If you could completely erase your memory of a single game and experience it for the first time all over again, which game would you choose?
If you could completely erase your memory of a single game and experience it for the first time all over again...
Metroid Prime
bangin ur mum
Team Fortress 2 but only if I get to go back in time as well for it
NieR Automata
Nope. Not part of the question. Enjoy your hats.
Ultima Online
Space Station 13
Dwarf Fortress
Dark Souls
Gothic 1
Legit question - is this game shit? I remember hearing that it was really short and basically a movie.
It is absolutely garbage.
It's an unrecognized masterpiece. Believe the memes, though. See if I give a fuck.
Probably wow
skyrim.....so epic lol
Either Persona 3 or Steins;Gate. Both just have such an emotional effect on me, even after all this time.
>He likes anime.
You need to go back.
>he is a redditor
fuck off normalfag
12 btw
Does steins;gate have any choices that would make it worth playing if i already watched the anime?
And if anyone else knows, does higurashi have any choices?
Ace Attorney Trilogy (just the first game if I'm not allowed to pick the 3DS rerelease)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
The World Ends With You
in roughly that order.
Not even worth giving a (You)
Anime is pretty basic in covering possible routes. Shit can get pretty intense in ways that the anime did not indicate.
There is literally nothing wrong with having a gold account on reddit.
The extra endings in Steins;Gate fucking destroy me. Ruka's isn't great, but Suzuha's is 10/10. All the others are pretty good too.
>Shattered Memories.
Fuck off. Team Silent was dead when that game was developed.
Zone of the enders the second runner.
Another Code: Trace Memory
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Probably others but can't remember.
Call me trash, but probably Undertale. Can't think of another game that you benefit more from not knowing anything about beforehand except for maybe Bioshock
Ace attorney 1
Pkmn red/black 2.
Sonic & knuckles
this but for overwatch
KoTOR or Timesplitters 2
Man, you're boring.
Devil May Cry 3
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Echoes for me. No other game has left me with a sense of legitimate awe every time I stepped into a new area.
Deadly Premonition.
Dead Rising 2, I sunk hours into that game and had a blast with it. DR1 also, because I played the Wii port first and 360 version later.
>goes on an anime imageboard website
>sees anime
Path of Exile
Resident Evil 4.
It's the vidya equivalent of an interactive movie.
It's really short but extremely cinematic. Interesting weapons, setting and characters. Abysmal gameplay though. It was shit on relentlessly for being $60 on release.