This is all your fault, Sup Forums
This is all your fault, Sup Forums
fuck i'm sorry i never knew
just ban the discord fags
they are ruining Sup Forums
I played Kirby's Epic Yarn and now I'm a full fledged Fascist.
Get off my board leftie
I thought the KKK wore white masks.
fuck gamers fuck trump fuck white people
>service is called Discord
>be surprised when it causes discord
Never forget
Are you fucking serious? I thought the discord symbol was supposed to be just a frog.
How do people make these leaps and bounds?
I think thats a BLM logo
Who do I side with? I like Internetaristocrat, but I also like Hbomberguy.
Todd bless
what does big poppa pump have to do with this?
I know hulk hogan hates niggers but i dont see the connection.
Frogs are nazis now
>Todd directly linked with Putin
I think CNN got trolled again
depeche mode? todd howard? sans?
what the fuck?
This particular video may be complete bullshit.
But it is undeniable that the gaming community is being actively targeted and is successfully proliferating Alt-Right ways of thinking.
It is actual cancer and the canary in the coalmine was that entire gamergate fiasco.
Gaming Culture and community is DEAD. The golden age of the internet is DEAD!!!!!
The information war age is here now. It will never ever be the same again.
>Create an decent platform for communication
>Anybody and everybody uses it to communicate
But people of this political nature NEVER used Skype or Facebook messenger!?
>reddit spacing
Yeah, how dare gamers engage in wrongthink
redditscord is literally cancer and needs to go away.
>money and gay sex leads to SA
>Gay sex also leads to Wisconsin University or whatever college mascot that is
Frog? It's a fucking duel analog controller
>Watched the video outraged about such accusations
>Turns out she was actually right
>The nazi sympathizing comments on the video only proved her point further
Really made me think
they use to mock glenn beck for doing this kinda shit years ago.
>The Golden Age of the Internet is DEAD
That's a bit of an exaggeration, I doubt we've seen the true golden age of the internet, and there is a massive portion of gaming culture completely unscathed by political philosophy.
You have to remember that Internet Culture is a million independent subcultures sewn together, you can't just lump it all into one and generalize so broadly.
Do you want to address the overwhelmingly pro-left politicization of video games from top developers, critics, and publishers then?
>wanting to group related ideas together and make your post readable is reddit
I'll never understand this mentality.
Generally, people like tolerance and inclusion, and such things sell. Thus developers have adjusted their cultural works to better reflect the culture.
The public gaming community is not all of culture.
whats wrong with being a nazi
>a trinity between Todd Howard, Putin, and Trump
They figured it out.
Russia is just the land of the extremes of politics. It went from hard left to hard right. There's no conception of moderation in Russia.
B-but muh coal
no sympy
Games = Putin = Char
'I came here to laugh at you' posters confirmed for Russian sleeper agents that sabotaged the election
>politics thread
Yet it never stopped being fascist. In a fascist system being right or left barely matters.
>hard right
this is what americans actually habeeb
im ukranian actually :^)
But what about the millions of people with alt left views who forwarded and posted Russian funded shit on social media? Including thousands of BLM/antifa retards who protested in multiple different events that were entirely organized by Russia? Looks like everyone is playing for Putin.
>see the word "Discord"
>can't stop thinking about someone from mlp
straight outta 2013
It's a dictatorship led by Putin. He has ruled since 2000. Medvedev was his puppet.
He is the richest man on earth for a reason.
oh shit
someone invite me to the kkk discord game chat
remember when that shit came out that the Russians were the ones building/funding all the alt-right dissent? Sup Forums is literally the result of impressionable children being influenced by foreign powers. congratulations, you've played yourselves idiots.
this. literally no one disagreed with the american government until 2015 when russians discovered social media and psyop'd young impressionable minds.
>Putin is a dictator and not just well-liked and supported by his party
>all dictators are right-wing
>the gaming community is being actively targeted and is successfully proliferating Alt-Right ways of thinking.
Why is the gaming community so important to the left and the right?
No, go fuck yourself, politics always fuck up things and i won't let them fuck the hobbie i love the most just because it doesn't appeal someone's agenda
i just want to have some fun playing videogames, you know what's not fun? politics in videogames
and i know sage doesn't work anymore but fuck you
it works but doesn't show up anymore because people were using it like a downvote, shame too
char and todd did this
This is what leftists actually believe.
No, not all dictatorships are right wing. His just happens to be. The dictators in the soviet union were left wing
God dammit GAF get the fuck out, you're not gonna convert people here
You are a racist yet elected Israel's greatest ally who has jewish kids, sure Russia ain't controlling you.
The plot thickens.
Why Sup Forums, why us?
Granny it's too late go to sleep
>You are a racist
what a strange thing to assume. is it because i'm white? it's because i'm white, isn't it
Destroy all Sup Forumstards and save Sup Forums from them
I didn't even know your race dumbass.
Just accept both of them and don't live in a bubble. You'll be better off for it.
It's not a dictatorship because that term implies Putin is a personal autocrat rather than the head of an authoritarian state. Also, Russia is "right-wing" insofar as it doesn't push American-style poz on its own people and its client states, but it's hardly Ancapistan or the fourth Reich. It's just more conservative and less willing to engage with the global order than most countries.
you assumed i am racist, that must mean you assume i am white, since only white people are capable of being racist
It's a fake image
is this irony or did Sup Forums turn into facebook?
>get rid of Sup Forums posters
>80% of the world still hates niggers and jews
what did you mean by this?
how much is putin payin u?
Kill yourself faggot, stop falling for this.
Kenshiro would destroy all the assholes trying to push a political agenda.
Sup Forums and stormfront do the exact same shit
I don't give a shit. You can hate niggers as long as you don't derail threads about it. If you do, you're a Sup Forumstard and need to be eliminated.
No shit, sherlock
What gave it away?
>implying I implied
Yes, Sup Forumstards. That's what I said.
this is a pol board nigger, get your commie ass out of here
Russia is right wing insofar as you are told what to think by the powers that be and if you don't think that way you have no chance at any political success. The US is at least only an oligopoly on political power.
tfw no jewish gf
Sup Forums I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you say is "offensive". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you said nigger! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.
No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.
Stormniggers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single thread on this board that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about niggers or jews. Always with craftyjew.jpg and A Wyatt Mann cartoons. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, Sup Forums users cant help but broadcast the fact that they are stormniggers.
What do nigger gun stats have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the video game? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OFFENDED!
TL;DR Stormfags are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "political correctness".
About as much as he pays Trump.
I'm actually not a fan of Russia in a lot of ways one of which being that the Russian government is legitimately not fascistic or Russian nationalist but to call it a right-wing dictatorship is simply inaccurate.
There was a golden age. It died in 2007 because of many horrible things spawning like the IPhone, TBBT, Tumblr (and social media in general), and a whole lot moar.
>Sup Forums and stormfront
The latter hasn't been relevant in ever and has been nuked from the web thanks to Jewgle/Cloudflare. Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Fuck off neofag.
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
>Not just posting the screenshot
Dumb pastaposter
I wonder when
you'll figure out
what reddit spacing is
and why it happens
It 100% still works, it just never worked the way you wanted it to. All it does it make your response not bump the thread. That's it. You're meant to use it when replying to offtopic threads, or if your reply is not related to the topic of the thread. For example, this reply is saged because it holds no relevance to the thread or the board. The overall thread, however, is related to gaming.
Yeah, because Sup Forums isn't trying to push their agenda too, only left can be bad, keep believing unsourced paint infographics.
I thought it was a really big pair of binoculars
80% of the world also knows that talking about killing niggers and jews all the time gets boring.
Fuck me, even Osama knew that sometimes it was just time to turn on some Final Fantasy and play some games, instead of being political ALL. THE. TIME.