Vidya Buyfag Thread

Post your vidya figure collections!

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Hey fage

I have no money

Delicious and thicc I need more!

Attaching "Vidya" doesn't make your shitty [a/ thread Sup Forums related you fucking simps. You're so transparent you don't even have the common sense of posting actual video game figures.

>found a pochaco figure at the closest comic book store
>its the fucking brown one

fuck man

Get your shit together fag

Sonico is a video game character though?
Pochaco (the fat one) is her best friend.


How popular is Sonico/Pochaco in Japan?
How long before Japanese girls strive for bodies like that?

They are A-list mascots as far as bishoujo mascots go. Porkchop is the favorite of the two, so not likely Japanese girls can reach that.

Nope, she's an anime character and none of the discussion has anything to do with her games. Just because you're too scared to post on the tumblr safespaces known as /jp/ and Sup Forums doesn't make your thread Sup Forums related.
Shit, I bought Nioh. That would make me a buyfag but since your retarded crossboarding ass is from Sup Forums you equate buying something with buying figures. Fuck off back to your containment board until you come back with a relevant post instead of fapbait like

Woah there snowflake.
Nitroplus is a video game publishing company.
Sonico and Pochaco are their mascots.
Kinda like how Mario and Sonic are mascots.
Super Sonico has 2 games she has been the star of, and she is a side character in dozens of others.
If threads about Sonico and Pochaco figures/toys aren't allowed, then discussion of Mario and Sonic figures/toys should not be allowed.



Not Sup Forums

How is Rise not Sup Forums?

Not vidya.


>buyfag threads
>posting animu figures

And how many discussions of Sonic figures are there, at this moment?