Most of us probably have some friends or acquaintances who we'd consider casual. What are yours like?

Most of us probably have some friends or acquaintances who we'd consider casual. What are yours like?

>Friends only play big AAA releases
>Only play on console
>Think PC gaming is weird or that it doesn't have any games
>Never heard of or played any souls games
>Love Skyrim and Minecraft, but only on console

>Friends only plays on his psp or pirated games on PC
>One of them is a massive Xfag and he's always hyped for EA shit

fuck off faggot

>actual friends
I bet you suck their dicks too, you homo faggot

Why do you care? What a worthless thread.


I want to make babies with Brigitte Quinn

>friend LITERALLY only plays WoW
everyone has a reason for wanting that game to die. now I understand.

MOBA and gacha only player.

Does anyone else think girls wearing big huge glasses like this look totally retarded?

well, if you're going to mock people with legitimate vision problems you may as well go all out

those arent people, they are peasants

>Most of us probably have some friends

Me and my friend both play gacha games and get pissed at each other when one gets something the other wanted.

>only have 1 console
>GTA, COD, EA Sports
>think playing on PC with a mouse and keyboard is weird
>think having a desktop PC in general is kinda weird
>no japanese games

>tell my coworkers about my PC rig and triple monitor setup
>sounds expensive, user. So much money just to play games on a computer, why don't you buy a PlayStation?
>don't want to go into detail about how I'm vehemently anti-Sony and just tell them I have the rig for multi tasking and working from home (which is true)

Bought dark souls for a friend and he won't even install it. He has bought me ESO and I won't play it.

He spends all his time on ark.

Which one of us should an hero?

>Never head of souls games
name one (1) ((singular)) (((mono))) person who hasn't heard of the souls franchise

So Razorfist, what was it like getting unanimously destroyed by PaulsEgo and Kyle Kulinski?

>mom plays nothing but Old Super Mario Bros DS and Mario Kart
>little sister's brain is only capable of playing Minecraft, Roblox and The Sims 4 and Garry's Mod. She plays some other stuff I enjoy like Dragon's Dogma and Senran Kagura but nowhere near a decent level of understanding
That's about it

Is that sword backwards?

I only have one friend. He plays Black Ops, Fifa, GTA, and God of War. Sad thing is he used to be a geek like me before becoming a normalfag.

I liked Kill la Kill and there's nothing you can do about it.

Plenty of then, but 'friends' wouldn't be the right word for it. 'Acquaintances' would be more fitting.

>tfw weeb
>friends only play western games plus the occasional nintendo game

Well my father used to play a bunch of Sid Meier stuff back in the day, but the jump to 3D with general games was just too much for him. Couldn't even beat King Bob-omb in Mario 64.

same, but thats not vidya you nerd

I'll never gift irl friends anything again.

The sword is one half of a pair of scissors. It connects to another sword.

The other half is a major plot point.

OP's friend.
My mom.

the only important plot point to that show is satsuki stepping on my face

He's clearly a waifufag sexmodder. Morrowind would hold no interest to him.