Wow, Japan sure knows how to make a good game.
Wow, Japan sure knows how to make a good game
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When will Japan ever learn what black people look like?
Is this new GG news or just a screenshot of the older games story mode with jap text.
so very good
the best there is
How to fix Xrd:
>Remove Ramlethal's hat and retarded swords and change her name
>Bring all the stages back
>Include an "unlock everything" cheatcode
>Bring back Zappa, Anji, Bridget, ABA, Justice, Kliff, HOS, and Robo Ky
>wanting a glorified JoJo shit ripoff character back
Daisuke's lucky he didn't ass sued the first time
the only thing they need to do is bring back bridget, aba, and robo ky
Fuck bridget and anji though
Why would they ?
Real life niggers are fucking ugly
Stop making shit up user.
October 2017
Never. Robo-Ky and Zappa are probably the only characters that are going to return because they actually have character models. Aside from that they'll probably have Ariels and maybe Gabriel. Maybe.
You could have at least post the cutest brwon character in GG.
Anji already has a cameo. Zappa/Robo-Ky will probably be first but he'll be back.
Whenever Team Red isn't busy with Dragon Ball anymore.
Damn, I guess no one wants to see testament again. I liked Bloodstained Lineage, too.
>Anji already has a cameo
Was he? I didn't finish Rev 2's story if he shows up later than that, but if he showed up earlier than I might have just forgotten him. I suppose he has a chance then.
>white hair
user, I...
I'd rather have Testament over Bridget. If we're going to get a returning fag I'd rather have the cool one.
He did in Baikens arcade mode. Daisuke wants everyone back eventually.
She looks like Claudia from Macross
Remove YRC and give players more unique wakeup options so as to have more different timings they can get up. Nerfing the oki and removing YRC would make Xrd significantly better. in fact, nerfing oki makes every fighting game better. It would save SFV
yes, making "negros" that look like humans goes a long way
YRC doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother most people. If I could change anything about Xrd, it would just be re-working most of the new characters. I like them all conceptually, but playing them just comes down to really boring and predictable oki's most of the time. They're not all bad for this, but I think they could all be re-worked in one way or another.
what do you make of that there heart shaped doodad on his forehead there? why it's just the darnedest thing isn't it.
only some of them need to be reworked
You're talking about one of the most diverse races on the planet.
Answer is best tier though.
>japanese saleryman version of Bang
lol, ok.
bedman is def best new character
He's working hard to ensure the future of his country. Also he's better than Bang.
having the weirdest play style doesn't make him the best