The bounty hunter, Samus Aran, protagonist of the video game Metroid for the Nintendo Entertainment System, was a girl (female) the entire time!
Who could have seen it coming?

I think we should talk about this character. What else do we know about her?

What are her hobbies?
Does she have a boyfriend?
Is she still a virgin?


>Is she still a virgin?
based on my old fanfics of her fucking Chozo boys in her young age, no

When I was a kid, I thought Megaman and Metroid were brothers because they both had a gun for an arm.

Samus is confirmed trans

could you post that?

it will be worth at least a laugh

It's pretty sexist these days to automatically assume that everyone in a spacesuit is male

>Is she still a virgin?
No, she got fucked by BBC (big bird cock)

Imagine Sup Forums's reaction of this happened today.

This. Check the wiki article. Brianna edited it to say that Samus is transgender and now it's cannon.

the state of this board, what a tragedy

>completely unsourced "it was totally in a Japanese strategy guide I swear guis" claim

>female bounty hunter

Fucking SJWs strike again.

>SJWs ruining muh vidya!

Women are irrelevant, feminist even more irrelevant

Don't you get tired getting blown the fuck out in every thread?

posting Samus

no wonder it bombed so hard lmao

Post proof then.


Samus would be better if she was a badass aryan dude instead.




In the first games that was what was so cool with her. It didn't matter one bit that she was a woman. She's in a mechanized combat suit on an alien planet, it *really* doesn't matter then. No pussypass happening there. You could assume she was just as bad ass as a man.
The underwear reward pics were kind of dumb. I usually like sexualized female characters in my vidyas tbqdesu and most games will keep doing that hopefully. But in this case it was a great opportunity to consistently not do it to make a point. But you kind of have to do it for marketing purposes.
And then Other M happened and Samus has female hysteria.

Samus sex isn't important at all, but I think it would be cooler if Samus was a male version of what we have. Kinda like a tall and human Link, but much colder and in a whole 'nother context. He'd be badass as fuck.
I liked the rewards of sexy pics, a nod towards the fans who, let's use honesty here, only care about it. Samus does everything DESPITE being female, but it's hard to think a woman would do so, even if said character is barely a Homo sapiens with all the chozo blood conga.
If Metroid was slightly coherent, Samus really would just become some space pirate's main bitch, using her armor to assist Chaddley in his spacial conquests.

Is Bryanna Wu still trying frantically trying to edit the wiki ?

t. underage sexist


This game is unrealistic as fuck. Women would never be able to enter a combat role like hers. I would know, I'm an ex-Navy Seal sniper with over 300 confirmed kills.