When will we get another big JRPG phase?
But if you're looking for a JRPG-Style game, Battle Chasers just came out and it's pretty okay.
Might take a fucking while.
AAA model and increased dev cycles due to HD pushed mid sized projects like classic console JRPGs out of the market. (they still exist in the handheld market though)
What would need to happen is either some independent devs would need to get bigger, or AAA studios need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that creating several mid range projects incurs less risk than creating one AAA game.
Square-Enix, with the success of the games by Tokyo RPG Factory, as well as the success of the Nier series, seems to be slowly adding these size projects back into their output, but there's a long way to go.
Other than that, you've really only got Nintendo's Monolith Soft, Namco's Tales Studio (coin flip on if it's actually good or not), and Falcom making those types of games with any regularity. Maybe you could also consider Level 5, but they work pretty slow.
Oh fug, I forgot Atlus too somehow
Those phases are gone my man and Wild Arms is dead because Wild Arms 5 killed it with it's shitty lightnovel tier plot, terrible MC, and just absolutely stellar voice acting.
Sony got scared off from funding their own console JRPGs for years thanks to that piece of shit WKC2 bombing.
Luckily, they were more open to the idea of it a few months back on the strength of P5, Nioh and Nier 2 all selling really well on the PS4, so the chance of a new Wild Arms or whatever isn't so outlandish now as opposed to 3-4 years ago.
The reason why I liked Final Fantasy 7 or Chrono Trigger was because there didn't seem to be anything particularly "Japanese" or "anime-like" about them. Whatever the concept art may have been, the models never struck me in that way, nor did the stories. But I don't know or care very much about anime, so I may be wrong.
Why would they think people would buy WKC2 when the first was like Kingdom of Amalur, AKA an MMO that was turned into a single player game halfway through production.
You are quite wrong but if you don't care much about anime I can't blame you for it, other than the inference that you would dislike them for being anime-like in the first place despite having said you don't fuck with anime so can't really tell what anime-like is
In short watch anime and play more PS1 JRPGs
Well, CT has art literally from the Dragon Ball guy, but I also understand that Dragon Ball gets a free pass in the west
And Cloud's hair and sword are certainly "anime". It's pointed out in like every period parody of the game.
Wild Arms still got XF even throughout them backing away from JRPGs after Folklore flopped like shit.
all those are good except ff7 is a shitty moviegame
Like it or not FF7 overshadowed the fuck out of LotD and many of the other more colorful RPGs released during the time.
It was a fad that eventually died off, like 3D mascot platformers. No point in hoping it to come back big time.
We still have titles that will be around forever like DQ and SMT and many smaller ones, especially for handheld.
>a fad
JRPG release comprised the larger part of libraries 3 generations of gaming consoles my man
Well then what are some recent quality JRPGs then? Personally I think P5 was okay and that the rating was inflated because of a drought of games from the genre.
>Personally I think P5 was okay and that the rating was inflated because of a drought of games from the genre.
You would be correct.
>Chrono Cross
my nigga
Those all came out before videogames became a turbo normie hobby in the mid 2000's
What about the fucking battle chasers game
I loved legend of dragoon as a kid, so I replayed it last week and it's actually not very good.
>so I replayed it last week and it's actually not very good.
The problem lies in the pacing.
Another user recommended it as well. Looks sweet and totally gives off old school JRPG vibes.
Also combat gets really old.
>because of a drought of games from the genre.
There has never been a drought of japanese RPGs, it's only you fucking retards who only want AAA cinematic garbage like the games in the OP, that isn't sustainable anymore nowadays and the west has only itself to blame that a lot franchises are JP only, since all that people want when it comes to japanese RPGs is FF clones and generic Atlus trash for the slightly more "hipster" audience.
So a drought in the west?
Pretty much so, and even that isn't exactly correct anyway since we still get most of the big name franchises anyway.
Not to mention that trash like Neptunia is also more popular in the west than it is in the east, that alone should make you think.
I don't want them to make a sequel to chrono cross, I don't know if anyone from the old chrono team is even there anymore and I doubt they'd know what to do with it anyway.
I would like them to be ambitious with their games again though.
Brave Fencer Musashi and Threads of Fate weren't super popular, but they were still great games and did things most other rpgs didn't do.
I'm looking forward to project octopath traveller.
Square's definitely giving the devs on that one a lot of freedom.
I guess after bravely default 1&2 didn't bomb like square was expecting they just threw their hands up in the air and said "fuck it! do whatever you want!"
>asking this on the year of DQXI release
Won't ever happen again for a few reasons.
1. The golden age came at the right place at the right time.
2. Gaming technology has largely grown enough to the point where the masses will never want such a genre of gaming.
This is why open world games, FPS games, Sport, and sadly enough even movie-like games are popular these days and likely will always be so at least for a long time.
- FPS is pretty obvious one. It is immersive and simple yet very fun and addictive. FPS is like the porn genre of gaming.
- Sports has always been pleb shit for the biggest of plebs. This doesn't need explaining.
-Open World has become possible thanks to improvements in technology. The more technology in gaming improves the more this genre will keep getting bigger. Don't ever think it is going away now because its only going to continue to grow.
-Movie type games actually started becoming a thing with the PS1. It just grew a ton since then. These games get made primarily for developers to boast about their shit game and wow the audience easily. People also sadly like a ton of story shit in their games told through cinematics rather than in a more innovative way that would actually compliment what gaming can bring like Dark Souls way of storytelling.
Basically JRPG genre is antiquated in the masses eyes. They can't possibly have an appreciation for the style of game a JRPG can be. I don't think it will ever disappear but its never going to be anything other than niche to mildly popular at best.
>AAA cinematic garbage like the games in the OP
Kill yourself.
blame muh graphics fags. But yeah, the AAA model is cancer. we need more AA games.
>Open World has become possible thanks to improvements in technology.
Open world as we know it maybe. Metal Max was open world but without the compromises to game design like having nothing to do for large stretches of your travel.
>- Sports has always been pleb shit for the biggest of plebs
Actually, sports game where played almost exclusively by the stats crunching spreadsheet making fans that now play Football Manager up until the PS2/xbox/GC gen.
All of those games are pretty much that outside of Wild Arms, which is pretty subpar in terms of budget.
Metal Max is a great franchise but it's not enough cinematic and story driven for the west, Metal Saga on PS2 was great but it bombed hard.
On that note, I'm pretty hyped for the incoming PS4/Vita Metal Max/Saga.
we could have had a great one but the Amerilard weebs and Europoor weebs rejected based MS attempt to woo them by bankrolling development
worthless fucks
Never ever. Western megacorps have had a death grip on the industry and kept journalists and marketers in a xenophobic trance since the 6th gen and there are no signs of this ever changing for thr better.
Well open world as we know it got popularized largely thanks to GTA3. Open world is a type of genre that gives people a sandbox. So I can't see this ever not being popular no matter how bland that sandbox is in many open world games. Basically its a pretty easy genre to get right and keep people occupied thinking they are playing something big with great gameplay. It almost has a placebo like effect on most who love it.
Its a good genre imo just way overdone is all. Many not done well at all either. Its easy to see why this genre got so big honestly.
Lost Sphear comes out next year. Maybe it will be good. Right? P-p-please?
>no tales announcement this year
>Tokyo RPG Factory
It will be slightly above Setsuna, so still derivative shit for nostalgiafags.
>for nostalgiafags
Fuck no. That game is targeted as nostalgiabait for people who don't have actual nostalgia. Because the vast majority of games produced on the SNES including Chrono Trigger played better than Setsuna and had an OST that wasn't complete irredeemable ass.
>the success of the games by Tokyo RPG Factory
Setsuna had lukewarm sales and reception and Lost Sphear bombed hard in Japan.
No, Tokyo RPG Factory's project for actual nostalgia fags is Octopath Traveler
The reason JRPG's died is simple. Body language. In modern games the graphics allow realistic body language and japanese people have always been fucking crazy with shit body language and a weird emotional quotient.Older games hid this because the graphics weren't able to accurately show what they meant. So they had to improvise, and it created a weirdly ok form of body language that was only in video games. The little sweat droplet coming down a characters face and clouds shrugs weren't so awkward because they were meant to convey complex emotions in a simple way. Now they can display their full autismic glory in HD.
Whoops, I thought they were the Bravely Default and 4 Heroes of Light team
That Silicon Studios, not owned by Squeenix.
Are you drunk?
It's very saddening that all of these series are dead. I mean Final Fantasy isn't but it may as well be after the clusterfuck that was XV. Now we have Trails (it's alright), Neptunia (garbage), SMT (haven't played too many of them desu), and Tokyo RPG Factory (Setsuna was bad) My fingers are crossed for Xenoblade 2.
>A game which main gimmick is taken straight from Romancing SaGa, which never came out of japan, is for nostalgiafags
Maybe for japanese people, and japanese nostalgiafags who like SaGa are pretty uninterested in Octopath, mostly because there's a remake of Romancing SaGa 3 inbound for them and Octopath is sorely lacking in terms of actual gameplay compared to SaGa.
Unless by nostalgia factor you mean alright pixel art ruined by terrible filters.
>tfw turn-based combat is dead
>Most of the JRPG released in 2016/2017 are turn based
Dumb frogposter
>Nostalgia fags aren't looking for modern games that are like Saga Frontier (or any other classic PS1 RPG really)
action rpg is the future
Turn based was so appealing because of the level of control. You could take your time and select your targets while enjoying the battle music and watch cool battle animations. Even with ATB this applies just not to the same extent. I miss it man, I really do.
Why do people think JRPGs are dead when JRPGs are pretty much in the same situation they've been in for decades?
>tons of shovelware/moe/waifu pandering JRPGs while only a bunch of good JRPGs from that year reach acclaimed-status and are remembered
name 1
>>Nostalgia fags aren't looking for modern games that are like Saga Frontier
SaGa Frontier is super niche in the west and Octopath doesn't even play like it outside of having multiple MCs, and those rare western nostalgiafags are probably waiting for Alliance Alive on the 3DS or the Romancing SaGa 3 remake.
Like really, outside of a handful of people who even knows SaGa in the west, SMT is more popular.
Fucking Persona 5 you dumb nigger.
>only a bunch of good JRPGs from that year reach acclaimed-status and are remembered
Literally none in the last 10 years or so
Legend of Dragoon was actually pretty shitty. I liked the addition system but the dialogue and story were terrible.
turn based is so comfy
Because people are afflicted by multiple cognitive biases
>tons of shovelwhare/moe/waifu pandering JRPGs
Maybe if you're completely oblivious of the gaming scene.
If the Galaxy Fraulein Yuna series made it to the West people would be calling it the Neptunia of the 90s.
He's absolutely right though, moeshit and waifushit were a thing since the PC88, PCE was a console with a lot of that stuff, some of which even got ported to the SNES, see Princess Minerva.
Shovelware too has been a constant in the industry since the NES.
Dark souls serie are modern castelvania 3D,In future some studio will make new loving JRPG.
Most popular JRPG begins Pokemon, just need some long waiting.
Wild Arms 3 was the highest point of the series imo.
Wild Arms is comfy
Jrpg is not a genre.
I don't think we're ever getting the Squaresoft era again where there was big money being poured into every kind of crazy JRPG. It's a genre that was really about value for money because they were huge games that lasted a hundred hours with gameplay that just barely had enough variables to keep your attention, with lavish production values making up for how the games actually played. Nowadays making games is so damn expensive thay this kind of approach simply isn't worth it anymore. All of the long games are more modestly budgeted and take tons of shortcuts with their content.
That would require the Japs to relearn how to write well
>everyone just want a remake of x game
>no one wants a new IP or reinvent thing
Thats why jrpg dies
Look at hollow knight and cuphead. Both are great new games... meanwhile jrpg get FF 10 million or Pepesona 5
The existence of old Moe shit doesnt prove the existence of new good stuff.
Take a look at the diversity of RPGs that were released for the SNES or PS1, and try your fucking hardest to come up with anything close to a comparable list from the modern console generation
>Sure it sucks, but look at how much of it I got!
JRPGs are the fast food of video games
Arc The Lad is fucking trash
Octopath is looking good. Although it's a throwback game.
>game that can take longer than 100 hours to beat
>fast food
Why yes, yes it was.
I enjoyed the games, still working on XF, though it's my first tactics style game so I'm ass at it.
I just wish that the games would have be straight Western JRPGs instead the strange futuristic/western settings that they used.
>tameme shit
>game that can take longer than 100 hours to beat
>"But look at how much of it I got"
you know that also applies to doing one billions useless radomly generated sidequests in one of those modern open world games, right?
You can clock as much time as you want on those, they're designed with this worth your money for time philosophy.
>with gameplay that just barely had enough variables to keep your attention
Nigger I spent around 300 hours on SaGa Frontier alone back, in the days same with Legend of Mana or SaGa Frontier 2, there's plenty of variables.
>Romancing SaGa 3 but no 2
>Metal Max Returns but not 2
>SNES Mystic Arc but no Maboroshi Gekijou
>No Lunatic Dawn Odyssey/3
>No Uncharted Waters
>No Gunparade March
>No Brandish
Shit list, and most of the games in that list are literal garbage for casuals
>try your fucking hardest to come up with anything close to a comparable list from the modern console generation
I could, but you'd bitch and moan that you don't know those games or that they didn't come to the west or whatever else.
Excellent rebuttal
Not on a handheld.
how can 1 man be so cucked
sports games also used to be some of the most insanely over the top fun games in any multiplayer setting like N B A JAM and blitz and such. bastardized video game versions of sports are still sports games, and NBA jam is fucking sick
Action RPG's are trash.
90% of the best turn based JRPG released in the last two gens are on handhelds though.
if I'm refraining from fapping for some time, does getting a boner once in a while mess things up?
>CC, LoD
2 of the 3 members of PS1's triumvirate of painfully subpar jrpgs that people overrate for some reason, along with FFVIII.
>legend of the dragoon
>I could have included even MORE games on the classic lists
Wow, this is truly an argument in favor of the modern equivalent
It only shows how pathetic that argument was to begin with, why should one care about a list made by someone who didn't even know the genre back in the days.
>Gunparade March
Parrots need to let this meme die, it doesn't make you sound like you know what you're talking about. The game is ass, the source material is shit, and it's being generous to even call it an rpg.
>persona 5
>xenoblade 2
>new medeval monolith soft game