The game has a 1000 year loli

>the game has a 1000 year loli

she's a vampire, that makes it ok


>game has no ancient lolis

Is it just or is Sup Forums less pedo than it was back in the mid to late 2000s?

>Game has a shapeshifter
>takes the form of a loli
>Old ancient alchemist man
>takes over the body of a loli
>game has a loli fairy
>final boss is a loli
>main character's boss is a loli
>main character IS a loli
>character has a nightmare and has to fight a golden brown loli
>loli wants to wipe out humanity
>game has two sisters that totally aren't lolis
>almost the entire cast is lolis
Did I miss any?

most fled to 7chan or the other site to many normies were coming

much less, When i started coming here around 2007 pedobait was posted all over the place. I still remember the first thread i ever opened in Sup Forums had some gif of a dude shitting on a baby that was lying on a workout bench.

1 game

>game has a baby who is actually actually a billion year old god but looks like a loli

If it makes you feel any better, that baby is probably old enough to post on Sup Forums now

>game has a 1000 year old loli

there was one that really scar me it was some guy cumming in a young asian girl face girl was around 6 or so

>game doesn't have a loli at all


>game has a loli but she's not available as a romance option and only there to tease you
into the trash it goes


>letting your kid drink pop

>not letting your kid drink soda
it's like you don't want them to be a kid

Lolis are literally the best thing in this world.

You must have had a pretty shit childhood user


No, the best is what you're trying to turn them into.

An adorable adult version of their kid self who has impressive mental faculties but wasn't jaded by the meaningless chaos of most of the outside world.


Stop, I've fapped to this one like 10 times now

>game has no lolis at all

>yfw nothing can compare to the joy you feel when thinking about lolis

Sauce? Only if the girl is of legal age

Only 10 times? You've been holding back

It's normalfags. They don't like our jokes but they insist on coming here.

You gotta give me the sadpanda for that one.

>Loli uses the huge blunt weapons

too old

>Old ancient alchemist man
>takes over the body of a loli

Pretty sure Cagliostro created the body himself though, with alchemy

Let's be honest, if given the option, everyone in this thread would become a loli.


Not-a-pedophile dropping in, would become one in a heartbeat.
Provided there was no implied or required sexual events.

It's benantoka

I'll take the one with glasses to go, thanks.


>character says they're 3 gorillion years old but 'just a teen by my race's standards'
>act like a typical human teen

That's not how shit would work and it bugs me every time.

phone loli definitely

>the game has a MILF who's actually 8 years old

>tfw fucking my moms virgin pussy

Why not? Teenagers literally have parts of their brain still growing. Just because something is slowed down, doesn't mean it would be changed.

>bitten by vampire while still a kid
>stuck unaging forever
>autismos on the internet get triggered by something you had no control over

Sup Forums is 100% a honeypot nowadays and actual pedoposters get blackbagged and hauled off to gitmo.


Not him but agree not how it works. Depending on your life circumstances in childhood you can be pretty damn mature in your teens. Also life experience gives wisdom which is the most crucial component to maturing one's personality. Someone living for 100+ years should be pretty fucking wise in all aspects.

>character is 3 gorillion years old
>not a drooling retard
Kills my immersion desuu

I still have some legal but questionable pictures from that era on my computer. Nothing actual illegal, but nothing I'd be comfortable reuploading in this day and age. I should probably delete them for liability alone, but I guess the biggest thing stopping me is sentimental value.

I am not proud.

They need to mess with this concept more, there needs to be 30 and 40 year old lolis. I'm just visualising some weird multi layered cougar fetish forming somewhere out there now.

The lewdest one

I mean, it's not horribly far off. A 75 year old isn't any smarter than 25 year old. I do agree that 100 year old elves shouldn't act like teenagers though.

>tfw falling asleep while thinking about lolis


The one with flashing her butt?

>Game has 1000 year old trap

... Example?

You can describe it I mean.

>those weren't real pedophiles
Pedos were always just taking advantage of moot's youth and inexperience.

There's a difference between knowledge and wisdom..

Yep, that would so be me desu~

Just look at Shinobu for examples of it done well.

This too, keep that in mind.

1000 yearl old lolis are boring, the only exception being Yupiel-sama
Innocence is like 1/3 of the appeal, might as well be an old hag

She wouldnt be making that face if that was what was actually in the can

>game has a 1000 year old loli

Well there was a .gif of a girl on an exercise bike and another .jpg girl with a teddy bear leaning on a railing. I believe they were posted regularly in 2008.

It's almost strange to think that I was actually underage myself back when they would make rounds.

It's juice.

It was soda replaced with juice.

Yes, knowledge is rubbish and useless when it comes to that, wisdom aka 'experience smarts' is what counts.

Hag loli is the best

it's like you don't want them hooked on the industrial monster that is the food industry

I was under the impression that old Sup Forums allowed everything except illegal content.

Temporarily sure, permanently? I would not want to live life as a woman, fuck that

Aside from thebfact that you'd be a woman

>can't be friends with women because you know their all their true bullshit, as a former man, and you likely wont share their interests
>can't ever have true male friends because they will all secretly just want to fuck you

I miss the late 2000's.

We would laugh at the dude taking a shit on the baby's chest gif.

Deleting pictures from your computer doesn’t do shit if someone wants them.

Normalfags. /l/ and Sup Forums can't come back soon enough.

Man of culture.

>Game has a demon that takes the form of a little girl just to mess with you.

They're your bros, just let them

>I wouldn't want to live life as a woman
>Reasons are "I would have no friends abloobloo"
Fuck off baaaack to reddit, normalfag.

>if someone wants them.
That's the thing though.
I don't want to be in a position where someone would casually find them to begin with.
It's about avoiding putting myself in a position where someone would want them.

Maybe, but I don't have any friends anyway. I'd just be doing my usual stuff, but much cuter and while wearing fluffier clothes with possible frills.

>being the town bycicle

>not being the one next to her so that way you can make out with the lewdest one

you guys need to think this through

Well maybe you shouldn't be telling everyone about it on the internet.

Nobody was actually a pedophile back then. We were all joking to keep the normalfags out.

That's a big leap you made

I would probably only fuck traps and hermaphrodites if i were a woman

Oh please, im sure you at least have inline aquaintances you talk to from time time time, but in this scenario, you couldnt even have those


Yes user, those pictures of 7 year olds getting railed by a pack of feral niggers were just jokes
Uh huh

>it was just a prank bro

Tell that to the coppers, see

I have zero """friends""" I would care about losing. I'm perfectly content being alone.

Only normalfags crave socialisation.

me under the bed

>not knowing how to write over data to a DOD standard and making it therefore unrecoverable.

work on your infosec user or should i say infosex ^^

>none of them have their hand 'resting' on anyone else's inner thigh

If I can't confide in an anonymous imageboard, I've got nothing.

I get lonely sometimes, dammit.

Sup Forums's become too mainstream, and now so many normalfags have flooded in that we're actually seeing people angry at the most basic of Sup Forums culture.

>you can romance the loli

Sorry baka if you fuck anyone outside of marriage you automatically become a slut and therefore disgusting. Shoo.

Oh you're so cool and totally dont suffer from loneliness or crippling depression or weight problems, nah, i dont get that vibe from you at all

>normies ree
You are literally the fool who thinks he is in good company with people pretending to be fools, no one is serious about that shit outside of 4chins, the fact that i have to verbalizr any of this probably means im falling for some sort of bait but fuck it

but what if it's cherry pop user?

I'd only become a girl if I could be a cute tomboy and then beat up all the boys.
>Romancing a deranged psychopath
Not actually possible. She'd rather you be dead first so she can love your skeleton better.

That doesn't apply to men turned loli. It's common sense.

You can't even give me 3 examples of this you fuck