Red9, or Blacktail?
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Trick question. Resident Evil 4 isn't worth playing. Take your shovelware franchise and fuck off.
Red9 is for big manly men
I will imply that you're saying that's a good game.
>this fucking guy
What the hell is wrong with you?
>Resident Evil 4 is shit but this game that tries extremely hard to be Resident Evil 4 is good
shit tier bait
Broken Butterfly or Killer7? Jacket or no jacket? Mercenaries or Raid mode?
chicago typrighter
lol both games had the same director nigger
Broken Butterfly
Special Costume 2
Extreme Battle Mode
Leon is the only character in RE or games that pull that haircut off but even then he kinda looks like a fag.
He only looks like a fag because he makes you gay for him
You're a fag
Red 9 is the autists' MUH AMMMO EFFICIENCY choice. Blacktail is the compromise between the TMP and the Red 9, with a nice balance of power, inventory compactness and melee utility. Silver ghost/handgun for cool guys who like to make heads pop.
For a single playthrough the Killer 7 is stronger and cheaper for the vast majority of their availability. Butterfly doesn't get its exclusive upgrade that puts its power over the 7 until AFTER the U3 boss, which is the penultimate boss in the game. Aside from that you can use it on Saddler to end the fight slightly faster than just doing it the normal way, but the usefulness of that compared to the resources you put in to get it is questionable.
Riot gun is also an underrated shotgun.
Everyone's a fag for Leon
Red9. Tried the Blacktail after going through the game with Red9 and it just felt way too flighty when I tried to aim it.
Shotgun is the best shotgun
red9 everytime
Red9 is good if you want to just shoot things but want to be ammo efficient
Blacktail is good if you want to kick things or get good DPS at the cost of ammo efficiency
Default handgun is for fun times since the special multiplier affects all attacks with it equipped.
Red 9 for them headshots.
Krauser or Hunk
Krauser and Wesker were actually broken
I choose RedTube and BLACKED instead.
Mercenaries proved that RE4 has god tier gameplay.
nah, Hunk was the real broken one
just stunlocking and necksapping
stunlockan and necksnappan
Headshots don't really do anything in RE4 except set them up for a melee attack (and usually the knee ones are better anyway) Their heads exploding is based on some hidden critical hit chance that could trigger by shooting them anywhere. You can test this with the silver ghost and just keep shooting them in the midsection until their heads pop.
The rifles will pop heads if you aim at them, but I think they work differently.
Handgun, I like critical shots on the head
Red9 is for handicapped
zombie powers will do that to you
wesker actually felt more potent than his RE5 mercenaries version despite having less shit
wait what the fuck
Silver Ghost
Its crit multiplier makes it the better gun during and after the castle section.
Really? I remember consistently popping heads with the Red 9.
Evil Within is trash
Won't buy the sequel until it's at least half off
Krauser and Hunk
I even bought Mercs3d because I love mercenaries so much
>firing the Broken Butterfly for the first time
How is it on the original 3DS? Might pick it up myself.
>firing the shotgun
>cant find the broken butterfly
where is it? last i remeber was it being in the shed during the fireball catapult things
>get to the castle for the first time
>shoot enemy in the knee
>"Suplex" prompt
The Matilda of course. It's very satisfying to use.
That locked door you couldn't get to in the castle when ashley was missing
go back there with ashley and get her to unlock it
Are there any major problems/bugs with the HD/remaster version from Steam? I see a bunch of people complaining about controls but I have no idea what they mean.
Also whats wrong with 60fps in RE4?
It's later on. There will be a locked room you need to backtrack to after you get Ashley next to a fountain.
Those eyes
It's even better when you do it like this.
yes but you could not do that to the bigger guys
Evil Within 1 is a garbage fire, but Evil Within 2 is a lot better than TEW1
HUNK for that sweet-ass neck snap.
Red 9, every time
it's good
you can also emulate the wii version if you want a version closest to the GC original
the animations are janky at 60p fps though
This has to be a mod.
Red9 is kino
It's more technically demanding than it should be. It'll run good if you have an actually good computer, but it still runs worse than a 12 year old game should.
Nah it's just only in the gamecube version. You're not supposed to be able to stun enemies as Ashley so they didn't think to turn off the melee prompts.
I think the only ones immune are the chainsaw and the blind claw guys, but they never had any qtes to begin with.
getting a chain of 20+ necksnapped ganados is an amazing feeling
Krauzer and Wesker just have OP weapons.
starting pistol.
well yea but those blind guys are a real pain with only a TMP. Krauser was OP because his transformation could insta kill both the claw and chainsaw guys.
Use grenades
blacktail superior handling my friend
Red9 power is all that matters
Red9 has stock though
I've been fucked on the grenade rng before
Leon was so shit, should have at least given him more inventory space and the shitty sniper.
Ada had the sniper rifler, Krauser could one hit a boss and a group of enemies, Hunk had the head snape instakill and wesker had a powerful arsenal with the post powerful qte's in the game.
well then call me a quadraplegic
HUNK my nigga everyone else is doing it wrong
at least he has a shotgun
is it worth using the current release of the HD texture pack? or will I be disappointed halfway through the game when the textures turn to shit again?
Punisher is pretty godly for most of the Village and Castle areas because enemies run at you grouped in a line due to all the hallways
who /handgun/ here?
Red9, no question asked. Blacktails only real advantage is ROF, which isn't really an issue in a game where enemies move towards you at a snails pace, and mag capacity. If you are going with the blacktail on those factors you might as well just admit you are a fucking scrub and just grab your shiTMP already, cause you are an autistic manchild that can't keep composure in a mildly stressful situation, and spams bullets the moment you see an enemy.
Just wait user. I haven't played RE4HD since release because of that sweet ass project and I won't until it's finished. Just wait it will be so worth it.
Blacktail is objectively better for everything except ammo conservation (and you don't need to conserve pistol ammo anyway). It's smaller, shoots faster, has a bigger magazine, reloads faster, gives you accelerated turning, has higher DPS, etc. It's just better.
HOWEVER: You get it way later in the game. Red 9 is pretty close to Blacktail in DPS and available much, much earlier. Therefore Red 9 is usually the better buy despite being the inferior gun.
Blacktail isn't that much later in the game.
I could never get the handcannon, because the Castle area with Leon is impossible to get all the stars. He's just so shit against the claw guys and you have to be extremely lucky to get enough nades for max score.
Red9 is for first playthroughs, Blacktail is for replays.
Maxed Handgun is the true patrician choice, however. Punisher is for pesetas.
I unlocked all of the characters in mercenary last night, and then did an old man grunt when I thought of S ranking everything with every character. I did my time with that shit back in the day, Leon and Ada are so boring
My nigga
Yes it is, there's like two entire chapters between them.
Nigger you can grab the Broken Butterfly for free.
You're thinking of the original RE games. In RE4 you need to hit the head to get a crit with a handgun.
Red9 all day nigga
It's the best version of the game. People are probably complaining about the mouse and keyboard controls, which are kinda fucked. Play it with a controller. Aiming speed is different for different guns in RE4, so aiming with a mouse is wonky as fuck.
No, he's totally right. BB is only good when you upgrade it to max, and when you do that, the game is almost over. You're like five seconds away from Saddler at that point. Meanwhile a completely UNupgraded K7 is stronger than an almost maxed BB. K7 is the better gun unless you're aiming for NG+.
shotgun is actually the worst shotgun
>unlimited range!
>doesnt do anything for the pellet spread so its worthless at long ranges anyhow
Yeah but it's relatively weak. It's cheaper to just buy the killer 7 than it is to upgrade the BB to make it
Cost of brand new Killer 7 at 25 power (base): 77,700
Cost to upgrade free broken butterfly to 24 power (starts at 13): 140,000
Fuck you I like the look and feel of it
who tmp + mine thrower here?
>knee cap enemies into a huge pile
>shoot mine at them
Remove mine thrower and you have a better build.
I honestly don't understand why some fags are against the TMP, that gun is insanely strong. Strongest non-magnum gun in the game by objective calculations.
Killer7 memers are funny. The original perception was that it was the most useless gun in the game because the Broken Butterfly is comparable and ultimately becomes better. If you don't have enough pesetas to get its power up as soon as you get it, you're doing something very wrong.
The fuck do you kids do, buy mine launchers and TMPs?
its ok but compared to the other shotguns who both have amazing exclusive upgrades, starting shotgun cant compare with its flawed upgrade. I think the starting shotgun always shoots one pellet accurately so you can technically use it to snipe from far ranges but its barely worth it.
Red9 every time. I don't even buy another pistol until I can get Red9
>If you don't have enough pesetas to get its power up as soon as you get it, you're doing something very wrong.
Nice try fuckhead, you literally can't buy the upgrades because they're not available in the stores until the very end of the game.
You can have a 99% maxed Broken Butterfly and it's literally worse than a stock Killer 7 with no upgrades. It is ONLY the very final upgrade that makes Butterfly better. And you cannot get it before the game is almost over.
Anybody who advocates Butterfly is a faggot who read the same FAQ from GameFaqs, and that FAQ is fucking wrong. It's the same FAQ that tells people TMP sucks, when it's literally the strongest gun in the game. Fucking think for yourselves and look at the numbers you morons. Don't just believe what you read online.
starting handgun
Wish there was somehow a mod of his RE6 mechanics backported into RE4
All that dual wield quickfire stuff would have done a lot to make him stand out. I get he's the baseline vanilla character of the roster but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have had functional parity with everyone else
The TMP suffers a lot from Boring But Practical.