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game is gonna be deader than iw by the time the next cod is going to be announced

maybe some actual ww2 buffs would have been interested in playing your game if it didn't have FUCKING NIGGER FEMALE SS TROOPERS IN THE GAME

Its already released?

CoD has always been a console game, PC ports are usually garbage.

>CoD does bad on PC
This is a compliment to every PC mustard, honestly.

Multiplayer wont even work for me, its been throwing an error code for the last hour

it's another
>Sup Forums posts the players of a game to try and relive tortanic for the hundredth time

the game will see 10x the players on xbone, because that's literally the only game they have

> release less of one hour
> laffing not only ont he numbers of player on stream but even about people giving shit of Cod on PC

Ppppfffff, pleb

I don't even think the multiplayer is working for anyone yet

>user earlier made the argument of fps on mustards
>as predicted it's a dead game

Its supposed to be but i bet the servers are oveloaded

Both the PS4 and Xbone versions sell close to 20 times on console. That's why Activision don't care about PC ports.

>calling cards for gay rights
>no other calling cards for nationality

user you have to try better bait than this

>CoD has always been a console game
since MW2 sure

I regain a tiny bit of faith in humanity every time I see a CoD game on PC launch with lower numbers than Arma 3.

Yes for 8 years

Id just like to point out that MWR near launch had almost 3 million people on the PS4 leaderboard and 80k on PC.

CoD isnt a PC series and hasnt been since 3.

>shitty AAA FPS does bad on PC
Oh no!

>since 3
Since MW2
But thank god, because CoD has been shit since Black Ops, and MW2 wasn't that great to begin with.
I thank god that these horrible business practices are going to mainly be levied on consolefags and the few console convert casuals on PC.

8 years =/= always

it has more players than lawbreakers

My sides

Everything about COD WWII is LAZY, medicore, insulting, and unispired

>its another redditors out themselves episode

7 Days to Die is the 25th most concurrently played Steam game? How? It's impossible to even attempt to play that shit for more than 20 minutes.

This was already released?

Jesus, I didn't expect Activision to do 0 marketing on this game.

You're the only one that's done that, though.

I still think that Treyarch puts out the best campaigns generally Yes, even Black Ops 3 and have the best side modes other than multiplayer.

But I am the type of person who buys CoD for the singleplayer so my opinion is worthless.

yeah because they play better games like league, pubg and other shitty early access games

PUBG is vastly preferable to CoD.
At least that game isn't completely casual and rewards tactical play, especially in squad/duo.


>no u

CoD has been dead on PC and on a decline on console since MW2 all their games are horribly bugged and unoptimized with rampant cheating. People are finally getting sick of playing the same shit for 8 years in a row now.

Its 1:30 in the mirning you fucking mong

It's funny, I just heard an ad for it on the TV a few hours ago. Too bad I don't fucking watch TV, had it not been for my older dudebro smoking pot and watching Family Guy at midnight, it wouldn't have been on my mind.

Treyarch is ass at weapon sound design. I hate the guns because they all look feel and act like theyre made of plastic

ur mums 1:30 in the mirning m8

That can't be real.

All those games are vastly different while Cod and Fifa have remained the same for nearly a decade and consolefags still buy that shit every year.

The servers are down on all platforms

>He thinks PC player base counts
lmao stupid pee see cucks

One of the daily challenges are to watch 3 people open up lootboxes, do you really think they have any shame?

Are you retarded?

BO3, BO2, and MW3 still have active player bases on PC. Retard.

welcome to the nuworld

>800,000 people playing PUBG and another 400,000 playing a moba

so this... is the power... of... PC?

I will admit to that. But they seem to be the only ones who give the tiniest of shits about singleplayer (Advance Warfare was alright and IW stopped being good at SP since MW3)

We are busy playing better genres

If by "Active" you mean a few hundred people per game, then sure. Compare it to console playerbase and it's virtually nobody playing.

So in the end it's console gamers who have to be blamed for loot crates and other nasty shit like that?

>ever mattering on PC nowadays
I know it was hilarious to post Lawbreakers Steam stats, but this is starting to get out of control. Just because something fails on PC, doesn't mean shit.
Especially if it's a multiplat.

>Goes back to WW2
>STILL no game about the Korean War or a proper game on Vietnam
For what purpose?

Has CS:GO really fallen so far?

At least BF1 didn't do this shit

So is this one good? Last one I played was Advanced Warfare and I really liked it and I understand it's the same team.

CSGO is unironically dying

Because the US didn't win. How can they make some good ol fashioned 'Merican propaganda if the US isn't a definitive winner?

Because (((we))) can't be the heroes in those wars.

No, it's the typical modern CoD gameplay with a WW2 skin.

I don't know why, what we are shown in Black Ops was very fucking nice.

Battlefield: Vietnam?

For sure, I liked World at wars campaign too.

those guns tho. ugh
Sturdy heavy metal guns of the 40s shouldnt sound CLACKY and weak.

CSGO literally lost 200k players overnight last year when they reluctantly cracked down on gambling

>game released few hours ago
>haha no one are playing
>when the game is fucking 100 gb
Look up some stats tomorrow when most of us have downloaded the fucking thing.

That's only in multiplayer, no? Unless they added kweens und scheiße to the campaign.


Did they actually made the movements slower?

(((We))) love history, especially why Hitler was evil. Plus Nazis am I right?

I'd say its doing well.

Oh my fuck...

>for an FPS

what the shit how

It is

Black Ops I had you fighting in Vietnam during various missions.

They can. i mean 58k US soldiers died (something like 300k wounded) in nam, and the viet cong lost 849k military
600k wounded.

So they have room to work with

>About 1k players on each game
You probably couldn't even find people for more than half the game modes available like most of the people still playing are stuck playing Free for All.

Nobody on PC cares about shitty CoD games.*

welcome to 2017+ in 10 to 20 more years its gonna be 1 terabyte

>The US didn't win the war
That maybe so, but at least we made it so there was barely anything left to rule except cancer patients from Agent Orange, a 1:100 kill ratio between us and the Vietcong, and so many goddamn land mines and bombs that people are still being mauled by them today.

It would be interesting to play just to watch the US forces slaughter the enemy and do massive amounts of drugs in between village burnings tho

at least they can play, ps4 servers do not

The best selling game on PS4 for three months in a row was early access and PUBG is the biggest non-Nintendo console game this year

>No more regenerating health
>Allies can be given orders

Alright, do I pick this up?

>buying CoD on PC

Rookie mistake OP, but I'll let you off with a warning.


Just pirate it you mong.

Yeah and they were probably the best missions in the game, why not have a full campaign on Vietnam?

Yeah, instead they just wanna play pubg, mobas, or csgo.

the whole video game market (no matter the platform) is stagnant and out of ideas.

My only question about this game is why would they even make it when they made World at War? Does this games campaign tie in with WaW in any way or is it completely different.

but how is nazi zombies


>Buying CoD at all
PUBG and CSGO are better than CoD and Fifa.

It's probably not even worth a pirate. Filesize bloat is fucking insane

>Social garbage

You tell me


What early access game on ps4?

>dead games


WaW is so much better its not even funny

RS2 and Battlefield are as close as we can get at the moment for "realistic" vietnam. BO1 was alright for vietnam and cold war shit in general, just wish they expanded on more missions or let you into berlin.
Agreed, it looked great. Had a nice atmosphere too with the music and conspiracy shit. Shame that treyarch likes to leave loose ends and never explains in full detail what happened to reznov, weaver and mason for those 30+ years.


Vietnamese here.

The US would've easily won the war. They had the support of South Vietnamese and actually nearly broke the spirit of the Vietcong through constant firebombing and artillery. The only problem were Communist plants back in the US causing them to lose the war at home.


So it's been in-tune with the rest of the series.