This is Aloy, say something nice about her



ugly bitch


she would be kind of okay if not for that stupid hair

i cant wait to play monster hunter with her

She's actually fairly gorgeous if you look past the stupid caveman ginger dreads, which was a terrible idea.

And don't tell me she can't have a modern hairstyle because there aren't any hair care products or anything, because you can't give her shaved pits and and carefully maintained eyebrows and then say they don't have similar beauty standards

I'm gonna play as her in Monster Hunter, exclusively on PlayStation 4!

Looks like Bobby Hill

>Its a Sup Forums is gay episode

Shame more people didn't buy your game.

Anyways no matter how much I look I simply can't see what some anons find attractive about her.

I like Aloy more in her Carja outfits with the masks to be quite honest desu

She'd be even better if she had means to provide food for our newborn son.


I wonder when Sarkeesian will get around to twisting this character's personality and motivation to fit her cancerous "all games are misogynistic" narrative like she did with Samus and Lara Croft

To be honest the only thing i don't like is the hairstyle.
She looks too cartoony with it.

Yeah no shit cause it covers her fucking Tin Tin like visage.

she has the face of a 13 year old boy. remove the hair and clothes and add a backwards cap and you'll see what I mean

>remove the clothes

Realistically I didn't know her name until the newest MHW trailer came out

Well you're going to be seeing a lot of her!

She's not Anthony Burch

She's pretty close.

>say something nice about her
Protip: you can't.

who the fuck cares, thought these shits would have run out of money for their marketing agency by now. Is Aloy some flag ship piece of shit like Nathan Drake? That's the only way I can think of rationalizing the existence of these threads still.

smelly firecrotch

Isn't this the first one of these threads in almost a full year? And the only reason people are even talking about it is the crossover DLC with monster hunter. The gameplay is actually great but nobody will know because nobody has played the game.

Disgusting autist.

Does anyone know if the Felyne will be available to use without Aloy?

I wouldn't say great but it is definitely better than the average western AAA game.

Is her game good, Sup Forums?

She's a part of an Overrated game on the most bland console this gen. Congrats.

It will be. It's an armour set for the cat, and the Aloy costume is just that, a full, one piece armour set. You can't even have the clothes without the face.

I'm playing MHW on Xbox and then PC if they don't fuck it up.


More than likely unless they radically changed how collab outfits work.

Cat armor has always been a separate thing.

She looks like randomfrankp

Cool, thanks. I like the mechano critters from Horizon but Aloy is so... bad

It's actually fun yes. Which was surprising. I avoided this game like the plague because of the raw power of memes. I only picked it up literally a week ago and kick myself in the head for passing it up. It's not 10/10 masterpiece tier but the combat is good and offers more player decisions in an encounter to encounter basis. It's alright.

Someone should photoshop her with different hairstyles


>3.6 million copies sold so far of this new IP, still going up
>Metroid Samus Returns, featuring a household name, sold less than 300k and Nintendo faglets consider it a success
>PS4 and 3DS' install bases are at similar numbers now, so same number of potential buyers
>Metroid is $40 and Horizon is $60, still didn't manage to sell 1/10th of what Horizon did

It's safe to say Horizon is the most popular female led franchise right now, considering even Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't manage to surpass that.

Aloy is more famous than you think.

The mask makes me think of father Nier for whatever reason.

>Try to play it
>cant aim with a joystick because i got used to m+kb
Do i need to lower the difficulty to get aim assist back?

Just need to polish up on your skill my friend. You'll get used to it the more you play.

She'd be pretty cute if she was a trap.

unironically love how mad sony makes spergs like this guy

small breasts produce milk too user, don't be retarded

>being fucking gay

>it covers her fucking Tin Tin like visage.

My sides are in orbit.


Fairly gorgeous is an oxymoron you double nigger

It is Overrated. It's like Skyrim, it's "okay" but if you think it's anything more, well, you are either one of the paid for shills, a dev on the game or a total idiot.