What is the Hindu mythology of video games?

What is the Hindu mythology of video games?

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Digital Devil Saga

Asura's Wrath

your moms hair vagpuss


>pretty cool but nobody knows much about it except for its diehard fanbase
Sounds a lot like Dragon Quest to me.


This, as well as the in-depth Elder Scrolls lore as a whole.
The concept of the godhead is literally Brahman.

this tbqh

Does Morrowind count?

Kajiri Kamui Kagura

How come everyone is multi armed in Hindu mythology? Not that it's not neat, it's kind of cool looking.

It's symbolic for power. The more arms someone has, the more powerful or far-reaching they are. And more heads means more wisdom and knowledge, being able to see in every direction.

Think about it.
More hands to jack off with

A god of war game based on hindu mythology would be awesome. So much potential

Gods are usually overpowered as fuck, but what does the Hindu Mythology have compared to

>Fucking Creator of the Universe and His evil Son
>An entire army of immortal Vikings
>Immortal Blood/Sun Gods
>Spirits of the fucking forest


I dunno but some of the well-known heroes get weapons that can nuke all of creation like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashupatastra
It's the original chuuni bullshit.

kingdom hearts

I'm engraving this on my assault rifle and going to india

Too bad people would sperg out about it. You cant make a god of war game featuring any modern religion

final boss is a toilet

Vidya = Knowdlege


But can they shoot faster than Shiva Can Dance, Or before Ganesh just instakills you?

Hinduism is naruto now

Mormon God Beats everything though, he doesnt have the limitation of not being able to do "Ungodly" Acts like the christian God and he is omnipresent, instead of depending on an omnipresent jesus like the christian God"

Pretty much this, Elder Scrolls is based on veda creation myth.

Though Asura's Wrath is more Buddhism then Hinduism

Most of buddhism come from hinduism


Is there a better mythological figure, hero or villain, than Sun 'Great Sage Equal to the Heavens' Wukong?


>Digital Devil Saga
The setup of this game is actually pretty neat.
According to Hinduism's Kundalini, there are 7 levels or chakras inside a human. In basic terms, there are the human's "spirit energy". This levels are present in place in the spine like in the pic.
So, to attain Ascension or "Nirvana", you need to raise your spirit level from bottom to top.
>Muladhara -> Svadhisthana -> Nabhi-Manipura -> Anahata -> Vishuddhi -> Ajna -> Sahasrara
Most human beings only remain at the Muladhara or Svadhisthana level, though occasionally reaching higher levels at sometimes (ever feel 'high' inside after a rigorous work?)
The religion of Hinduism is unique in the sense that people are encouraged to strive for higher levels.

What does it have to DDS? Well, our team is from Muldhara and we 'devour' those in Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddi, Ajna and then Sahasrara (meaning lotus head) to reach to tower of Nirvana.
And how do you upgrade? Through Atma points (spirit energy points)

This is very interesting twist on Hindu mythology (I feel one of the writers read a LOT of Hindu myth books). In the stories, the cosmic level gods come down to the mortal planes and take form of 'avataars'. These avataars usually don't know about their powers and importance until through training under a guru or critical moments.

One of the main premise of Morrowind is finding out who the hell is Vivec's reincarnation. It could be anyone, including the player.

That 2D traps are definitely not gay.

Only shit.


>thiccfags AND gender bender fags
Damn son.

>Be vital in winning an era defining war because you're baller like that
>Gods get salty and punish you for a decade straight because you were the only top scorer still alive
>Finally make it home after ten years of unmitigated bullshit to find a crowd of dudes all on your waifu
>Kill them all, put back on your king's crown, and get ready for a long, relaxing reign in your kingdom
>War breaks out half a second later, and then you get stabbed in the dick by your bastard son you didn't even know you had
Odysseus had a hard life.

Buddhism is edgelord Hinduism


>I feel one of the writers read a LOT of Hindu myth books
Michael 'Drug Coffin' Kirkbride is in love with Hinduism, he's responsible for pretty much all of TES' crazy lore.

All I'm reading is
>It's not gay if they have a fat ass and tuck their dick between their legs

Buddhism can be pretty metal. There is one proverb I read once, something along the lines of
>Let none hinder you in the path to enlightenment. If the Buddha stands in the way of achieving enlightenment, then you shall destroy the Buddha.

Well, there's the 7th Avatar of Vishu called Vaaman the dwarf.
The demon lord MahaBali (literally meaning MegaPowerful) throws the power balance of the universe and conquers a large part of the universe.
To commemorate his victory, he organizes a gift-giving ceremony too show off his ego.
Vaaman asks for three steps worth of land and MahaBali arrogantly excepts.

Vaaman then grows to the size of the cosmos. His first step covers the whole earth, his second step covers all of the heavens. As he is about to step on the Patal (neterworld), he places his head instead.

user that's gay.

Yup, I'm surprised people hadn't picked up on it sooner.

What is the coolest mythology out there?

Norse. because scandinavia is cold

Hindu mythology

Fairys from european folklore

Greek and norse

Closest thing we have an ARPG-rogue-lite

Greek borrows a lot from Hindu

I think you mean that they're similar because they both likely draw from Proto-Indo-European mythology

true . but still its pretty interesting

litterally no mythology comes close to out-metaling Mesoamerican ones, especially Aztec/Nahua.

>the creator goddess with a skirt made of snakes, a neckalce made of human hearts and hands, and a severed neck with two snakes made of blood spurting out
>The butterfly goddess with clawed hands and feet, a skull for a head, and wings made of hundreds of knives
>The maize god known as the flayed one that wore skins and was honored by putting war captives into gladatorial combat against trained soliders with weapons armed only with toys and had their skins worn and parraded around to more or less trick or treat with after they lost and died
>The goddess of sexual degeneracy and scat that had golden excrement around her mouth
>The skeletal cosmic star futa demoness with rattlesnakes for pensies that would eat the sun and end reality if the gods didn't get enough sacrifices
>One of the sacrificial ceremonies for the god of rain involved sacrificing a kid, and the more they were caused to cry before they died, the more rain would come
>The potentially accurate myth/legend behind how the Aztec captial was founded involved a misunderstanding where the king of the ruling regional power they were allowed to settle gave the Aztecs a daughter upon request for what he thought was a poltiical marriage, but in reality was meant as a sacrice, and as he arrived for the marriage he saw her skin being worn around and danced in, forcing them to relocate again

It's batshit as fuck. The cultural perception that the Aztecs were just bloodthristy savages is extremely incorrect, but the religion was legimately absolutely bonkers and alien to pretty much absolutely any outside perspective.

Most relateable/human? American. Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, and John Henry are fantastic.
Absolutely insane/everyone was on drugs? Hindu without a second thought. It's like a free form RP forum, except as a religion/mythology. I'm pretty sure there are at least two stories that involve literal *teleports behind u* nonsense.
Actually engrossing to read about? Chinese. I've got mixed opinions about the country itself, but it's really interesting to read their mythology stuff because it's 60-75% history and the rest is varying degrees of hot blooded anime to make it interesting.

Which is why so much of precolumbian american culture has been lost is a shame, it's an entirely separate root proto-mythology.

Buddhism is Hinduism for a wider audience

>Absolutely insane/everyone was on drugs?

See the post above yours about Aztec mythology

I swear it will be a huge fuckup if the next Bayonetta game doesn't start with her breaking the wheel to save her dad's soul thus taking on Hindu gods

buddhism is for gullible new age hippies

Indo-European religions all share great similarities.

Oh no, Aztec myths are as metal as iron shavings and fiberglass for ice cream toppings, but I absolutely adore how Hinduism is several layers of someone asking "Should we stop here?" and the guy next to him immediately going "Fuck no man, we're almost at the good part."

>I'm pretty sure there are at least two stories that involve literal *teleports behind u* nonsense.
There are a LOT of those. Esp. in the compilation stories Upnishads.
But almost all have them have a philosophical or spiritual meaning behind it.

>achieve moksha, which is liberation from the cycle (samsara/reality), so buddhism isn't even original
>achieve ultimate selfless one-ness with the godhead brahman
>but honour the gods and follow the dharma, the cycle has rules

>life sucks
>it's all suffering and an illusion
>we can be better than brahman
>fuck da gods
>but I was brought up in this shit so my moral compass demands I follow the dharma anyway
>you're not my real dad

>One of the sacrificial ceremonies for the god of rain involved sacrificing a kid, and the more they were caused to cry before they died, the more rain would come
Damn.. that's something

>tfw can't talk about Arthurian legends without Fate Stay Night fags coming out of the woodwork
The shenanigans of the round table is completely underrated. Some of those knights are complete retards, and several of the stories are literally 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes.'

Arthur's Knights of the Round Table vs Charlemegne's Paladins when?

This thread makes me want to replay Asura's Wrath again. The gameplay, when there was any, was fucking fun. The fight with Augus is the absolute best.

Uncharted Lost Legacy follows the myth of Ganesh's (God of prosperity with the head of the Elephant) tusk.
It's a myth with various backstories, and one in ULL was cool too.

I always wanted Uncharted (or any action game series) to touch on Hindu Myth and ULL mostly delivers.

Oh shit this looks coo-
>Japanese only

That and you have to read another 50+ hour long visual novel which is really good but doesn't have the Hindu/Buddhist mythology aesthetic to fully understand what's going on.
10/10 aesthetic though.

Yeah I agree.
Artwork definitely evokes the Hindu aesthetics.
Thanks for sharing it

Don't get my hopes up. You have no idea how badly I want that.

>irresistible and most destructive weapons
>discharged by the mind, the eyes, words, or a bow.

>tfw you will never shoot something out of your eye that destroys all of existence
Why even live

You must become as gods, user. And give yourself such a power.
Or just plant fucking appleseeds everywhere lmao. Not everybody gets lasers. Sometimes you just get to do a mundane thing very well.

Hinduism/Buddhism is only good when it's interpreted as a destructive force or power in anime/vidya