what's your most-played game Sup Forums
What's your most-played game Sup Forums
Patrician taste exile
is path of exile good?
is it just a dungoen crawler or does it have good quests?
i have never played a diablo game
its a looting/character building
the lore is actually kinda interesting but definitely not the focus, there are quests but not the usual RPG kind, they help you guide through the game and don't have choice & consequence
Garry's Mod
at 672 hours
No, it's shit. You can beat the game in a few hours and the end game consists of repetitive grinding for items you can never personally use. Added to that literally every aspect of the game is randomized which makes the crafting system fucking useless unless you play 24/7
Added to that, if you play league which most people do, all your progress is "gone" after a few months and the new league starts you from 0, so you basically wasted all your time and do the same thing for the next few months before it gets wiped again.
If you care about questing it's not for you. The game is all about grinding for gear and levels, doing your best to be as broken as possible and avoid getting killed by more broken enemies.
At it's best it is a spreadsheet simulator where you get to test your autistic creation in game.
At it's worse you follow some ebin streamer build, feel good about yourself, and buy some overpriced uniques.
It's fun to people who like filling out spreadsheets.
If you are making it to act ten in a few hours you are a god. But also beating the game is hitting 100 or at least 90+ I'm sure you've accomplished neither
Beating the endgame is killing the Shaper/maps, not autistically grinding to 100
I'll probably never play it again, though.
Pardon the shitty phone cropping. The new expansion is pretty good and Ive got many more character builds in mind.
>race is to 100
>not all builds can do shaper or Huber.
>all builds can hit 100
Sorry friendo, it's an autism grinding game. I love it, but at least I know what it is.
I ran beach head over 2000 times this league
The meat of the game is endgame. Players tend to create their own goals (obtain a rare item, reach level 100, etc.); though the devs give you some in the way of "challenges" in each new 3-month league.
less than 1% of the playerbase get to 36/40 challenges (36 gets you all the rewards) so it can occupy a fair bit of your time.
Each new league offers some kind of fresh mechanic or gimmick so it's not just item rebalancing.
Other players really get into theorycrafting builds. The game offers enough (accessible) complexity that you can easily spend hours off-game just theorycrafting. Or you can just follow a guide if you're not into that.
With the Path of Building tool no spreadsheets are necessary
Halo 3 and Halo Reach
Where my dota 2 boys at
best game coming through
not him but getting 90+ became piss easy since beachheads got released.
Goml faggots
8376 hours in Wow, but it's more like 13k but I sold my original character that had 2 rank 1 arena titles from Bc as well as Glaives and vanilla Commander title. Got $3,000 for it in Wrath
Sure, but that was one league and they are not being included in the core game.
yea boy
Over 1000h in Morrowind, I think
Is 500 hours in a game even alot?
It over a time period of 3 years, i feel like it's nothing.
My dick. I added a custom exe so all my friends know when I'm beating off.
It's undeniably bad
I did the math on it, it's roughly playing 3 hours a day for 2 months each year.
or 56 days of 3 hours
Which is fucking nothing
You must only play PoE
Some people have to work and cook their own food, user.
It's better than CoH1
I have over 2,000 hours in CoH1 too
Curious why you posted the picture you did, are you making fun of the poster in the picture? Because he's technically correct about everything he said.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
It was fun while it lasted. Not sure if I'll get into Mordhau, since dragging and animation shenanigans seem to have crept into that game too.
on steam is memes
legit one is one of the mmos ive played & regret
~180 hours into mh4u
still haven't passed g1 though
it's neat for 30h and after that it's boring as fuck and you have to force yourself to keep playing
How many hours? I have like 5k in tf2 but half of that was just sitting in trade servers afk
pic related is second to wow, which I stopped playing a while ago
It's not for you. Only arpg autists enjoy it. You would probably like Diablo 3 honestly. It's the better game anyway, so win win for you.