Leftists can't make good gam-

>Leftists can't make good gam-

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Indeed they cannot.

Would be great if you could actually play the fucking thing without it constantly crashing

Pic unrelated I guess, since it wasn't made by lefties.

It's pretty safe to assume that almost every game was produced by leftists except for Earthworm Jim


killing nazis sure is fun

i like to pretend they're drumpf supporters XD

They're not leftists. They're Swedes.


>game about intolerant white nationalist who kills foreigners over beliefs

It's a Drumpf supporter power fantasy!

Even worst, and you can't get anymore left than them.

Why do you fags keep making this about politics? The game isn't even political at all. Fucking pol.

I am death incarnate really was a mood killer in this game
>Oh sick I get to ride the Panzerhound and mow people down
>Barely make it halfway down the first street before it hits critical health.

the game is less than 5 hours long. How can you defend that?


It's a 5 hour youtube video with all the retries cut out and there is a post game pseudo open world, so

Um, no, sweetie.

>I hate people calling everyone conservative a nazi
>did you know everyone not conservative is a leftist liberal cuck commie shill?

So the proclaimed 12 hours of gameplay isn't actual content, just retries because they're bad at shooters?

Why would you screencap this?

You really must be delusional to believe video games are a medium belonging to some specific political side.

>most gamers are republican
Dumbest shit ever spoken

>he hated Max Payne 3 because it was 3 hours without the cutscenes

Leftists would have censored out the Nazi's to avoid offending anyone, and there is no way female characters would be getting beheaded and having their faces cleaved in. Neither would the right have made it as it's obviously about killing nazis and kkk members, not to mention the rights hatred of video games. This game, like most, was made by sane, normal people whose entire identity does not revolve around being left or right.

It's a hard game

Using that logic, games are only as long as their fastest speedrun.

>Le ocarina is only le 30 minutes long!!XDD


>9 hour game
>Marketed as a call back to retro shooters when it really plays like COD
>Half of it is cringe inducing cutscenes

I don't even believe the phrase you were going to finish and can still say that this is reaching

The game is literally meant to offend actual Nazis and gladly it worked.

Nah, since they tend to skip as much content as possible to achieve the fastest time possible. I just want to know, is the game actually full of content that it reaches 12 hours of play time or is that all just padded due to retries? Game's pretty so far, only reached Roswell. Took me almost 2 hours with minimal deaths, am I halfway through already? That's fucked up.

>taking an hour to get past a tutorial now counts as extra game time


I'd say it's good, Just good. I clocked 11 hours and it was fun for most of it. The New order And old blood outweigh it in terms of enjoyment tho.

This. None of the perpetually offended snowflakes on either 'side' are capable of creating anything at all.

Actual Nazis have been dead for almost 80 years. How are they offended?

nazis dont exist
theyre baiting whitey into making him look racist so they can call them nazis and control what they say

Wasn't even political unless you're a Nazi. The marketing was, sure. So?

They certainly can't. They are the killers of entertainment.

You would think all the faggots criticizing the story would've rather played the Obercommando assassinations, which is literally the same levels just without the story cutscenes and whatnot. There's even a few new levels that weren't in the main campaign, but god forbid we go against the '4-6 hour long' narrative, which is complete horse-shit by the way

Too bad it bombed. Witcher 3 is over 3 years old and has more players. Some of the games in that list are over a decade old, and again have more players.

>Even HoI4 had more peak players

wew lad.

Most game devs are either left-leaning or don't give a shit about politics. Same for in the technological and film industry.
What's your point?

>A shitty 6 hour game keeps getting praised on Sup Forums as "good."

>A great 20+ hour Mario game keeps getting shit on.

Better luck next time, troll.

>Sup Forums is one person

>Wolfenstein 2 is literally 1 hour long speedrunned with no glitching skipping cinematics
>Doom is many hours long with no glitching, no cinematics

Wolf2 is just an inferior game. It's badly made in all aspects except the enemy art which is freelancer work!

max payne 3 is fucking awful, so yes

You have to be over 18 to post here

eat shit

>no glitches
Those playthroughs are full of exploit glitches. Try watching what you link first moron.

Even Rising Storm 2 had more peak players

the absolute state of it all

>the new colossus is leftist propaganda because Sup Forums is too inbred and stupid to realise this is a fucking 40 year old game series.
It really ondulates the synapses, my dude.

>6 hour game
>with 4 hours of cutscenes
>b-b-but muh retries
top kek

now its just pathetic

Go away marketer. Can we just push for india and other 3rd world countries these marketers come from to be range banned already?

before this game the series was literally nazi fetishism hated by leftards. You are an idiot.

apply yourself

If I'm perfectly honest, I don't understand these numbers. Is the first one owners and the second one current players?

its steamspy newfag

>Sup Forums apparently actually believes this

>not lefties
>definitely not feminists
Thank Knugen i don't live there

>even FF8 has more viewers
how cucked can one game get when twilight beats it

literally every level has at least 5 OOB glitches to skip 80% of the level
pretty sure the first hell level is like 30seconds long

>literal communist ideology being promoted in game
>"white" used as a slur
>Nazis given lines of dialogue based on what Trump supporters say about antifa
Kinda hard to separate lefties from commies when this is the shit they create

>max payne 3 is fucking awful
>You have to be over 18 to post here

You shut your dumb whore mouth. Max Payne 3 was a great game. Hell it was the most adult themed out of all the max payne games. I'm pretty sure there's a part where a disgusted max narrates his way through a disgusting brothel with full nudity during a half hour cutscene.... I mean.. It was still fun, that's what I'm saying..

>All these posts implying that the social left weren't the people who made video games in the first place
Man, those social conservatives were always about trying new shit, weren't they?

That's why it's not selling well though

No one wants a game with poorly written lefty rhetoric bundled to their Nazi killing.


>most gamers are republican
>Dumbest shit ever spoken

Congrats now you realize that the left really are that retarded for believing that game devs are left.

Then you're bad kiddo, you can pick up armor from the baddies you kill to get the mecha puppy's health back. 0-10

Wow, 3 hours of cutscenes and 2 hours of "gameplay", what a great "game"

>Being right wing means you support Nazi’s

>the left is responsible for everything good
keep rewriting history, faggot.

It's an estimate, 153538 guaranteed owners, give or take 11K

Most people are left leaning, but the 90's style left (protect the nature, equal rights).
And this is exactly why they immediately rejects and kicks the hell out of the modern leftists(I AM OPPRESSED FOR YOU AND ME SO I WILL SHUT YOU DOWN) as soon they're exposed.
So, technically speaking, most games are made by leftists, but modern hair dye retards can't into developing games well as they will put politics over fun.
It's kinda like expecting the charles manson cult to make games well.

>video games
>everything good

Seriously are the left this retarded? I mean making general assumption like this have to be retarded.

>most people are left leaning
nice projection

>This game, like most, was made by sane, normal people whose entire identity does not revolve around being left or right.

Back to plebbit mobile poster

I figured The New Order was lightning in a bottle, so I didn't expect this to be as good. I bought it anyway.

It's half a game with a bunch of truly cringe cutscenes. Finished in about 7 hours and fully half of that was sitting and watching and wondering what deranged lunatic wrote this shit.

Does pic related count as a Leftist game since it promotes Socialism?

One of the most original artistic game devs of all time was a conservative. He was attacked awhile back by rabid sjw for his views.
Likewise the biggest names in the golden age of gaming were all conservative. These were the pioneers of this industry.
What's special about the leftwing devs in the industry now? all they make is pixel art games and walking simulators or hijack existing brands.

It's not a projection, it's an clear observation.
But if you actually read the rest of my post, you will understand what i mean, and it's not very good for those you call as left.
The "90's pop left" is not very keen at all with authoritarians.

opinion ftfy. Factually most people are conservative naturally.

As this is turning a bit weird, what exactly do people want to conserve?

civilisation you stupid piece of shit.

>its just a clear observation
Oh so its anecdotal evidence sorry I didn't know you had such irrefutable proof
>what exactly do people want to conserve?
society and the nations our forefathers created

this game is a shit
indeed they cant


What do you people spell "Civilization" like a fucking mongoloid?

>be a moder
>try to replace nazi soldiers with resistance to trigger some retards
>realize that replaced models voicelines perfectly leftists
Well, so the biggest nazis are antifa ones

I like fez

worse. W3 has lots of gog sells and it won't show up in stats

>I'm not a Nazi
>That game has you kill Nazis? I'm offended!
If you're not a Nazi then why are you offended on their behalf? You don't kill Republicans, Trump supporters, or random white people falsely accused of being Nazis. You kill actual, WW2 era Nazis. The black woman even falsely accuses someone of being a Nazi, gets choked for it, and then apologizes.

bait harder you worthless autist

I think we can all agree this was by far the worst thing about this game


Being this dumb or pretending to be.

Do us a favor and shove yourself feet first into a wood chipper


all games are made by leftists retard

The game itself might be fine but the marketing surrounding it is definitely on a warpath, basically saying that anyone who doesn't like the game is a Nazi.


machinegames is made up of devs who made the riddick games as well as the first darkness, so yeah they definitely can

> WolfII
>Good game

The same way Twilight is a good novel.

I know this is bait but there are unironic retard people that believe this shit.