What was the last game you disinstalled and why? Mine was Assassin's Creed 1. Too boring and repetitive. Might not try getting into Assassin's Creed any further because of it.
What was the last game you disinstalled and why? Mine was Assassin's Creed 1. Too boring and repetitive...
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that when you empty the programs folder one file at a time?
i wish someone would disinstall all these third world illiterates from the food chain.
Also, it's your loss. AC1 may be a little archaic in 2017 but the overarcing story allows it to still hold up in the context of the whole series. Unless you're just a pleb who doesn't like sci fi.
Go ahead and delete this thread and try again. Use a better image too.
Stick with it.
The best game in the series is Assassin's Creed II.
I played the first one just to get better context for Ass Creed II.
androxus nerf kill the game for me
Brotherhood is basically the same but better. Black Flag is the best pirate game ever made. Syndicate is severely underrated and freerunning with the rope gadget and the cane etc combat especially feels really satisfying.
Haven't played Origins yet but I'm betting it's another good one.
not a bad game just not my cup of tea
whos this cutie?
that is prime
The tedium of AC1 is all worth it for the payoff of entering Acre for the first time, and the overworld sections
fuck merkle and fuck german people
that is prime
one time i disinstalled dead by daylight
>all these literal man babies dissing dis-install.
De-install is the man mode. Uninstall is for "exceptional individuals".
anyway, back to Doom.
nice try
whoa hey what a cool individual you are my dude that is prime
a ton of shit, i think i was getting rid of stuff i was 100% done with.
anything that is like under 1GB i keep regardless because its so small it doesn't matter if its still there or not.
That is prime
>post yfw you are not dinstalled
Torchlight 2
Not because I didn't like it, I absolutely loved it, but once I cleared everything with one character I could never be bothered to re-play it with a new one. I still kept it thinking one day I would go back and it would be like the first time, but that day never came.
T-thanks for asking.
me too
Acre is the fucking worst. Gross dirty blandest area of the game.
whoa dude hey thats awesome! just wanted to sya youre a great person. thanks for contrubtuing tho the epic thread. that is prime my dude
rocket league? i dont know. I just needed more room to install some games
The hell is going on in this thread?
disinstalling the thread
>he hasn't played Sea of Thieves yet
Evil Within 2, first one was way better.
>Crinkle Crinkle
Never noticed this. True art must be analyzed to truly appreciate.
It is not the subway diet, you will not be spared.
remember dead by daylight?
>yfw you install a new operating system
im sad now
What the fuck?
Also 2 is a hell of a lot better, it and Brotherhood are the pinnacle of the series.
Thank god the mod cleaned that stuff out.
Also I'm willing to bet OP's a spic, because our word for "uninstall" is "desinstalar"
>All these newfags taking the "bait" and bumping the thread
>implying anyone cares
>I was just pretending to be retarded
you have to go back faggot
disinstall your life faggot
Mine was Rust.
Fuck that shitty repetitive game.