Resident Evil's a shovelware franchise. The Evil Within is peak survival horror


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It’s ok. EW2 was fun but not very spooky at all.

Only 'cause you're jaded as fuck. Is it even possible to release a survival horror game capable of scaring seasoned fans of the genre?

Typical shill response. Fuck off.

keep making this thread every day, im sure it will come true

Read my post again. Do you have an argument, or nah?

Jill thread?

Resident Evil is no longer Resident Evil. It's Outlast.
Evil Within is now Resident Evil.

Nah. The Evil Within has better sluts.

Its good till you realize just how broken and easy the game is due to the braindead AI and open hubs. Stefano was the only worthwhile antagonist too

It's still challenging on Nightmare. Not crushing like the first one, though. I agree in that I wish it was more difficult.

But Kidman and Tatiana are the only good ones

>The Evil Within is a series containing only two games.
>Resident Evil is a shovelware franchise.

No shit.

Not him but its hard to with Evil Within 2 with the creature designs. They're so over the top along with some aspects of horror in EW1 its hard to feel so scared. RE7 also had this problem to some extent but it was nowhere near as abysmal as in EW1 which felt more like a successor to Dead Space more than anything.

This is your average the evil within hater.
Notice how he complains about bad gameplay then hes absolutely trash and gets destroyed because of bad reactions and boxing himself into corners.

>people literally think *THIS* isn't GOTY
It feels so good knowing I'll never have the taste of a mouth breathing pleb.

There's also the huge fucking problem with the plot that the whole thing is a dream and this time everyone involved knows it's a dream. It's pretty damn hard to be spookified when the stakes are so very low.

Kidman is a shit bitch.

Tatiana is genuinely kind of hot, in a "Bayonetta's nerdy cousin" way, but you interact with her very little and her outfit is super conservative.

You do know if you die in STEM, you die in real life, right?

Tatiana's more like a mom. You know you're safe when you're with her. She gives sage advice and doesn't afraid of anything.

Classic RE > The Evil Within > Action RE


I kind of feel bad for TEW2 devs. Bethesda gave them zero advertising budget so shilling on forums is the only thing they have for publicity.

TEW2 is a 6/10 sequel nobody asked for to a 6/10 game. Just like the original game forced in Last of Us mechanics just because that was hot at the moment, TEW2 forces in an open world (tiny one) and crafting mechanics. And it doesn't really help, at most it distracts. Characters are all utter trash and you want them all to die the instant you see them. Story is dumb and badly written. It works "okay" as a game, but it doesn't feel like the devs had a clear idea what they were aiming for and got too little time and money to reach it.

Ultimately, I liked the first game more, because even with all its serious problems it was a more "pure" survival horror. This is more like a survival game with a horror themed story. Yes, there is a difference.

The Evil Within 2 > The Evil Within > Onimusha 3: Demon Siege > Onimusha: Warlords > Dino Crisis > Devil May Cry

I could continue, but fuck it. Just know that Resident Evil is dead last.

I just got to el caliente padre and semen demon, how long until im done?

People like you shouldn't even be allowed to have an opinion. Fucking nigger.

>TEW2 is a 6/10 sequel

That's the precise moment I stopped reading and discounted you as a person.

Dude, I don't give a fuck, every character in the game is lukewarm shit and should die including Stefan Papadopoulos. Death is only a threat if I like the character.


You sound mad.

Holy shit I never saw this, that's fantastic.

Imagine being this wrong

Well glad to see you've got such a mature attitude about the subjective nature of perception, I'm sure you'll go far in life with that.

As someone who actually enjoyed TEW and TEW2, it's far from peak survival horror.

Wow, I missed that. Love it.

Why would I read your bullshit? You're obviously stupid.

There's some serious jank and kinks to be worked out, but I'd love more Evil Within.

The same way I chuckled wryly when I saw the letterboxing when you have your first Beacon flashback (and get it as an unlock), I had the same moment here. There's so much love in this game that you really tell the devs had a lot of fun making it. Makes me love the game all the more.
>forced in Last of Us mechanics
No really, your opinion is worthless.

It just doesnt scratch the same itch as something like SH1 or classic RE where your character was a real person in a real world horrifying scenario. I think EW1 did it better as well since you didnt know what was really happening until the very end.

>There are hundreds of thousands of people that bought Shadow of War over The Evil Within 2.

The first game already had crafting mechanics. They were simpler but they were there. And I actually liked 2's open sections BECAUSE they were so small. This wasn't trying to be fucking Skyrim, it did enough to evoke a similar feeling of crawling around a place like Silent Hill but with more buildings to walk into and with more tangible threats looming about. Quite frankly, that's all it needed to be. Now, there's some things I do like more about the first - I do like how it was ultimately more surreal and less dependent on a supporting cast - but in terms of straight gameplay and progression I've gotta give the nod to 2, it's just an improvement in that respect.

I'm not mad, I just think the game is very, very nothing and other than some cool visual tricks, has nothing at all going for it. It's like the whole plan was "let's make a videogame I guess" and they winged it from there.

Like, this might actually be the least interesting and least likable character cast of all games. Everybody is just Tough Man. Tough Woman. Evil Suit Man. Tough Woman But Now She's Brown. Asian Woman. Your Harpy Of An Ex. Child Character. The only fun character is one of the villains, the photographer guy, and in some other game he'd be the worst character because he's really just a Z-list JoJo villain.

And the dialogue. It's entirely cliches. All of anything anyone says is cliches. Tough Man cliches, Tough Woman cliches, Shady Man cliches. It's just so, so bad. You can tell nobody tried to write gooder more better, it was just "welp, they pay me 50 bucks to write the game and I'm sure as hell not going to spend more than an hour on it".

I understand loving a franchise: hell, I love a lot of the Resident Evil games but at this point couldn't you just go to another survival horror series at this point? They're nothing like what they were mechanically, we're past zombies AND their replacements, Umbrella and its true controllers from the shadows have been dismantled and destroyed multiple times, characters have had story arcs completed... isn't it time to move on?

>The first game already had crafting mechanics

Yeah, and they were 100% tacked on and unnecessary there too.

I don't see how The Evil Within 2 has less surreal bullshit. I think you're just used to it. The first game likely had a stronger impact in that regard due to novelty.

Literally didn't read your post.

You do realize if the original SH's monsters were brought to life with IDTech 6 or any other engine, they'd look exactly as how you're describing TEW2's monsters, right?

Eh, I liked being able to craft crossbow bolts on the fly, especially since it's such a versatile tool that doing so is like choosing how you want to solve a problem with what you have on hand more than anything else. I think 2 went a little overboard letting you be able to craft standard ammo on the fly but I played on Nightmare and even that many options didn't exactly break the game.

A diamond necklace doesn't look good when an ugly whore is wearing it. Resident Evil's shovelware at this point.

>no puzzle based exploration
>crazy dream world where nothing makes sense
>no inventory management
no, it's shit.

>Finally get a good TEW thread going.
>Have to crash for the night.

Fuck me, dude. I wish night Sup Forums wasn't so much better.

>He likes puzzles.


Looks like you're the one who's mad.

Union and its portrayal is far more grounded, plus we see A LOT of its underbelly, what makes it tick. There was some strangeness to be found but it's a shitton more explicitly symbolic here whereas in STEM it was far more volatile and felt like everyone was jumping from random memory to random memory. It was way more unhinged and we never really saw the maintenance aspect of it either unlike Union with The Marrow. It was just this super technology that wired consciousnesses together because fuck yeah science. Union is explained more thoroughly and less mysterious for it.

If you don't like puzzles, kindly fuck off forever from the horror game genre and never come back.

>You can tell nobody tried to write gooder more better, it was just "welp, they pay me 50 bucks to write the game and I'm sure as hell not going to spend more than an hour on it".
So just like the first game?

There was the one puzzle in the first time you go to Theodore's space with the rotating discs. Otherwise, it's mostly just aligning frequencies I suppose.

>Nah. The Evil Within has better sluts.

I actually see what you're saying and kinda agree.

Name 1 reason why puzzle improves a horror game other than mind-numbingly boring backtracks to find keys or a fuckoff stop gate until you solve some menial garbage like block sliding shit.

Puzzles are a forced meme.

This guy gets it.

>not finding the keys the first time you go through an area

Mystery of STEM is already dead though. Hell it was dead long before the first game ended. What made the first game interesting was what Ruvik did with it. He was the core, and he created the world. That's why the monster design was specific to him. Now Lily is the core, but she's not actively designing the monsters. And the few people in there who have some powers because of their personalities still lack that full control, which is why they're trying to find Lily. It doesn't matter if you think it's 'less mysterious' - the story makes sense, and the game is designed around it.

Ruvik is free, but we won't get another sequel. People love eating shit (Shadow of War) way the fuck too much. Serves them right for releasing a game with no Season Pass and no microtransactions. :^)

First game honestly was way better in that regard. Had better characters too, it had that foreign doctor guy who was semi-memorable.

So that's one. Okay, I take that back, it had the same amount of okay characters as this game: one. But the dialog was slightly better. Some sentences weren't action hero cliches.

I guess a part of why two's story feels so shitty to me is that I don't give the slightest fuck about Myra or that dumb kid and the game didn't give me any reason to like them other than telling me that they're Tough Man's wife and kid. Ruvik being angry over whatever was far more engaging to me because I understand anger, in fact I was experiencing anger at the time due to terrible controls and constant crashing (storytelling within the medium, very clever). I don't understand why anyone would love Myra so I can't connect to it.

With RE I imagine its like with fans of Saw or Friday the 13th where they stay for the rediculous aspect of it and seeing where the series goes, as a horror tradition or something. Or it could be because they were like me and liked 7 because it felt like a decent reboot and redeemed how poor RE6 was as an RE title.

Theres also the fact that theres never really a need for a series to end, but if its something like SH1-3 where you have a definite conclusion the only thing you can do left is make it an anthology series or a new threat in the same world with a new cast.

I dont know, maybe its because I filled in the blanks of SH1's low poly and resolution visuals, maybe its the difference in camera perspective and lack of onscreen UI, but theres something about SH thats hard to replicate in EW despite sharing similar motifs like the creatures and settings in EW1 being based on someone else's nightmare/memories.

I don't understand you on any level.

Having a way to interact with the world that isn't shooting or stabbing makes the world feel far more real and the player more engaged.

It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just a point I would consider giving the first game. You're right in that it doesn't matter and that the story does make more sense, but it's also very much a different portrayal. If you want things to make sense then yeah, 2 is better. But there's something to be said about how STEM approached things with such reckless abandon, and for that I'd say it's more of a trip than what Union offered. Not objectively worse or better, just a different approach and one that I personally liked a little more.

>survival horror
>bullets up the ass everywhere
>enough ingredients and materials to level up all your weapons to near max, all your attributes to near max, and ammo for days
>the only horror element in the game is when they take away your ability to attack, which happens 3 times in very short sections
you must be a grade A retard if you think this is survival horror

The Evil Within 2 has great creature design. I think you might be blinded by nostalgia. I'm not insulting you, though. That happens to all gamers. You probably grew up with Silent Hill.

Symptoms of autism, see a doctor.

>bullets up the ass everywhere
>enough ingredients and materials to level up all your weapons to near max, all your attributes to near max, and ammo for days

Not when I played on Nightmare, there wasn't.

>I don't understand why anyone would love Myra
She is introduced like their chinese porn where the girl is bukkake'd

Resident Evil isn't challenging. Stop pretending to be retarded.

Guess you didn't play on nightmare.

Nightmare is comfortable. Not easy, but comfortable. If you explore and take your time, you'll never run out of ammo.

Use stealth and all challenge goes out the window. I did my first playthrough on nightmare

>If you explore and take your time, you'll never run out of ammo.

Because you'll stealth kill 90% of all enemies with enough patience, sure. And you do so because you don't have enough ammo to gun them all down and enough green gel to buff Sebastian to superhuman levels. Against aggro'd enemies ammo management was still decently tight.

Reminder that Mikami said to play on Causal to enjoy the story,

Not every enemy can be stealthed. Are you sure you didn't watch the game on YouTube?

This is true.

It's a good thing overall though. The first title delivers its story poorly, but even then, it's not a game I could take seriously. I enjoyed it precisely because of how disconnected the levels were, and how you didn't know where you'd end up next. It's certainly why I still remember the game today. But if TEW 2 was like that too, then we'd accuse of being too similar. Best way I can describe is that TEW 2 greatly complements TEW. It moves the series forward with a different direction, but still retains the heart of the original.

Mikami doesn't know shit, then. Weird. That's probably a weak ass translation.

>mfw finally beating classic mode and going ape with infinite bullets
Another reason I loved TEW was the sense of progression you got through unlocks. Glad to say it's the same deal here. Gunning down everything with letterboxing enables for that ultra cinematic experience feels heavenly.

With very few exceptions. You can nearly stealth kill every enemy in the game.

That I can agree with. I won't fault TEW2's minor shift in direction as it's wholly logical to expand on the explanation of this tech now that the intrigue of novelty has been exhausted. Makes all the sense in the world. But I'd be remiss if I didn't say I still preferred the sheer craziness of the novelty approach and honestly there's nothing a sequel could've done to help that. That's just how it is.

Dude run into bushes lmao

>great creature design
The chainsaw monster with smiley faces is the most laughable thing I've ever seen for a horror game.
The human centipede rejects are boring as fuck visually and only memorable because of how tedious they are.
Regular human enemies look like rejected cordyceps designs.
Dudes on fire and dudes that were bleached look like something from the fucking Unity asset store.
The white girl with knives is as generic as you can get, straight down to using knock off Grudge clicking noises.
Pyro's catholic cousins are as generic as you can ever fucking get.

Creature designs fucking suck as bad as the first game. But at least the first game had Trauma and Amalgam Alpha.