Screenshot thread

>haven't been on Sup Forums in years
>check the catalog
>no screenshot thread
I guess I'll try to fix that.

Other urls found in this thread:


You fucking buy ubisoft games?

End your life you fucking moron.

Not only do I buy them, I post screenshots from them on Sup Forums

still the best looking game



this you're the reason the video game industry is so shit, OP. I hope you find your way to a gas chamber
I bet you're probably not even white and have a double digit IQ

Game looks pretty neat. Unfortunately you're posting on Sup so the only thing people will comment on is the developer and the fact that the protagonist has dark skin.

It's kind of ironic because he's a full blown big nosed arab. It's the opposite of the kang narrative


Do the arrows stay in people/animals you shoot? Probably going to buy if you can.


why return?

can turn them into pin cushions*

Yes. And can be retrieved from things you kill. It actually shows him pick the arrows out of them. You can get a perk that lets you grab arrows that have been shot into your shield for you to use as well.


>haven't been ordered to shill on Sup Forums in years
>check catalogue
>no advertisement thread
Buy Assassins Creed™®: Origins™ today!

why am I not surprised people who like this game are dumb fucking retards? Stupid niggers. Arabs weren't even in Egypt during the Ptolemaic times. not only that but 2000 years ago Arabs weren't race mixed mongrel mutts back then and were white. Go to Persia (modern day Iran) and you can still see people with light eyes and light skin and light hair walking around, same with Egypt. Google Rami Malek. He's an actual Egyptian actor (well known for Mr. Robot). That's how all Egyptians would have looked several thousand years ago

You're in a computer that lets you go back in time basically, I don't think 100% accuracy was their goal. I'm not saying you aren't right but nobody can know for certain how diverse if at all shit was back then.

Why are all my steam screenshots >1mb, but the one's I've taken using the geforce app are like 6mb+? both 1440p and seem the same in quality,

My dick prefers darker egyptians so your autism lecture doesn't matter


honestly was not expecting to get so spooked by this game

>poorfag virgin

Stay triggered loser



no you fucking retard, it's very easy to determine these things. The entire region from Northern India to the Caucasus was Indo-European and white. Northern Africa was white. Arabs race mixed with their nigger slaves and lost their amazing antiquity culture and arts heavily based in medicines and cosmology and are now dumb fuck mongrel brown shitskins. Indians were an Aryan culture as well and they race mixed with Australoids from melanasia and dark dravidians. now they're poo in the loo street shitters. you're just saying that to make you feel better about the fact you've never picked up a book in your life and bothered to ever look into anything ever. "Well I've never done research into anything but let me talk as if I know what I'm talking about" fuck off


Why isn't that man bleeding?

I took the screenshot the frame before the blood effect popped

y this game so comfy

Arrows decapitate animals?


I haven't noticed any dismemberment yet, unfortunately.

what game

I just finished Mario Odyssey. That ending was magical. I’m gonna dump some screenshots







I am guessing but, it looks like one of the Metro 2033 games.

Looks like Metro 2033 Redux.

Can confirm is Metro 2033 Redux.


This fight had no right being that short


Right, so white people just got completely breed out and didn't arabs castrate their slaves?
You sound like those kang nigs to be honest.



>I have money so I'm going to pay someone to shit in my mouth
stay mad scat fetishist. no amount of crying is going to get back your money you spent on a game not even worth stealing





The problem with your post is that the evidence for ancient Egyptian genome is still mostly inconclusive and a lot of liberities are being taken by everyone involved.

First off the current border that makes modern Egypt is not the same border Ancient Egypt had which has been estimated to vertically stretch into the Middle East and East Africa. Second there is no "complete" map of Ancient Egypt's genome by geography (only limited partials) which is important because of how the estimated borders where predicted they would definitely have arab and sub-saharan inclusion. Third the majority of publications involving dna sequence only include small sites having their genome sequence because of how well preserved the samples are.

It's like saying 2000 years from now North America only consisted of Europeans in the past because of how well preserved their remains are in the Eastern Region of the country. Completely missing the fact that Amerindians existed too because you didn't sequence other regions of the country and their remains weren't as well preserved.


There's also the fact that the study he's referencing specifically cites similarity to the peoples of the Levant, ie what most people consider modern Arabs.

Then there's the absurd Stormfront horseshit about genepool pollution and the equivalence of language groups to racial groups, which is dumb as fuck.

>Stormfront horseshit about genepool pollution


Anti-scientific reactionary


top lel

>Sup Forums actually believes this

This game has some dopey ass models but it makes up for it in landscape design / clever texturing


Oh I get it, you're making fun of the people who take KANGZ seriously by putting a white spin on it.
Classic counter-trolling. Nice.

>everyone was white aryans until out of nowhere these black people appeared and humped us into oblivion oh my god mommy mommy!

Sell your tale to Universal, maybe they can make a trilogy about it starring Keanu Reeves and an orangutan named Clyde.

I fucking hate how this game looks underwater. that green tint is fucking hideous.