshed out.

Enjoyed the game a lot, the combat system was fluid and fun, though a bit simplistic. Characters and music did it for me. Still waiting to see if Square gives us any substantial dlc. I will be replaying the game from start if they do.


Then more to my point. The combat N:A is meh. Not horrible, not even bad, just "meh". Regardless of what type of action game it is, that's a fair criticism of the combat/action.

I supposed it's not even one, really, since it's not set in stone that a sequel (or, game in the series) has to be a direct/mild sequel to an original. Perhaps it's just silly that the game's called Nier at all, but that's JMHO.

>You've never played DMC3, or Bayonetta, or Bloodborne, have you?
I've never played Bloodborne, but I wouldn't describe any of the boss fights in DmC or Bayonetta as "mind-blowingly awesome".

>well, that's just like etc etc etc

I enjoyed the boss battles from these 3, and those were just me shitting out some examples. Completely irrelevant to the original thought: the boss battles in this game are okay, but nothing stellar.

I agree, they really needed to try harder on those. The closest thing to a well designed boss battle we got was the final battle with interchanging characters.

this. i can't be fucked to get an old console to play again just give us ports plz

Wait people thought this game had good bosses?

Why make a thread when you made the exact same post in another thread?

For me I found it really enjoyable from the art direction, music, and atmosphere. I dont give a shit about story lines because they are all terrible in videogames. No writer worth a damn is going to be making videogames.

I also didnt play this game because v told me to so I had no expectations.

The I A M B E A U T I F U L one was cool, I can't even remember many of the other ones.

how easy is it to fap to this game? On a scale of 1 to 10.

>minimalistic callbacks to the original game
This is a bad thing?

Harder than you might imagine.

Ko-Shi & Ro-Shi was cool. ___9S___ was a great final boss in C route.

Well I am getting harder somewhere

>Calm criticisms
>this game is shit, is absurdly overhyped, and tries too hard
>Absolutely no criticism that uses examples or comparisons to validate anything but "I saw a gameplay video".


It takes place after Nier (albeit a few thousand years), has some of the same characters (kind of), and the extinction of humanity caused by Papa Nier is a major plot point.

Nier didn't cause shit. He just put the final nail in the coffin.

If you want to fap to it you probably shouldn't play it desu. It's a very very sad game. It's really not putting me in the mood to fap.

Because the one thought prompted me to make a thread for discussion, a discussion that was direct and on a topic, instead of a thread that is only 'pic related'.

The fuck does it matter to you anyway? You took the time to reply, so... what? Were you wanting a cookie that you found both my posts and made a connection?

I mean, you have to blow her up to seen the goods, and it gets better when you are in water, so... iunno?

>minimalistic callbacks to the original game

It's average at most, waifu bait for betas - that's why it's praised by an average Sup Forums poster.

Jokes aside, I can totally see and understand this point, user. But what I'm confused about is that outside of Sup Forums the reviews are fucking great. I couldn't find a youtube review that didn't sing this game's praise. So I've played it. And again, it's slightly below "meh".

yes and i got it, thanks for the (you)

> (You)


People will remember this game because it provoked an emotional response in them.

Well, you might be a brainlet user. Or be too closed minded or have too much autism to let it affect you. Or it just didn't work on you for some reason. Honestly this game has flaws and it doesn't work for everyone. But it's easy to see what it is trying to accomplish and the skills and talent that went into it and how it would succeed for most people that play it, and how much of a unique video game experience it is.
That or you got triggered over fucking waifus and now you have to go back.

If you go into it searching for the experience that all the Youtube reviewers had then you won't find it. Not because it isn't there, but because that moment has to happen organically.

Honestly, any reviewer who REALLY loved the game should only write two words in their review: "Play it".

.....was it 'baby's first emotional response from a game', then? Because I saw a few parts that were trying to be emotional or shocking or string-tugging, but they all fell rather flat. Hell I can't count how many times I would watch a scene and be thinking ".....ok yeah, but... they're androids. They're machines. Synthetic. Not life. I get that they're TRYING to convey that they are life like, but.... they are machines..." - many scenes were just lost on me emotionally.

And the gameplay gets shit on a lot but damn it's A LOT better than Nier. I'm not generally a big fan of this kind of combat though, I haven't played Revengeance or Bayonetta or whatever the best ones were. Not sure I would have liked them. Automata was simple and fun enough. Lack of enemy variety was what annoyed me the most.
Wow you're a fucking idiot.

Sounds like it didn't work for you then.

That's kind of the point.
The first game did a better job regarding your issue because the characters and the player thought they were human until they were revealed to be replicants whereas in Automata they're fully aware of what they are.

>if you disagree with me you must be a Neogaffer
Not even him but the game is not even close to "intelligent", it's the definition of appealing to pseudo intellectuals on a level rivaling that of Rick and Morty. You are right that it has flaws, but how is it significantly above average? Sure, Taro's passionate, but that doesn't mean the end product is stellar. Tetsuya Takahashi was passionate as well, arguably even more so, and ambitious, as well, in Xenogears, and that game was a hunk of feces. Sakurai put a lot of passion into Brawl and that didn't translate into a great end product either. Means nothing. Yeah it's unique but if the game's not fun/good, why bother.

Alright, post waifus to scare away the neofags.

So because you already decided that androids, no matter how life-like, aren't life that none of what they do or experience matters?

Can I post husbandos instead?

No way. I can understand 9S but I refuse to believe that anybody husbando'ed Adam. This is pretty hardcore user.

pls does anybody have the full version of this? I can't find it I've been searching forever.

Dunno what to tell ya. It was meh.

Who said I went in trying to get what they got? If that's what I conveyed, then my apologies, but that's not how I play games, at all. However, what I was trying to get at was that 9/10 people in my gaming life circle were all saying not only to play this game but that it was damn good. And with that many people touting it, I said OK and I tried it. That's it.

>Wow you're a fucking idiot.
.....that's all you got? Not gonna elaborate on why you think so (not that it matters)?

And that's about it. I get what they were going for, but it just didn't click for me. Just not a game for me. And that's totally fine, there are HUNDREDS of thousands of other games out there. Just kinda sucks, ya know?

Well yeah, but N:A has so many scenes/arcs where robots are emulating humans and trying to be humans... and all that shit just fell flat for me. Not just androids, either, I mean the actual robots. You know what I mean. But yeah, I just shrugged at most of it.

I mean..... yeah? The fuck does it matter, in the end, if they can just either plot-wise revive themselves inta new body or hand-wave mcguffin their way into keeping it all together? The stakes go out the window when it's not an actual human life. inB4allandroidsmatter

I'm actually trying to recall the good points, and they're kinda few and far between.
>figuring out how to game the combat system and them blowing it out of the water was cool, but led the gameplay to get button-mashy very, very quickly
>that part where you fought the -HUEG- machine, the one that rose out of the water by eating an entire ship in half? that part was cool
>the little tie-in/fill-in [arts when you went further down the scenarios was kinda cool

Even so, this is a short list ^

Why do you say that? What's wrong with him?

t. Didn't finish the game

I can agree. While playing the game I thought the characters and story made it a poor nier and as a cuhrazy fag I found it to be a poor action gameFlashing a flashlight to taunt unless you're a2[ along with how weapons chain together as an example/spoiler]
I was really hyped for a taro game with good gameplay but what I got was his worst work yet

Pretty sad bait you got there user

finished it 3 times

I dunno he's kind of giant asshole.
I just remembered that in the end they do let go of their hate for androids. That's the thing that Taro keeps doing, he wants you to consider things from the "monsters"' perspective.

Define "finished it"

>I mean..... yeah? The fuck does it matter, in the end
Don't you see? If this was your attitude FROM THE START, then of course the game wasn't going to resonate with you. It was a foregone conclusion.

first time as 2b, then 9s, then chose a2

It isn't bait user. The true ending for Automata was the worst thing taro has ever done

In finished inside your mom 3 times.

So you finished the game once.

It's bait, and it's obvious bait. Nothing in Automata is as bad as the DoD games.

But it's the truth. An obvious one, at that. So, it's not like I'm in the wrong here. It's just told poorly. I get it - the getting it isn't an issue. It's the care that's missing. I didn't "not care' because I'm an asshole, I didn't care because there were no stakes, and I knew this from the moment I knew they were androids, same for the machines. So.... sorry I didn't care to the level the story was designed for me to?

Yeah wanting to dissect the last remaining humans was pretty awful but I found his thirst for knowledge and relationship with Eve very cute. I wish we got more scenes with those two.

bad opinion

I have to agree. Everyone screamed for a 'le happy ending xd'. Shit, Taro, stick to what you do best. Don't listen to the people anymore.

Actually, you haven't finished it yet

Lmao even if it said: ending x

Gameplay in DoD is bad but I am not saying the gameplay is worse than dod. As a cuhrazy fag I find the gameplay worse than Bayonetta and DMC and as a Nier fan I hate the story of automata because it isn't as good and the ending is too happy. We need misery. Automata is just medicore in regards to both action genre and a taro story

I thought I missed something when I finished ending E. I realised the writing was shit when nobody on Sup Forums could agree with each other on the smaller details of the game. Also, having to read novels and play scripts to understand the story for a video game is shameful.

So you have to play the game 10 times to finish it, sure

You get an ending for self destructing on the space station. You think that's the end of the game too?

I was discussing the game with a friend, and he brought up a similar point: the first ending felt underwhelming to him because he felt the tragedy of losing self didn't work in the world where technology allows you to make backups of yourself.

I dunno, some people are just more willing to sympathize. The idea of the significance of now just clicks for some and doesn't for others.

I can also imagine some people being unable to immerse themselves in an overly anime like story, but this in particular is not the game's fault for sure.

I think the game asks the question pretty clearly: what does it matter if they are robots if what they feel is true? Whether it's the characters that make it click for you or you are just willing and hungry to jump on the emotional roller coaster, what makes the game special for a lot of people is the emotions it provokes.

Emotions are not always logical, and can be hard to argue.

IF what you said is true, then you literally only need to chapter select to the last battle and pick 9S to get the rest of the game.

Automata's story wasn't as good as the original's but it wasn't far off. And considering every single other aspect of Automata was better its ridiculous to call it his worst thing ever. And no shit the gameplay isn't like the DMC games, it's not even the same genre.

>And considering every single other aspect of Automata was better
>callbacks to previous games

>And no shit the gameplay isn't like the DMC games, it's not even the same genre.
>game listed as genre action
>made by the same people who made Bayonetta

Have you ever watched the episode of Star Trek: TNG, "The Measure of a Man"?

>made by the same people who made Bayonetta
From the beginning, Platinum said the game would be a true sequel to Nier and not a character action game like Bayonetta.

And yet it has all the fundamentals of a character action game and the game listed on the steam page is action. Nice try

OST is debatable. I feel Nier does slower tracks better while Automata does faster tracks better.
The only good character in Nier was Kaine.
The world was tiny and one decent area in the Aerie.
Automata is better.

my god, this game came out in march. talk about something else, Sup Forums.

The same shit applies to the original Nier you dumb fuck.

>his thirst for knowledge
Is what killed him in the end. And made Eve go nuclear with grief. He put his big ideas and his obsession with humanity before Eve. While Eve didn't care much for it, he cared for Adam. That's a theme in the game, putting ideas before people you love is ultimately foolish.

>sequel is released
>contrarians come out of the bushes to tell that the first game was superior
Called in back in 2015 when Automata just got released and here we are.
Shit eating hipsers are so predictable.

from a purely action-rpg gameplay perspective yes, it was mediocre. but the presentation is so crisp and unique it deserves the praise it gets

Not the hardest prediction in the world to make.