What's her endgame?
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Crashing my dick
She's the Elsa of WoW
Dismantling the Horde.
Being killed by a group of 10-25 players if she goes too far.
To cuck the horde
Sylvanas is already going to try and take Stormwind next xpac, maybe even in the pre-xpac patch. $10 says Jaina comes back and stops her, proving she was right about the Horde and its Banshee Nigger queen
Is she a dreadlord yet or is it old gods?
Or is there genuinely not going to be an explanation to her sudden change in attitude apart from being upset at the horde for like the first time ever?
becoming an orc slave
What do you mean? The horde bombed Theramore prior to MoP.
Nothing sudden about it, they bombed her city after she defended them for a decade. She was the voice of reason in WoD. Horde should have been dismantled right then and there.
Garrosh literally nuked Theramore and killed everyone from her home, as well as Rhonin who died saving a few of them and containing the blast so instead of taking out all of Dustwallow it only took out the main city.
Wasn't random, we even had a pre-MoP Scenario about it, in fact I think it was their first Scenario.
>not going to be an explanation to her sudden change in attitude
Did you forget the part where they literally nuked Theramore?
She's got all the reason in the world to be upset, the horde have literally proved her daddy right time and time again. But she killed him, so now she's stuck with the guilt of that as well as the guilt of letting the horde get away with so much shit. She finally woke up but now most of the alliance is content with letting the horde be, while when the alliance wanted war she was always preventing it. She has nothing but regrets and a need to set things right by destroying the horde.
It's pretty much the only character arc Blizzard has handled well.
The fact that the first time a character in this fucking lore has an actual character arc everyone cries Dreadlord says a lot about the writing behind it
Finally a character that actually snaps on their own without being afflicted by something
It doesn't matter what it is because Blizzard's writers are probably just going to fuck it up anyway. At least we're bound to get some new Jaina porn out of the deal, so it can't be all bad.
Fuck Jaina, literally the worst character in Warcraft.
t. Rommath. Go back to being irrelevant.
Sounds like some muslim apologist that ended up getting raped.
>hating Sylvanas
That's just gay
t. waifufag
Anyone else fantasize dropping their sack on her outstretched hand in which she proceeds to carefully fondle eventually leading to some great fellatio? That poster is lewd
>imagine being killed by 5 player party
that must sting.
Good riddance, Knaak is about 30% of the reason WoW lore is shit.
Jaina will be used as a social commentary on Donald Trump
Jaina has done literally nothing wrong.
Shit, Blizz seems to actually be setting up Sylvanas as the next villain, so she's gonna be straight vindicated.
The Horde are scum. Mostly just the Orcs and Forsaken, though.
>Jaina has done literally nothing wrong.
Jaina started the war in Cataclysm.
To become greatest children's card game Duelistâ„¢!
Jaina allowed troops through to Ashenvale, as zone the Horde has never had any right to.
No, Jaina literally attacked multiple Horde zones and forces before the Horde invaded anywhere. Her "allowing troops through to Ashenvale" involved cutting a path straight through Horde territory.
>before the Horde invaded anywhere
They've been invading Ashenvale since Warcraft III, an issue Thrall gave a blind eye to cause he wanted the wood.
No retard, after Wrath the Horde and Alliance signed a peace treaty and ended conflicts, after which Jaina broke it by attacking the Horde.
Oh, are you referring to that fucking book?
The whole thing was a misconception by the Twilight Hammer. They disguised themselves as the Horde and attacked the Alliance, this caused the Alliance to attack the Horde. Technically the Alliance did "start it," but no one actually knew that, because it was a trick.
>sure varian you can use my city to move troops into the neighboring horde land, i'm sure the warchief who's predecessor i'm friends with won't mind
sure the mana bomb was overkill as fuck, but let's not pretend the bitch didn't deserve it.
Yes, but it still makes Jaina look like an absolute retard later when she's whining about the Horde attacking Theramore.
No it doesn't. Pure emotions don't work like that. She got fucking nuked, and had all of her subjects and personal friends killed. You can say it was justified, but it doesn't mean her reaction didn't make sense.
Either way she's been vindicated time and time again with her growing hate for the Horde. Garrosh, the shit in WoD, Sylvanas, which Blizzard is setting up as being a villain, if that new book is any indication.
The Horde of Warcraft III is gone. They're just bad guys now.
All the original BGs were secondary "ally" factions waging unofficial wars and the Horde and Alliance were simply backing them. Taking them as serious fights is what led to the War in Warcraft faggots begging for the stupid shit that happened in Cata.
No dumbass, I mean both BEFORE and AFTER it was bombed, she was constantly like "Oh no why is the Horde attacking me I have no idea aren't we at peace oh let me just ignore a blockade because I'm so peaceful hey Varian hey Rhonin how about you just send a whole bunch of 'peacekeeping' reinforcements to help me out OH NO I GOT BOMBED WHY WOULD EVIL GARROSH DO THIS I DIDNT DO NUTHIN'".
Jaina is a bitch and so is everybody who tries to hide behind "muh realistic emotions" to explain away her extreme irrationality and inability to remember her own actions.
>Sylvanas, which Blizzard is setting up as being a villain, if that new book is any indication.
Motherfucker even in Legion the Alliance is STILL the first to attack Sylvanas before she even does anything.
"I'm not sure I understand, my queen," Nathanos said. They had not had much time for private conversations. The war had taken everything they could give it, every day, and most of the time, they were surrounded by listening ears. "Of course, the Horde needs funds and its members."
"It is not the member that concern me. It is the army. I have decided I will not dissolve it."
He turned to look at her. "They think they're come home," he said. "Is this not the case?"
"It is, for the moment," she said. "Injuries need time to heal. Crops need to be planted. But soon, I will call upon the brave fighters of the Horde for another battle. The one you and I have both longed for."
Nathanos was silent. She did not take that for disagreement of disapproval. He was often silent. That he did not press her for more details meant that he understood what she wanted.
The Horde fucking around in Ashenvale was a part of the original zone.
It's been a part of the lore since Warcraft III.
Like, it wasn't until Cata that the orcs realized maybe it would be smarter to try and get their lumber from the unoccupied zone just north of them, instead of the place where all the elves lived.
>Dopey Khadgar thinks we can be friends with orcish terrorists. Not smatt! We need to stay vigilant. 14/88
Now that it's confirmed Sylvannas attacks Stormwind in 8.0, is Genki's leak correct?
I can't wait for Jaina and Genn to sail to Gilneas and take it as a stronghold, then dismantle the bitch queen and forsaken edgelords.
it's already confirmed Lordaeron will play a huge roll.
>Motherfucker even in Legion the Alliance is STILL the first to attack Sylvanas before she even does anything.
The Council she set up in the Undercity even thinks what she did there was fucking retarded. She was an inch away from going full Lich King.
>Sylvanas, which Blizzard is setting up as being a villain, if that new book is any indication.
>Implying they want their cash cow character to die
Fighting Sylvanas in a raid would just drive all the secondaries away and only secondaries play WoW
People have been saying Sylvanas is FINISHED since the end of cataclysm, It isn't happening. Blizzard isn't going to fuck over the Forsaken fans just so salty alliance faggots can get their COMPED vengeance.
>b-but what about all those other dead leaders
Varian and Vol'jin were mutually lost and weren't backed by waifufags.
Dismantle the Horde
>The Council she set up in the Undercity even thinks what she did there was fucking retarded. She was an inch away from going full Lich King.
This. The Desolate Council did nothing wrong. They will be the new Forsaken leaders.
Actually, all that's said is that there's some discontent with no specifics.
Why anybody would get bitchy about infinitely raising your soldiers to fight the infinite demon army bent on the obliteration of everything is beyond me.
See Here's a fact. We're not gonna lose Stormwind.
Sylvanas is being set up as a loot pinata. The other excerpts from the book only back this up, with Horde characters like Saurfang talking about how she only cares about the Forsaken.
>Implying they want their cash cow character to die
That's the part that makes me question whether or not Blizzard would commit to it. Alternatively, they commit to it and she gets some kind of redemption shenanigans and becomes good again. Either way, this is Blizzard's writing team, so I'm not expecting miracles in any direction.
>Why anybody would get bitchy about infinitely raising your soldiers to fight the infinite demon army bent on the obliteration of everything is beyond me.
Cause she was enslaving those Val'kyr, which is exactly what the Lich King did?
You know, the person the entire Forsaken race rebelled against? can't understand why there would be some moral questioning as to why her people would have a problem with her actions?
It's a Golden book. Sylvanas will somehow surround the entire city only for Anduin to cast a holy spell that sends her entire army running, or some other bullshit.
Yeah, and that just paints her as a villain either way.
We had War Crimes humanizing Jaina. The game then ignored it utterly and portayed her as a warmongering nutjob.
I'll always be mad at how she switched personalities with Varian
The Forsaken had an issue with the Lich King enslaving THEM, and Sylvanas allows newly raised Forsaken a choice of whether to join or not.
Following her daddy's footsteps now that he's been proven right about the horde
Azshara was technically also NE territory. Most people don't realize it's a part of the same forest as Ashenvale. Through night elf-magic fuckery each of the zones surrounding Hyjal caught in a perpetual season. Azshara fall, Winterspring winter, Ashenvale summer and Felwood spring.
Blizzard letting the Gobs just up and take it was them forgetting their own lore.
>Racial quests
If there's race order halls would the furry races be filled with ERPers or every player keep saying to themselves "Why am I with these fuckers"?
Stopping Sylvanas.
When did Sup Forums become such an Alliance filled cesspool?
I guess I can't blame y'all though, Blizzard has been riding the Horde's lore into the ground for like 4-5 expansions now. Hard to have pride in a faction when you are constantly the punching bags and all your leaders are either killed off or written to be comically evil/dumb etc.
I miss Thrall & Garrosh.
>I'll always be mad at how she switched personalities with Varian
Maybe Varian and Jaina accidently knocked each other out and switched out their souls, like in my japanese anime
Read the Genki leaks. City sieges are confirmed.
His leak is the closest to the Golden preview pages, so we're definitely getting a fourth War.
I foresee it being Jaina vs Sylvannas. I mean there's a fucking panel about stronk wymen of Warcraft, it makes sense for the two war leaders to be stronk independent wymen.
Look at what she's doing here. Enslaving.
They've been setting up Sylvanas going batshit since Stormheim. She was reeeeeing all throughout the rest of the expansion.
That's just Golden's writing, every time she features Jaina it's as a saint even though Blizzard has been writing her getting darker for years.
I can't wait to see what she does to explain why Jaina abandoned everyone during the largest war ever.
>4 seasons surround hyjal
that's actually pretty cool and i never noticed, then again i've played horde for years and i've never done azshara because that zone has always been garbage.
I've heard this exact post 5 years ago.
Yet, Sylvanas is warchief.
You probably wouldn't notice because Felwood got Legion'd, and is only just now healing, and Ashenvale doesn't look like summer at all.
Since Garrosh became a forced villain, Vol'jin became a fucking joke of a Warchief and the entire 7.0 broken shore.
Horde is fucking pathetic, the entire cinematic showed how shit they are. Vol'jin died to a random fodder demon and Thrall jobbed. Then they made SJW queen who covers up her midriff with brown skin the fucking Warchief.
...user, what's happened to the last two Warchiefs?
Sup Forums joined the alliance because they were triggered by their own association of orcs and black people, so the alliance presence has gotten really high here lately.
>Read the Genki leaks. City sieges are confirmed.
God, I wish that's wrong. I don't want to repeat the fiasco of Cataclysm updating the old world.
Also Jeremy Feasel said Tel'abim leaks were fake, though he could have been lying
Yeah, the Val'kyr, not the Forsaken. She was enslaving Eyir to create more free-willed Val'kyr from the Forsaken while upgrading them to Nathanos-tier Undead and resurrecting soldiers for the war against the Legion.
What they seem to dislike isn't Eyir herself, but the concept of raising more Forsaken at all.
>I can't wait to see what she does to explain why Jaina abandoned everyone during the largest war ever.
Oh that's easy, Jaina could just say she's been researching on the old gods as you have fucking shadow priests wielding old god toenails as laser beams and some other asspull like "The legion is just a distraction".
Yes, it's always Sup Forums.
Considering they set up that Illidan redemption shit in a book, either they're testing waters again and will ditch plotpoints if everyone tells them that's terrible, or they decided people don't like redemption so they're making Sylvanas a Villain, which also won't work because you can't sit there and shit on a portion of your playerbase for 'being on the wrong side' and expect it to work out for you.
I suppose it's fucking awful either way.
Um no sweetie, Arthas had willing shield maidens come and accept his blessing to ascend them to Val'kyr.
don't worry
they'll have plenty of opportunity to retcon their own success and make it 'muh corruption'
>tfw Jaina becomes the new Lich King
It is wrong, the Genki leaks were fake.
Probably some elements are true though.
>I can't wait to see what she does to explain why Jaina abandoned everyone during the largest war ever.
because she was taken her Kirin Tor from her?
>Vol'jin died to a random fodder demon
So did Varian
To bring us the most convoluted wc4 imaginable. Give us hell jaina!
They got haphazardly thrown into the position of Warchief and poorly written out of being Warchief.
My money's on Sylvanas getting a redemption arc and ends up flying away because her planet needs her.
In Antorus Varimathras says this following:
Varimathras: So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one.
Varimathras: When your thrones run red with betrayal... when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth... only then you will know. And it will be too late.
Varimathras: It matters not. You are blind to the true darkness closing in around you.
Varimathras: So, she found me at last. Sent her underlings to finish the job.
Varimathras: Tell me, when she seized your throne of hides and bones, was your allegiance forced? No... I'd wager you surrendered it willingly... or were convinced you did.
Varimathras: It matters not. You are blind to the darkness in your midst.
This is heavy foreshadowing for Jaina and Sylvannas being the main antagonists on the new xpack.
Yeah, and that's a bullshit explanation. She literally stormed off in a huff about being outvoted into working with the Horde against the Legion.
The Horde have been on the "wrong side" for close to seven fucking years.
People need to stop acting like Warcraft III was just yesterday.
They've been throwing too much villain shit at Sylvanas over the years to be redeemed. Like, literally everything she does is shown in a negative light.
>God, I wish that's wrong. I don't want to repeat the fiasco of Cataclysm updating the old world.
Too late for that the end of legion expansion has Sargeras stabbing a giant hole into Sithilus.
Varian defended against hordes of demons, after taking down a fel reaver 2.0.
He died to Gul'dan and the full might of the Legion's generals backing him.
Horde literally didn't do anything wrong though.
to be honest, you should never listen to the words of a nathrezim
because humans > night elves > undead > horde. How an entire faction can be balanced around a single hero is beyond me
Warcraft 1-2, Garrosh, and from the looks of things, Sylvanas.
Silithus won't be removed, it'll be phased, like the Blasted Lands
You mean the bluescreen leaks that imply another world rebuild? Those seemed fake as shit.
Yeah, bullshit, mate. A felguard stabbed Varian, and he was like AAAAH. Gul'dan then mercy killed him
>dreadlords try to trick the playerbase
>Sylvanas and Jaina are the good guys all along
>somebody we've been friends with all along is the REAL villain
That's dumb enough to work.