Kill shitty bear enemy

>kill shitty bear enemy
>immediately get this confusing mess slapped in my face

Fallout 4 did this better

Other urls found in this thread: wider female demographic&src=typd

You're level 22. You've had ample opportunity to see that screen and expect to pop up on level up, which, to be fair, is accompanied be a little jingle.

You're just complaining for the sake of complaining.

Yeah fnv is fucking ancient by today's standards

you should know this is bait, user

This is shit bait kill yourself OP

That character build is far too competent for this to be anything but bait.

So why are people mad at about the skill system? It was pretty bland and really fucking easy to min/max or make a character perfect in everything.

If anything people should be mad at Fallout 4's perks being so fucking boring. Survival mode's damage should have been the base game and then just make the perks do interesting stuff.

Bland and easy is better than non existent.


is this a new vegas thread

How ironic. My gf actually showed no interest due to the simplifications in fo4. Loved nv though. Fo3 as well for what little she got to play.

How do I unarmed?

Get the spiked knucks in Primm.

"I am a fucking brainlet" - OP

I agree.

you're a shitter

high dt, high end, high str, then ballistic fist or two step goodbye if you're an absolute madman

I never understood the purpose behind this fake tweet.

Prove it's fake

To rile up Sup Forums and have them fighting an enemy that doesn't exist
Why else?

Elder scrolls did it better.
>Arena, go to sleep and level up skills
>Daggerfall, go to sleep and level up skills
>Morrowind, go to sleep and level up skills
>Oblivion, go to sleep and level up skills
>Skyrim, open menu and assign perk point

Overall i prefer sleeping method. wider female demographic&src=typd

Fallout would have been better if it never lost the GURPS license. No levels, just character points that you spend on upgrading skills/stats/buying advantages.

>unarmed and melee
>speech and barter (when there's already charisma(
>survival even being a stat in non-hardcore
>medicine being distinct from science

shit system

>twits can be deleted
nice job pal

I can do you one better, that text rendering doesn't match the style sheets of the website.

Because people will fall for it. There is a certain satisfaction seeing GG idiots get riled up. Especially if it's something you made

>not enough points to get nigger rigging

>confusing mess

It's an energy weapons build, Jury Rigging is less useful.


Go to black rock cave near helios one, equip a stealth boy, walk carefully to the end of the cave and loot the corpse and get the paladin toaster. Alternatively, head to Bonnie Springs (with a few stealth boys to get past the cazadors) and get love and hate from the jackal leader there, just watch out for her trail carbine. those two weapons will pretty much set you up for the rest of the game until you can get pushy or a ballistic fist.

what perks/traits do you go for? also heavy or light armor?

it's not twitter m8

>today's standards
so, no standards whatsoever.

Pair it with explosives and maybe stealth too, they go naturally together. Explosives for range, unarmed up close, because of course you don't want to be throwing grenades point blank and without ANYTHING for range you're really crippled.

its not anything. its a shopped twitter post with the guy who shopped it, using the wrong font.

i never go with heavy armor because i cant stand the -1 agi penalty but it might be worth it since you're gonna need to absorb a good chunk of damage if you're gonna go punch everything. as for perks check the wiki page here

piercing strike (negate 15 DT) is a must for attacking high DT enemies like deathclaws

paralyzing palm is OP as fuck and lets you stun-lock enemies in VATS

slayer increases unarmed speed

Melee is also a must for unarmed so you get the knockdown perk and Slayer as well. I think you have to get it to at least 90 to get Slayer.

Make sure you get perk fixing mods, slayer in particular is bugged afair and I don't know if yup or whatever fixes it.

>muh shop
prove it

also if you're gonna use the paladin toaster as your main unarmed weapon just make sure you keep a bunch of weapon repair kits on hands since that weapon is basically impossible to fix normally because the zap glove is extremely rare.

and since its unique it costs a retarded amount of caps to repair with merchants.

It's obviously a shoop

yeah, sure
just because it isn't twitter doesn't mean it's something else

>it isn't something else

>noncombat skills above 80

why would you photoshop it when you can just edit the html files lol.

>modding in lush green grass and trees

Why do people willingly mutilate their games and throw all atmosphere out the window?

dude its zion, im not even sure those are mods. have you seen zion ingame?

>went sneak, explosives, unarmed, repair so i can make a shitton of explosives
>can't use guns of any sort
was a lot of fun, would recommend

how you gonna kill that sniper at the beginning of honest hearts? how you gonna blow up the speakers in dead money?

It's Zion you fucking mong.

I agree though at least in regards to NV, making it all green would be stupid aside from the areas where it is normally. (Same with 3 IMO 4 looks good overgrown if it's not done too much)

Throw a grenade I imagine for the sniper.

Also you don't need to be skilled in guns (or melee if you use throwing spears which I suggest to use them for this) to kill the speakers.

you'd be surprised how fucking excellent the 40mm single grenade launcher is

Especially the unique versions. The 25mm and APW's are pretty good too.

Also they have decent ammo variety even before mods, only the shotguns beat them out in that fit allot of situations.

>not completing every quest through Speech checks
How casual are you?

but those are guns.

Grenade launchers run off of the explosives skill.

Also you can be dogshit with guns and hit the speakers and they die in one shot from anything.

Fucking throwing spears can take out the speakers no problem

he said no guns of any sort

Hoard up on skill magazines, take this badboy and you free up hundreds of points for whatever you may want

He probably means against enemies since his skill would be dogshit useless in combat not speakers.

Also what this user said. You should be just using those since those throwing spears are pretty much everywhere and have laser accuracy even with shit melee.

Where can I find a shitload of good bullets in DUST?

alternatively, scour vault 3 for a bunch of pre war books and convert them to skill magazines at the sink, then use comprehension to increase every skill to 100.

yeah you have the incendiary 40mm grenades, the high explosive, the EMP ones if im not mistaken(?).

You could use just that with enough ammo and distance between you and your target. When they're too close, take out dat OP auto punch mechanic glove and wreck em.

>ya confused user alright ill help.
>se those points at the bottom that how many skill points you have
>you put them onto the skills you want to level up until they are all gone
>when you are done press 'A"