What compels people to play and to praise cinematic trash, when they could just as easily go and watch a good film?

What compels people to play and to praise cinematic trash, when they could just as easily go and watch a good film?

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They want to feel like they accomplished something which is what video games provide. But cinematic games are easy so they play those.

because i'm such a nerd lol XD

Cause people are tired of the fetishization of challenge, games should be for everyone and you shouldnt need skill to enjoy a game


TLOU had a better narrative than any other zombie movie and actually used its gameplay to enhance the story.

"All cinematic games are trash" is just as terrible an opinion as what you're complaining about

Games put you in a role of the character, which has more impact on the player and makes them think what they would and wouldn’t do. Also, if you actually believe The Last of Us is legitimately trash, you’re a fucking moron.

4 years later and Sup Forums is still mad about TLOU

They want to play video games but at the same time are ashamed of playing video games. Such is the case when you're a product of American culture.

Fuck one of the most overrated games I have ever played in my goddamn life. Yeah I enjoyed it but the praise just didn't match, I blame the West. We truly have shitty taste and outlook on games. MUH POST APOCALYPTIC ZOMBIES is guaranteed to do well. I could write that shit it's not compelling at all it's lame as fuck

I can't for the life of me see how that's true. I never played it, but I did watch the whole thing on a Youtube playthrough, and it struck me as nothing but generic and shallow. It had no role playing elements, the characters were the usual grey tedious American typecast mumblers, it had nothing in any way profound to tell. Do you say that it has a better narrative than Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead? Or even a joke parody film like Shawn of the Dead?


If you like The Last of Us you don't belong on Sup Forums. Period.
Not an argument, GAFfer.

>says not a argument
>when he never made a argument


I bet your taste in films is bad. Name top 5 favorite films in next 10 seconds.

>If you like The Last of Us you don't belong on Sup Forums. Period.
Why? Seriously? Why? It’s a fucking great game. It’s not cool to be contrarian and hate a game that’s undeniably good. I understand recognizing that’s not your style of game, and dismissing it, but still acknowledging it’s a great game. There are genres and games I’ve never much cared for but understand why others do.

Because the maintream gaming media is confused. They are so obsessed with validation and recognition of videogames as art that they are willing to throw away everything else that makes a game a masterpiece if their boring generic story is “good”. That “good” is basically lots of cinematics, limited gameplay, abuse of dialogs; that is, making videogames movies.

Don't you have anything else to do while you wait for your ResetERA authentication?

It's not trash. It's just not especially good. It's an Uncharted reskin with THE most predictable plot one could imagine.

Polished brass is still brass, but anyone who gave it a 10/10 has been fooled into thinking it's gold.

Most people who call this game cinematic trash have never played it. The gameplay is actually quite good and involved.

>It’s a fucking great game.

Daily reminder that over 90% of people who play games these days aren't gamers are just pure normies who are doing whatever is normal, games are normal now

>im a real gamer


I guess Joel was neat but yeah. I never saw the hype. It was literally just a playable zombie movie. Not different than any of th trillions out there.

Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption, Lord of the Rings, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Holy fucking CRINGE I can literally smell you through this post

I remember playing TLOU and I remember the gameplay being tense and enjoyable. People saying it had no gameplay probably just watched it on youtube

Not an argument

And the worst part is all they do is just double down on western culture's prejudice against the video game format. We could be so far ahead if we didn't have that hurdle that Japan never had to deal with.
Problem is that in the west they really aren't, that's why they have to be something else in order to BE normal.

The only part of TLoU that has good gameplay at all is the multiplayer, the singleplayer is mediocre at best

Why did videogamedunkey change his opinion here? Seems as if he got it right the first time.


Leon: The Professional
The Grand Illusion
Perfect Blue
Lawrence of Arabia
Starship Troopers

Because they're video games made for people who don't actually enjoy playing video games but still want to be part of the subculture anyway.

>Holy fucking CRINGE

Western gamers care more about story than gameplay, it's that simple really.

>reddit: the post

>Because they're video games made for people who don't actually enjoy playing video games but still want to be part of the subculture anyway.

The game was fun enough. I recall someone working out that the cutscene/gameplay ratio is actually better than a lot of titles. But I guess you'd have to play the game to actually know how it played and people on Sup Forums haven't actually cared about games in a while.

Hey OP. just checking in to see if you actually played the game you're posting about, thanks.

I liked the youtube video.

If that was true, they would hire actual writers.

The dialogue alone in 99% of vidya is laughably terrible.

we've gotten to the point where some game "journalists" want to ban the word "gameplay." this truly is the worst timeline

Tlou is mostly praised for the story which is generic shit. But muh walking dead is in right now so go figure it did well.


They want to pat themselves on the back for making games more "mature" but completely fail to understand that games like the last of us and it's excellent critical reception are a strong sign that video games are still very much immature as a medium.

I didn't say it was a good story. It's just clear that the appeal of games like TLoU is the story. Without it, it's just generic third person survival shooter number whatever.

ya just made that post to feel superior didn't ya
wahh look at all these people enjoying things
isn't it TRASH
please come up with some more strong sounding buzzwords instead of actual arguments
that'll show people that enjoy things other than the things you enjoy

played this game up until you become the girl, kept playing a bit more and then it deleted my save file and I would have had to start all over. Even had it on the hardest difficulty which is a fucking shame. Never finished the game and will never buy anything from them again.

I love how Sup Forums shits on this game when it probably had one of the top 3 multiplayer experiences of its generation

I thought popularity of walking dead passed. Everyone online everywhere i go hates it.

The only cancer here is the one against my eyeballs. Don't overlay so much shit on something you expect people to read.

>top multiplayer experiences of its generation


holy shit Sup Forums has become infested with fuckin console kid phoneposters this place is dead now

You'd have to be utterly deluded to believe that.

This was back when it was in

Fuck no it's still huge among normies, online means nothing people gobble it up. And even still at the time of tlou.

>game has average-looking cutscenes
>Sup Forums: "..."
>another game has the same amount of cutscenes but their well directed, have good voice acting, and a serious tone

Why is it this and a shit load of other marketing puts Joel in the background and the nigger from the dlc no one remembers or cares about front and center?

Cinematic trash is about the gameplay itself trying to emulate a movie, it has nothing to do with how many cutscenes the game has or how well they're done.

>their well directed


>good direction, serious tone


That isn't a cinematic game, though. I'm not a sonybro, and the only thing I liked about it was the combat, but you must be SEVERELY retarded to call this a movie with games like Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain, which both literally have a movie experience difficulty.




the biggest problem with The Last of Us is that even many of the "gameplay" segments are really just cutscenes. Being forced to have your character walk slowly while you listen to exposition isn't gameplay.

TLOU actually has good gameplay (inb4 >muh ladders)
The shooting is great, the enemies are terrifying, the resource scarity adds to the tension, stealth is well-integrated, etc. The gameplay is good enough that the multiplayer was able to be popular without any sort of story

Ok let's just fight baddies 100% of time and ignore the whole post-apocalyptic world or resource scavenging aspect. Go back and play it, the sections between fights aren't that long and encounters themselves can be quite lengthy

>Muh I hate cutscenes
>Muh games can't be about telling a story
>Implying this isn't a good game who happens to use cinematic as a tool to tell its story

Even if we assume your premisses to be true, what makes you think that the experience one will have with an interactive story is the same thing as merely watching or reading a story?
The DLC was garbage though.

TLOU definitely has moments of great gameplay but then it has the ladder puzzles and pallet segments and walking and listening to dialog segments. My favorite part of the game is when you fall down the elevator shaft. If more of the game was like that it'd be a truly great game. They also need to get rid of ammo roulette so you are actually punished for wasting resources, and they need more infected types and to do away with the buddy system entirely. The best parts of the game were when your character was alone. Plus, having Ellie whisper "clicker!" to alert you that there was an enemy present took away from the suspense that should be in this kind of game.

Truth be told, I hate a lot about The Last of Us and still kinda love the game because it was basically the last major PS3 exclusive and the culmination of an entire generation of game development. If you had showed me the game in 2006 there's no way I would have believed that it was a PS3 game.

The Last of Us had a great story that I got really invested in

here's a tip buddy

game wasn't made for your tastes

>the enemys are terrifying
Really? I can't really see why people think that. First playthrough of the game and none of the enemies really creeped me out in the slightest. They're basically just zombies.


The stealth in TLoU is pretty terrible actually, since the AI is too stupid to handle it properly. Resource management is only a serious obstacle on higher difficulties, and all that accomplishes is forcing you to resort to using the shitty stealth mechanics.

Not him, but that argument is shit. That taste of those who would like TLoU are those with shit taste.

The problem is that The Last of Us exists as a story that uses gameplay as a vehicle to tell the story but lacks the caveats of an RPG that allowed player to make choices making the interactivity of that story a major aspect of it, on top of that it does nothing new or special with it's gameplay, and it doesn't use it's gameplay to frame the story, something that we've actually seen on multiple occassions decades before TLoU was even conceived.

Clickers and bloaters are pretty gnarly you have to admit.
>those particle effects when the bloater throws the fungus at you

Much of the gameplay and story were derivative and sought to manipulate the viewer's emotions rather than actually have a plausible premise, which is why it's so easy to make an argument like OP's.

The game had a few beautiful moments, a few good ideas, and a few good sections - but the manipulations are like a movie fishing for an Oscar. It gets very tiresome.

>The shooting is great
It's just a fucking generic third person shooter, there's nothing groundbreaking or particularly impressive about the shooting mechanics.
>the enemies are terrifying
The AI is absolutely laughable, you better not be implying that zombies are scary.
>the resource scarity adds to the tension
There is more than enough to go around when it's so easy to abuse stealth to get easy kills.
>stealth is well-integrated
No it isn't, the AI is too stupid to react properly. MGS had far better stealth and it's a fucking PS1 game.
>The gameplay is good enough that the multiplayer was able to be popular without any sort of story
Popularity =/= quality

Why does Sup Forums have to be such fags about this game? No, the gameplay isn't super amazing. Yes, it's a story focused game. Just enjoy a really great engaging story that has also solid gameplay alongside it that fits with the diegetic world

The Last of Us is the equivalent of watching a recording of a play and calling it a film.

The AI is solid
ugh just get over it

I agree with everything you said which is why the second one looks like absolute shit to me. It's tonally all wrong and the animation is terrible.

>clickers and bloaters
I just told you that they're basically zombies. Not really all that creepy. I've heard that enemy clicking noise in games countless times. Not really unnerving at this point. And bloaters? They're basically just fat ass tanks. I suppose I'm supposed to creeped out because they're humans with fungus growing on them, but I just can't find myself really caring. I look at them and all I see are insta kill zombies and a fat fungus plated tank.

I'd say that the zombie AI isn't bad, but the human AI is total trash.

We haven't seen enough of the game but it looks very very very similar tonally to the first one. And the animations look better 99% of games so I don;t really know what you're snorting there man

>solid gameplay
Not really. It kind of sucks. Game kept breaking for me. Trying to stealth by sections and sometimes the game forgets to load an actor's scripts so they're just standing in the way preventing me from going past them. And fuck those arena sections. I can't even stealth those arena section parts because if I kill them all more enemies will spawn on the opposite side of the arena in completely static positions refusing to move. And you can't just leave those places. The game forces you to kill everyone. Fuck that game.

>Why does Sup Forums have to be such fags about this game?
Because our hobby is under attack from the western menace.

I bought this game when I was 13, and remember not liking it because I had the attention span of an autistic retard and couldn't get into the story.

I'm wondering if it's worth revisiting for $10 for the PS4 version since I sold my old copy of the game. Maybe I will like it now that I'm not underage anymore, or maybe the game is just heavily overrated.

Well it isn't fanboyism that's for sure.

>but it looks very very very similar tonally to the first one

This is outright bullshit or you didn't watch the second trailer.

>And the animations look better 99% of games
On a CUTSCENE that looks worse than the originals animations of the game. The faces of the characters express almost no emotions and everyone moves like they have a stick up their ass. If this game sucks just remember it is because of apologist fucks like you who will lap up whatever garbage ND throws at you.

It fails to use the medium of video games to it's strength yet received unreal praise and was unironically called shit like "video games citizen kane moment" and a "a milestone in video game design" what a shit turn video games have taken when filmic trash gets such praise. I'm not even saying you can't enjoy this game, enjoy it all you want, but claiming that it's anything significant or a masterstroke of video game design should be considered haram.

Fuck off underage.

>I bought this game when I was 13
>not liking it because I had the attention span of an autistic retard
>maybe the game is just heavily overrated

I'm sharing a board with these people. These are the people trying to tear down a decent game.

Sup Forums was a mistake.

To be honest even as a fan of TLOU I think it's perfectly appropriate for people to tear down the game because its worth was ridiculously overstated. I played it at launch and couldn't stand it then eventually replayed it as the remaster and beat it in a weekend and it was a decent ride. The idea that people would say it was a masterpiece en masse is absolute disgusting and needs to be combated with hyperbolic critique.

>The AI is solid
>Who cares if it doesn't actually react to the environment and takes forever to spot you even if you have no cover
0/10, apply yourself.

What's with this TLOU had no gameplay meme? There's lots of gameplay, not to mention multiplayer which is fun as hell

I thought that the "ugh" was a dead giveaway.

>Great Characters
>Amazing graphics
>Meh story and plot
>Uninspiring gameplay
>Awful stealth mechanics
>Dreadful AI
Its like a solid 7.5 or 8

>Fuck off underage.
I literally said I wasn't underage in my post. You fucking retard.

Your argument is shit

>i brought this game when i was 13
You brought a 2013 game when you were 13, that makes you 17, isn't the age limit here 18.

The Last of Us was released in 2013. Meaning you are 17 at the very oldest. That is underage.


I turned 14 almsot exactly 4 months after Last of Us launched . Which means I'm not underage.