The only good game on the Wii U

this shit needs a switch port

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Dong Freeze 2: Diddy's Dong Quest

Niggas always forget about C A P T A I N T O A D

Yep, along with Bayonetta/Bayonetta 2 and . I'm really hoping for a Pikmin 4 announcement as well.

Was W101 any good?

If you like Platinum's other stuff, you'd probably enjoy it.

Not the only worthwhile game but sure as fuck one of the best games on that thing

>Cap'n Toad
>Hyrule warriors
>Pikmin 3
>Xeno X
>3D world

The Wii U was a pretty good console if you have any semblance of taste in games. Thanks to homebrew, If you've never owned one, you've got several hundred hours of great gaming ahead for like 80 bucks and 30 for a 128GB USB.

>I'm really hoping for a Pikmin 4 announcement as well.
Nintendo would be fucking retarded to announce that. Then again, they DID announce Pikmin 3. Well, Miyamoto announced it, but Nintendo would be retarded if they let Miyamoto do that shit again.

>Hyrule Warriors
>3D World and Toad
This is why we can't have Wii U threads.

That's a shame because it's probably my favorite out of the more recent Nintendo franchises. Pikmin 3 was such a beautiful looking game.

it was seriously uneven. the main combat was phenomenal, but half the game was shitty minigames, ultra shitty platforming and all kinds of other nonsense.

just fighting shit, though? inspired. great story too.

>there will never be a world theme greater than this

>The only good game on the Wii U.


Pikmin 4 was announced in 2015.

Well, good news for me then. Thanks, user.

3D World is the best 3D Mario, with Odyssey being the only contender against it.

Pikmin doesn't sell. They shouldn't be wasting money developing games in series that are proven to not sell.

So Nintendo is retarded.

That's a pretty dumb way to look at things. Metroid has never been a big seller for Nintendo either but thankfully they see the value in continuing the series.

They wouldn't be making Pikmin games if they didn't provide profits.

Super Mario 3D World will like to have a word with you.

Also Captain Toad.

Terrible bait, have a (you). The only 3D Mario that World beats is Land.

>They wouldn't be making Pikmin games if they didn't provide profits.
Yet they are. Pikmin 1, 2, and 3 flopped. A sane company would can the series, not keep making games in it.

Fortunately not everyone sees the world through the eyes of a soulless corporate drone.

They aren't multi million sellers, but they wouldn't be making Pikmin games if they weren't profitable. We have no idea how much money they spend to actually make them. If it is low enough, even relatively modest sales are more than enough to keep the series afloat.

That's an important thing to keep in mind when you look at Nintendo. Unlike western publishers who operate at these absolutely insane profit margins, Nintendo keeps their development teams relatively small and costs pretty low.

This, Captain Toad is a treasure

Yes, because the Gamecube and Wii U flopping were such wonderful things for Nintendo. They are first party games. First party games need to move hardware. Nintendo needs to move hardware to stay in the console business. Sorry that video games are a BUSINESS and not some fairy-tale where games are made with wishes and rainbows.

tropical freeze fucking blows
donkey kong country has better controls

So what do you want then? A new Zelda or Mario cranked out every year like Activision or Ubisoft does things? No thanks.



They still made money on it, stupid. The only actual flops they had were Virtual Boy and WiiU.


>Captain Toad
I hadn't paid any attention to that game, was it actually good?

But the Switch IS selling well and therefore affords them the luxury to develop new entries for some less popular but fan favorite series. Who knows, maybe we'll even get a new F-Zero or Wave Race.

Land wasn't a garbage multiplayer game. That alone makes it better than World.

>he didn't have friends to play the game with
You barely played the game

what the fuck are you talking about? each mainline pikmin game sold over a million even Pikmin 3. Let's not forget Nintendo sells their games full price

It's an extremely charming little puzzle game and it looks great.

This world had some of the best environmental storytelling I’ve seen in a platformer.

No actually it doesn't, the Swithc needs its own library instad of being a shitty port machine.

If you want to play a fucking game then go play it on the console it was on or emulate it.

Incorrect, The Wonderful 101 is absolutely excellent, and it's 2013s best release, also Pikmin 3 is a great addition to the series, that should have a Switch port. Actually there's a mountain of games I'd like to see Switch ports from, so here's a neat list with caveats

The Wonderful 101, stable 60fps, bug fixes.
Pikmin 3, dlc included
Super Mario 3d World, Super Wario 3d World Dlc made and included
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, 1080 @ 60, plus bonus levels included
Bayonetta 1/2, stable 60fps, Bayonetta's lighting fixed, that piss tint not really my style
Super Mario Maker, but a sequel
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, bonus world expanded, loading times fixed, 1080@60, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, premium bundled.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions, uncensored western release.
Yoshi's Wooly World, and Poochy
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, 1080@60, bonus levels included
Super Smash Bros. but 5

There you go.

Most of the time I would agree but not here. The Wii U had such a small install base that it would be a good move to port over some its best games that not a lot of people got to play.

Plus I'd fucking love to have a portable version of Wind Waker HD.

Easily the best game of the last ten years.

Nah, clearly Nintendo have no problem supporting the Switch and with the amount of studios building off engines developed for WiiU it absolutely makes sense to reuse that effort and port these titles to that system. I think in the case of many of these games they absolutely deserve a second chance, Tropical Freeze is unmatched excellence in 2d level design and deserves to have more people experience it, and that isn't the only title on that System that should be made available to more people.

>if the game didn't make the original console it was on sell well it will surely make this one sell instead!

Why would you possibly think that porting an unsuccessful library to your new system would make that system successful? The games you are talking about porting have already been proven not to move units. If anything there's statistical evidence that they would bring down the console. The Wii U failed because it was marketed as the Wii 2.0 upgrade, if you just port the Wii u library to Switch then you're just repeating that exact same mistake by making consumers think that the Switch is just the Wii 2.0 Portable.

The Switch is already successful. Porting some of the Wii U's gems(at a reduced price preferably) would be a good way to find a new audience with the larger userbase.

I think you misunderstand why the Wii U didn't do well. I'm not really following your logic here.

No it wouldn't, because the games have already proven to be unpopular.

You're literally just trying to argue against hard numbers now. The point of the business is to make money, and you're telling a business to do something again (release a certain game) that's already demonstrated not to make money the first time it was done. If people wanted to play Tropical Freeze, or any of the other great games on the Wii U, they would have bought a Wii U and played those games. The bottom line is you're somehow deciding it would be a good idea for Nintendo to gamble money on a demonstrably losing bet, and there's literally nothing you can say to circumvent the bare numbers and facts.

Which is why the best policy is if you want to play a game, maybe you should buy the system the game is on instead of demanding SEGA port a bunch of Dreamcast games to Switch or Playstation or Xbox because you didn't buy a Dreamcast but you should be catered to anyway. Why would Nintendo want to try to appease people who weren't even their supporters in the first place?

Nope, I just outlined to you why it didn't do so well. If you actually read the post you could follow the logic.

The Wii U had a solid lineup of games but people just weren't interested in the hardware. Again, I'm really not following your logic here.

>No it wouldn't, because the games have already proven to be unpopular.
Didn't stop MK8 or BotW from getting ported.

>being of a handicap

You're looking at it the wrong way. The games were appealing but people weren't willing to buy into the Wii U hardware which is understandable. The Switch is a mainstream success and porting over more high quality first party games certainly doesn't seem like a bad idea to me but whatever.

I want Nintendo to make games that sell because I want Nintendo to survive as a company.

Yes, they made SO MUCH MONEY on it that they decided to make its successor exactly the same in every way. I mean, it must have been successful enough for them to do that, right?

>But the Switch IS selling well
Yes, because Nintendo learned from the Wii U's failure that they can't make consoles like that.

>and therefore affords them the luxury to develop new entries for some less popular but fan favorite series.
No it doesn't. Fortunes can reverse insanely quickly. The Wii's success made Nintendo think that the Wii U would also be extremely successful. No, Nintendo needs to focus on staying in business. They can't afford more failures like the Gamecube or Wii U or failures like Pikmin. Either they need to retool their floundering IPs so they sell or create new IPs that will sell.

>each mainline pikmin game sold over a million even Pikmin 3.
No they haven't. Pikmin 1 was a fucking launch title for the Gamecube and only sold 1 million copies. Pikmin 2 and 3 didn't even break a million copies. Nintendo needs to stop wasting money on shit that is proven to not fucking sell.

>Didn't buy it on the Wii U because I'm hoping it releases on the switch
The game looks cute and fun, the 3D world stages were really cool

The Wii U was a hard sell. Nintendo staunchly refused to drop the $300 price tag on it and it was just a confusing in-between product. Anyway, I'm glad Nintendo has a good balance between passion for making interesting new games and business savvy. Many of your favorite games probably wouldn't have been made if they were solely focused on the bottom line.

That a company is still willing to put money into an IP that isn't going to rake in the cash but fans enjoy is a good thing. WiiU wasn't even close to putting Nintendo in a grave, it just makes them work on doing a better job next time.

Additionally Pikmin shows that business isn't the main reason why games like F-Zero and Custom Robo don't get new entries, it's the lack of developers internally pushing for these projects to receive new entries, especially big ones.

Pikmin was a passion project for Miyamoto and a personal favorite of his so I'm glad we'll be seeing more of it. I'm hoping the Switch's success means we'll see them take more chances on lesser known properties. That's how we got a new Punch-Out!! and Sin & Punishment on the Wii for example.

I think the fact that Nintendo are both no longer making the throw away system software and having to support 2 platforms simultaneously will lead to more effort put into smaller lesser known and lesser appreciated properties. The Mario Kart team now only has to build 1 new Mario Kart and not 2 for the generation, I wonder what else they will do, they've already put out Arms.

Pretty sure Koizumi just had an interview where he said that they're already planning on using more than just the usual IPs for next year and more.

>Additionally Pikmin shows that business isn't the main reason why games like F-Zero and Custom Robo don't get new entries
F-Zero and Custom Robo don't get new entries because they stopped selling. F-Zero GX killed the series. Unfortunately, Nintendo is too chickenshit to tell Miyamoto no when he wants to make his passion projects that don't sell.


Better than 3D World

What's the selling point of the Switch? A good Zelda game and a good Mario game?