Why did the echidnas all die out?

Why did the echidnas all die out?

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Everyone ate them thinking they were enchiladas.

This is actually canon in Tanzania because the Sega branch out there is super lax.

the jews destroyed them

Perfect Chaos wiped them out because they were being niggers

Because they killed the chaos, so Chaos killed all of them. Did you even play Adventure?

Because Ken Penders told Sega it was his idea for Knuckles to be of an ancient, technologically advanced race of mystics so they decided to kill off his entire species except him.

They adamantly refusing to use technology to improve their lives, leading to a luddite war, tikal's dad tried to get a god to help him win the war, and then that god killed them all for being dicks to animals.

Then how is knuckles still alive?

Chaos missed a family or two evidently

Tikal was the only female Echidna and she sealed herself.

Tikal sealer him off before chaos got the chance to finish the job

Because he's the main enchilada. Ken Penders cranked out 50 gazillian Echidna characters so Sega established that this was impossible because Knuckles was the only one.


>Take cartoony, easy to draw sonic character design
>Give it gloves because that's a part of the aesthetic even though the character is meant to be ancient.
>Then give it realistic human feet.

The more you look at it the more horrifying it becomes.

Weird dicks, man.

The Echidnas were one of the most technologically advanced races on Mobius. Historically, the Echidnas established themselves as a civilized and advanced society centuries before the other species on the planet after the Xorda attack, which occurred over 12,000 years ago. The Echidnas were formally located in two primary locations: the city of Echidnaopolis on Angel Island, and the fabled city of Albion on the planet's surface, located somewhere near the Kingdom of Mercia. Recently, after mass genocide by the Dingo Regime under Kage Von Stryker's rule, and the complete destruction of Albion by the Eggman Empire, only ten percent of the Echidnas survived. The vast majority subsequently disappeared from Mobius due to a vendetta pursued by the last Mobian Tasmanian Devil, Thrash the Devil, leaving only a handful in other locations.

Source: archiesonic.wikia.com/wiki/Echidna/Pre-SGW

What is being ancient and wearing gloves mutually exclusive to you?

Those are white dress gloves, not something she'd be wearing given her clothing.

>Then give it realistic human feet.

I prefer this to the toeless flippers that they actually have. I mean if they have fingers, why wouldn't they have toes?

Because it's all based on an easily drawn design philosophy.

I wish we got to see more of the ancient Echidna society in Sonic Adventure

Artists understand the value of eccentricity.

But Ken Penders I will never understand. How does a guy like that have ZERO self-awareness to this day.