What am I in for?
What am I in for?
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Really helpful.
Have an A team and a B team. Leave the rest for fodder for suicide missions to get sweet, beautiful loot.
Also, get emotionally attached to your A and B teams. Itl make it much more fun.
Rolling dice
Get an antiquarian, take her and a group on a low-light/dark run and make her open EVERYTHING. Return to town with 20k gold.
Just remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
How about I accuse your shit?
note that these are both pre-CC
Nightmarish creatures, but they can be felled; they can be beaten.
no u
Beating the game on harder difficulties requires stress and cc management. Also, know how to stock up on items so that you don't overspend/underspend. It's always better to buy a shovel that you don't need than to have to make it through the dungeon without enough. And learn what each curios does.
Was about to say. The class one is mostly accurate but the Jester is pretty worthless now, even when you build your party around finale. It also overrates the Leper, severely underrated the MaA and doesn't mention how potent an Antiquarian-HwM party is.
Use who you like at the end of the day though OP but always build your composition for synergy and being able to handle what the area you're visiting can throw at you. Don't be afraid to toss bad characters and lock in good quirks on classes you like when they are low level.
>Have an A team and a B team
>ONLY A and B team
But user, what about my C team which is slowly reaching levels 6 and I just lost their healers which I need by D team to level up and replace one of them?
There's also this E team of 4 Houndmasters which I have no idea what are doing but they are now somehow level 4 and still alive
A brutally difficult early game giving way to a relatively uneventful mid to mid-late game (right up until you start doing long champion missions) punctuated at the very end by eye gougeingly cheap and irritating and frustratingly difficult final 4 dungeons.
An dungeon crawler with the RNG of XCOM
Late game is full of soul-crushing pain, its final levels especially so, but this was their purposeful design for it, so to each their own.
Yeah this user's right. Work with who you like and what skills you like. It's pretty easy to build a party capable of taking on these areas. You can go "meta" party/skill lineups but just have fun.
Upgrade your coach and blacksmith. Your adventurers will die and they need replacements. You'll also need lower-level teams to farm gold or something if you're not ready for a high level mission
Last time I played this game was over a year ago. It was fun in the beginning but the midgame involved so much mindless farming and grinding, so I stopped playing. Has that been improved at all?
A shallow mobile grinding game trying to disguise itself as a hardcore dungeon crawler
There are difficulty settings now, you can play on the easiest which has barely any farming
It's still too grindy (and now you grind more for money since everyone is over leveled but has no gear)
and it doesn't fix the fact that the game is just boring and shallow
Short learning curve, 10-15 hours of fun, the grind setting in, next game up.
Sure, though I still got 109 hours out of it, without completing the DLC yet
I guess I'm just okay with the shitty design
Well I was focusing on early game, but as it goes on it becomes obvious that you need more teams for the lower level dungeons
Xcom rng is at least acceptable because you can get guaranteed damage in 100% shots, abilities, explosives, etc.
You're hardcapped at 90 accuracy in DD
just got the platinum recently. Overall enjoyed it but hard mode was some RNG bullshit. Picked it up for >$10 if i didn't have to buy the DLC i'd keep going but, the journey is over
dungeons and darkness, if I had to guess.
Antiquarian-HwM party
>Duelist Advance
>Protect Me
Mah nigga
Finale has never been worth building an entire strategy around for a while now.
The Jester is still the best stress healer in the game and that's what he exists for. Especially if you want to use an abomination. His party buff is also extremely good.
Is there a tier list for how good each class is now?
When I was playing a year ago, the top tier was Hellion, Houndmaster, Bounty Hunter, and Vestal. Plague Doctor was bottom tier.
I feel like the people who are hit hardest by the 'end grind' are the sort of people that only ever have like 8 or 10 heroes and then get mad when they have to train up more all of a sudden at the end.
I always liked filling my roster out and doing something different every single run. By the time I got to the end they were all high level anyway, so even though there still was a bit of grind it wasn't some overwhelming steep wall to climb.
Fun and bullshit.
There are moments where the game screws you, but there are also moments where the game breaths life into you and your party.
It's a very abusive relationship.
Anyone else feel like the plague doctor vs houndmaster dynamic is a little off? Both are generally seen as specialising in two of the 4 zones (crypt and cove for plague, weald and warrens for hound). But the houndmaster still feels generally useful in all zones anyway because of his incredibly diverse movepool. Plague is good but she feels incredibly pigeon holed into just sticking with the few places she actually IS good.
It's fucking amazing for the first 5-8 hours if you go in blind. Then you realize you've seen all content and the only thing left for you is repetition of the exact same actions ad nauseam, and the game very quickly turns into annoying grindfest of bullshit. You should play it until you hate it, it's worth it.
>fighting the crew
>wield a party full of people with move resist quirks
>stack move resist on my 3rd slot vestal (they ALWAYS seem to overtarget the third spot)
>MAA with dodge buff traits in the front
>he spams the dodge buff every single turn
>crew fails to pull anyone to the front and the anchorman misses every anchor
>kill the crew with it barely putting up any fight
Yeah it's basically the same, except add Flagellant to god tier. Plague doctor is not that bad. I'd put her at around mid tier, same as Graverobber. Jester is absolute trash tier now. Houndmaster is the goto stress healer now.
I don't like using hound as a 'I need to rely on him' stress healer so much as a sort of supporting stress healer because the random nature of his stress heal screws me over a lot.
the blight life
Has anyone tested out the amputee brown spear waifu yet?
How's her blight buildup?
secondary. her moves are damage first, but one of them does mark damage as well as blight so that's pretty damn nice.
the +crit chance thing is kind of a cool idea too.
Sounds cool, should definitely check her out
Anyone tried 3-4 Shieldbreaker party yet?
>Do the same
>They never miss
Out fucking skilled
PD is amazing. Double stun, blight to deal with those piece of shit cove monsters, and battlefield medicine which might be the best heal in the game. Plus clearing corpses
a good game. Physical edition when?
Can I make competent female only teams
PD, vestal, grave robber, helion is okay
>Plague Doctor was bottom tier.
you read a shit tier list
bottom tier is arabalest anywhere except swine king, where she's still like mid tier
Leper kinda sucks too. He wrecks until veteran+ when 100000 hp invincible frontline targets start showing up.
give her a bloody herb and incise your way to victory, add a few disorienting blasts for variety
So how good is the Shieldbreaker?
I can't wait for the android version.
Do you have night terrors, user?
The party you initially start with will get fucked up and die. You will lose them and get upset. Gradually you will wisen up to making better decisions. Every once in a while one character you're attached to will die. You will yell at the computer. A decent way into the game you'll get the option to revive some of your dead heroes. Revived, you will finish the game in a happy state.
I think it's more conducive to say that when you're still learning the game you can throw away your early mercs on suicide runs rather than blow cash on keeping them sane and healthy.
With greater mastery this is less likely to happen on future playthroughs though.
Always restart the tutorial until you arrive at the hamlet with enough deeds to upgrade the coach twice.
it's not a fun game. your characters will die a lot, and a lot of the time it's unavoidable. your actual "character" is your homebase, which doesn't feel satisfying to level up like it is with a real character
Just trade crests you fucking autist
Fun, slowly replaced by a feeling of tedium and irritation as your units are rigged to death and the developers continually introduce new ways to make the game less fun to play.
>tfw stygian
What does the Leper even fucking DO
20 damage a shot
>forget shovels
Shovels are important. "Forget shovels" appears in a list of things not to do. Always bring several shovels, and don't forget to bring any shovels.
bro the box says things NOT TO DO
Kills the final boss in a single hit.
He smashes fucking ass that's what. His attacks are OP as fuck but his base accuracy is shit and if he gets shuffled he becomes a massive liability.
A game you play with a wiki window open so you know which curio to interact with and how.
A a game with like 4 dungeons and 4 bosses that you replay over and over again to get resources.
A game with 2 enemy types, weak evasive backliners that you have to kill first and tougher ones you kill after the weak ones.
A game with a hunger check entirely depending on RNG rather than number of steps or even the last time you ate. You can get a hunger check, then eat to heal your party then get a second hunger check in the same hallway.
A game whose dungeon runs depend entirely on not getting ambushed (determined by RNG) and surviving the ambush without dying.
A game with 2 boss types that sometimes intersect, boss with adds you have to kill and DPS race boss that can only be hit by rank 4 attacks.
A game where your accuracy can never exceed 90%
double leper double jester is quad lmao
the game was more fun when I had no idea how the curio system worked. I never got past level 4 due to my heart condition but I still feel like my money was well spent.
Nobody actually plays Darkest Dungeon. It's much funner to just talk about than actually play. It really should've been a tabletop or board game, where a DM or something could set different shit up.
>Nobody actually plays Darkest Dungeon
currently open.
I meant nobody that matters user.
user who do you think is in this thread
Important young up and comers
The two tricks to using Leper are
>don't use him in fucking stygian
>pair him up with teammates who support each other (ie: can't waste turns supporting the leper. The leper takes care of himself.)
>don't use fucking hew, just focus one thing at a time with chop. If you try to rely on hew you will miss almost every time
Any good mods? Cosmetic or otherwise
Faster Combat
There are a lot of fun things you can think up. I have a lot of fun with this little “eugenics” program I’ve got going on.
So I like to take in four Abominations and send them out on short missions without any torches or supplies. I transform all four of them each encounter and play the whole mission like that. They’re dying of heart attacks within minutes. From these four one will make it, and I will know him as being of superior stock. I repeat this several times until I have a squad of four eldritch Ubermensch who I may send out or expand at my leisure. If I ever wish to then I might even perform the same thing but on them to create an even greater product.
Play pitchblack and use Moon Rings
>miss? *laughs in stressed*
enjoy your ambushes
More loot as I Hew some bitches in half with a hit capped damage boosted Leper
a 6 hour game that is artificially lengthened