Why doesn't more people play MGO...

Why doesn't more people play MGO? I've been playing a lot since the last year and it's really tons of fun (btw i play on 360 where the community is more active, even more than in xbox one and PS 3 & 4)

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Because there's people like you online that play in groups and rape all the casuals.

Yeah... i've got to admit it is not really friendly to noobs

I've even gotten so far as to sabotage my own team members when i'm hosting so that the other team doesn't ragequit

i would if PC wasnt dead and

Because MGO2 is back and is more fun.

because it's boring, because randoms can easily execute people i am in the middle of flutoning, because wi-fi warriors dodge all my shots and melee attacks only to grapple or stun me in the most absurd way possible.

get a wire then, poorfag

i have a wire, other people don't

I would like to, my favorite one was cloak and dagger but after two weeks everyone started playing the cod mode one. I was thinking to make a steam group to try to revive that mode.

Are you suggesting that wireless is an advantage?

because i picked the wrong class for my Big Boss and can't change

Cloak and dagger sucks, headhunting fucking rocks.

You to make another character, the obvious option is to have one per class.

Is there any activity on pc anymore? Last time I logged on i couldn't find a single game.

The problem is that people doesn't have enough initiative to host games, people expect to be able to join an empty server as if they were dedicated.

won't have the right voice

Idk, i think i like the feeling of being in a small but active community, regular players often frequent each other and they get to know the rest. I think it feels as living in a small town.

Because everyone just run and gun the shit out of every match. Maybe that's the way it's meant to be played, but I don't know, I just want pure MGS.

You've clearly not played enough

Maybe so. Or maybe I haven't played with the right people.

Yeah, that must be it.
The game punishes you for just running around and shooting at people, that why the whole fulton idea is there for.
If you kill in 10 minutes, say, 22 persons, and you don't play with your team, all of that effort can be gone in an instant if you get fultoned and all your tickets are taken by the enemy team.

I want to play on PC but its always dead or some guy with a 56k and in japan in playing against you and teleportating.

I really liked MGO, my fav videoyoutube.com/watch?v=gj-tblkq1sI&feature=youtu.be

That's why i've not migrated out of xbox yet, and i probably won't

Let's make a steam group then.

What to call it?

This honestly

MGO3 revive Sup Forums's edition?
even though I like C&D I'm open to everything to revive it.

Because I'd rather play MGO2 every day than this, as fun as it is, MGO2 was better.

Because I played MGO2 a lot and there's no way this will live up to it. Also just found out that MGO2 on OFW is finally up so I'll be setting that up and playing it again instead.

after watching some videos i wish i had a PS3 to play MGO2

Because everyone went back to Mgo2