"I sure can't wait to engage this player in a test of skill to see who lives and who-

>"I sure can't wait to engage this player in a test of skill to see who lives and who-

Other urls found in this thread:


You lose, OP. Git gud and try again.


>Doesn't account for random crits when playing
git gud

>ten years
>an entire decade
>and babbies still cry about crits

Go plod around in your no-crit servers you tasteless philistine

>test of skill

Oh Im laffin

>Be medic
>heal anyone and get your crit increased chance
>enemy player initiates assault on you at close range.
>just take out the ubersaw and send him to hell 9/10 times, the second hit usually does the job.

Unless he hits a crit first i usually survive.

>t. soldier main

and this is why ubersaw is bae

>risk midigation
>not a skill
the projectives are fucking brightly colored you dolt.

Frontier Justice is awesome

>that feel when play Melee Heavy and uppercut an Engineer busy working on his buildings to notice a fat guy plodding towards him
This will never not make me burst out laughing

>playing Medic
>group of enemies jump you and your pocket
>pocket goes down
>they focus me
>combo the crossbow and Ubersaw, critslap everyone's shit

No better feel

Fucking this, the feel when you kill the sniper that killed you pocket with a crossbow is a feeling that cannot be had in another game.

Dragon's fury is fun as fuck but I can already tell the nerf bat is coming for its ass, what do you guys think.

crits are not skill and will never be. I remember once on dustbowl that the Red team had such an good defence there that we we're just being raped, and i scored a fucking lucky crit with the black box that killed 4 ppl straight in one hit and toped my HP. We imediately cleaned everyone else and capped the first point but lost on the second.

it is prob ably coming for it and the second banana.

Dragons fury does shitloads of damage in pubs and the banana is hands down a better sandwich

>using Black Box

opinion immediately discarded.

>playing basketball outside
>I shoot for a 3 pointer
>heavy wind curves my shot away from the hoop

>nerfing the second banana

Please no, my yeti Donkey Kong heavy needs his hoard

Ehh, I think Uncle Dane made a good point in its defense in how the Dragon's Fury is somewhat OP only when there's other Pyros inflicting fire damage too, and as it stands that's most servers.

When it calms down it'll be back to 1 v 1 with it for the most part

>that soldier who uses Black Box AND Concheror

>11,000 hours on TF2 and I still don't give a fuck about crits.

I like my polycount set, fuck you.
Have a tombstone

Critical hits give melee weapons a purpose.

>not having the crit kills strange part on you rocket launcher to show you can only kill with random crits

>still no fixed shotgun spreads on official servers
I had so much fun with this kind of spread when I used to play on my usual community server, it makes playing Scout way more rewarding and consistent.


Pick one.

>and then calls for medic

I ain't healing your ass, go suck your thumb for 20 seconds and take potshots while the rest of us try to actually get something done.

>a better fps

pick one

>Dragon's fury is fun as fuck but I can already tell the nerf bat is coming for its ass
How fucking retarded can you be? It's worse than the stock flamethrower if you miss even a single shot or don't fire at full speed. Not to mention the worse airblast and not being able to deal with groups.

If anything the flamethrowers need to be nerfed, they're broken as fuck right now.

>your post
>not shitpost

Pick one.


>pick up tf2 again due to pyro update
>still getting top score with most kills and everything
>everytime i get a kill at least 2 people have a bind about pyro m1+W (even though I'm using dragon fury) or random crit binds
>mfw each time

holy shit I'll have to remember that.

>spam Dispenser Here because its bound to one of my side mouse buttons
>Engineer actually puts a dispener here

>"I sure can't wait to engage this person in a mutually respectful discus-"

Bitch, TF2 has almost no RNG in competitive matches. How many CS:GO matches have been won or lost due to lucky jumpshots, and how many TF2 matches have been won or lost due to randomized minigun spread?

>Be engineer
>Spy saps my shit and runs toward me to try and trickstab me
>One hit him with the wrench


>Rescue Ranger went 5 years being a situational sidegrade that made it dangerous to haul
>Now it consumes metal so you need to camp a dispenser
Dag nabbit naggit daggit

>tfw playing demoknight with stock melee
>tfw relying on crits and actually getting them

Do this with the scottsman's skullcutter, 234 damage crits are insane

>situational sidegrade
Yeah, and the Degreaser was a situational sidegrade for Pyro that decreased direct damage before.

>lennyface on bind
>Kill someone with crits
>people lose their shit

>situational sidegrade
yeah removing engineers biggest weakness of having to be next to his guns to repair it is "situational"

>want to play spy
>3 shitter spies already wasting slots on your team and you know it's not worth contributing to it
speaking of which, is it worth installing Alliance of Valliant Arms to get the black rose? How hard is it to get all the chinkware off of your system?

just uninstall after one game = no more chinese fps players

For anyone that's done the medic contracts, do quick-fix and kritkrieg ubers count towards the uber objectives?

No, you have to use stock for every contract.

I've seen much raging in game chat that it only counts standard uber.

I've a similar question to ; will it take long for me to earn the Iron Kurtain in Poker Night? I've never played it in my life, am I fucked?

Yeah I always see someone calling it OP, but I have yet to run into a single situation where I've found it more threatening than a regular flamethrower.

Here I thought it was just an issue with the vaccinator, that's really fucking dumb, there's three other mediguns that all have ubers, why is it limited only to the base medigun? It's not like the contracts that ask for a specific weapon, all the mediguns should work. If I couldn't use the vaccinator I thought I could at least get through it quickly with the kritzkrieg.

I mean it could just be a bug, these contracts are wonky as fuck. The game counted me slapping someone to death when I had the Hot Hand out but someone died from after burn.

Not too bad, you just gotta restart the game until the Heavy offers up an item as the buy in instead of cash, then you just have to win.

I reported it as a bug, though specifically for the vaccinator.

Bet all in.
Lose showdwn? Hit alt+F4 quick and try again until you get a better hand.
Win? Keep going. Rinse and repeat until victory is achieved.

The only unfair thing about crits is that they are way WAY more useful for soldiers and demos than any other class. Lack of damage falloff on crits should only apply to distance travelled, not the splash damage

>enemy team wont boot obvious aimbot
>who ended the round timer
>and enabled domination mode for his team
>and removed the entrances to our spawn doors

Not at all.

You can always abuse all in and scare the rest of the players. Just restar until you get the Iron curtain.

Still, the game is very fun so take your time

>see the perfect scenario for a spy to shine
>no one is playing spy
>get a quick 5 kills and switch to another class
>suddenly 4 people on your team are spies

at that point I'd have just left the server

>enemy team wont boot obvious aimbot

yeah that shit pisses me off but it happens all the time so what're you gonna do abo-

>who ended the round timer
>and enabled domination mode for his team
>and removed the entrances to our spawn doors

nigga what the fuck. That boy could hack a fucking bank if he wanted to and he's using it to shit up a fucking TF2 server.

>spy fails backstab on me
>trys to trickstab me twice
>kill him and schadenfreude
>hear Dead Ringer noise
>see him behind me

look I can understand the complaint that it felt luck based as fuck sometimes but I didn't think it was strong enough to even warrant "fixing" and there HAD to be a better fix than what they actually did.

I'm more worried about the chinese spyware shit that comes with it

better luck next time

>he says while posting headshot death animation
outfucking skilled faggot

>black box contract
I feel dirty

I should've been more specific, I've never played actual Poker, never mind the game itself. Can I follow some guidelines or some shit?

>he doesnt suicide denying the spy of his kill

FG is still decent on it's own, fast as fuck recharge rate + bleed is kinda nice. Mad Milk is where it's at right now though.
New Sandman is fucking worthless.

> Mad Milk is where it's at right now though.
That's a funny way of spelling Pretty Boy's Straight Upgrade.

>bind a button to suicide
>if that ever happens again just press it
>you win even when you lose and the spy cires bitch tears

Better yet, bind a button to explode

>Oh boy I cant wait to engage this player in a test of skill to see who lives and who-"

>Not wanting to cover enemies and burning teammates in your refreshing milk
Also I'm not good with the pistol.

>kill Spy that's being a right cunt all match
>hear DR uncloak as my sphincter clenches
>stabs me
>he taunts
>friendly Spy that was watching all the time slaps a knife up his ass

*blocks your path*

buff for spies needs to include the ability to heal and toggle run speed in costume

What's so unfair about switching to your previous weapon?

>Nice unusual
>Paints it pink

Lmaoing at that guys fucking life TBQH

Hey, I typed that parody!

that guy was a fag

It would probably be easier to just do what said than to learn how to play just for the one item. It's mostly just luck anyway.

Some of my best deathcams are avenge kills
post em faggots

maybe he's talking about demo or soldier? both of them don't need their secondaries to be viable. demo should be forced to choose beteen shooting around corners for sentry nests and area denial

Dont worry, the game teach you all the basics right away. Going all-in when one of the characters are betting they items its the best way to win

Enough talk

Post amusing killcams

>Overcucks so stupid they can't even tell when someone's mocking their game

Blizzard's target audience ladies and germs


>Doing three times your damage with no falloff totally randomly
>That's fine
>Using a weapon in the video game that takes away 25% of your damage output

Get fucked


>p2p elite refuses to get his knife dirtied by filthy f2p scum

>be a spy waiting in a corner waiting for a little more cloak
>friendly pyro stares right at me and runs toward me
>stands beside me spamming fire and taunts
>enemy hears it and shoots at us
>dead ringer recharged, moron dies but I live


it looks more like he's doing a pose for a close-up camera
>"Foolish bushman! You know not what awaits you!

>ow shit in a tf2 thread

Nigga all the q button in tf2 does is switch to your previous weapon. If you wanna whine about ow do it in a thread about the game.

>the Degroot Keep text parser works on contract notifications

o i am laffin.


Got the australium RL but not an unusual unfortunately. Still, the australium with 71k kills is more than enough.

It's an unoptimized piece of shit.

It used to run beautifully, and it was poor-fags goto game.

Now you need a $1500 setup to make it playable.