Why is this game so fucking good, and why has the Tales series STILL failed to surpass it?

Why is this game so fucking good, and why has the Tales series STILL failed to surpass it?

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You get transported to a second realm halfway through the game and it's actually cooler than the first.

Vesperia is peak Tales

>can't worship the Big Black Cock in the game

no thanks

Its okay, the combat has been surpassed by several games after it, the music was very middle of the road, the characters were all boring and none of them really stood out, story was as cheesy as every other Tales game, and the dungeons had had its share of tedious bullshit.

Berseria had better plot and characters
Destiny remakes and Hearts(R) had better combat
Legendia had infinitely better music
Rebirth was more challenging
Both Versperia and Hell even Eternia were overall better games
Legendia had better

>playing in a fantasy world
>get isekai'd into another world that's even more fantasy than the first world
It was pretty mind-blowing at the time

It was the cool kind of weebshit while all the games after it have been the cringey kind of weebshit.

>nobody has ever ripped the 3D model of Colette wearing only a towel

Really rustles the jimmies.


Would have been correct if you had posted Vesperia, which was the peak of the series in the literal sense in that it kept getting better until it got there, and then kept getting worse afterwards. I actually have no idea what the fuck they are thinking with literally every post vesperia tales game, they are all just so bad.

God hearts r combat was so good once you started getting into it.
Beryl was the best part of it, but the cast was a lot of fun. Shame the story was meh and villain was literally what the fuck are you doing tier bad.

Whose idea was it to release it on 360 the anti weeb console?
I'll never get to play it because of this.


Bruh it's all the same weebshit, don't get it twisted.

Literally none of the main characters made me feel anything. I honestly had no emotional connection to anyone by the end of the game. Even in Graces I could at least laugh at how much of a dork Asbel was or something. Everyone in Symphonia was so damn boring.

Because it's a comfy rpg

>typical swords and magic world
>characters that all fit a cliche arch type
>story isn't over the top or obnoxious like most modern rpgs try to be
>replay value unlike any other tales game

Am I the only one here that likes Abyss?

Blame Microsoft, who purchased exclusive rights to it in the west. Same reason we will never see the ps3 version in the west.

I keep my 360 around just to replay it every once in a while.

I'm also waiting on that one monkey browsing the board who enjoyed Zesteria.

Nah, I liike it too despite it's faults. I liked Luke as an MC both before and after Akzeriuth.

It actually didn't impress me much, but it wasn't my first Tales so maybe that's why. Abyss was and I think it surpasses Symphonia, Vesperia was objectively the best all around, but my favourite cast and battle system is from Graces.

I don't know where you got the idea that you are the only one who likes it, it is one of the most popular entries in the series, and is always near the top of peoples tales of charts.

i honestly can barely remember this game
i need to replay it

10th anniversary is in 2018 so I'm hoping for a PS4/PC re-release, especially since there was no new game announcement this year.

It got a stage play this year and I still think it gets audio drama stuff so I think its fair to say its popular.

Babbies first tales

still it's not a bad game by any means. It just doesn't hold a candle to a lot of the other tales games. It's still a good starting point for people new to tales because it's engaging enough to keep people going and simple enough to not overwhelm people.

That said most mothership Tales games are better than symphonia.

>that one monkey browsing the board who enjoyed Zesteria.
I dont see how, even just going from a technical standpoint the game is painful to play at times.

I tried playing is game and all the monsters have some annoying poke attack or you get surrounded too easily. How are you supposed to play this game?

Watch enemy attack patterns, block, backstep, jump, arial attack to avoid shit and soon you'll be playing like


ToS is just ToP with worse art direction.
Same story beats all over the place even though the subject matter is different.
But the story about the chosen ones is brilliant.

I recently started this game. Is it necessary to bother with the S- and R-type mechanics? Because after fiddling around with it once, I haven't really bothered. I know you get different skills depending on the orientation, but since there's no way to know whether one skill's better than the other until after you obtain it, I feel like there's not much point caring about it the first runthrough.

Also, angeldad is absurdly suspicious. Like, holy shit could they not have made this a little more subtle?

>ToS is just ToP with worse art direction.
I fucking HATE the Symphonia character models, holy shit

Best cast of characters, best combat, and best story. Also had the best side activities to do during and after the game.

Don't worry too much about the finer mechanics. ToS is a piss easy game by anybody's standard. You can literally let the AI play and they can beat the game for you if you want.

You mean S and T type.
Some are better than others.

Genis, Raine and Sheena are best suited as T types.

Everyone else is better mixed.

AI Lloyd is god tier. Motherfucker goes through TP so fast though.

>Best cast of characters, best combat
I dont agree with that, but I can see why you'd think that.

>best story
With that bullshit 3rd act, no fucking way man.

I looked it up a bit because I had no idea what the point of it is because this game is pretty shitty at explaining its (admittedly simple) mechanics. Apparently, it's better to mix-and-match for most of them, but like I said, there's no real way to tell what's better without multiple playthroughs short of meticulously gathering general opinions. So I stopped caring.

it's the only part of the art direction I like actually.
I just REALLY dislike the colors and settings.
ToP on SNES and PSX looked amazing thanks to the color palette and detail.

Faerie Ring bro.
Just sucks that you don't obtain it until 2/3rds into the game

Has anyone ever ripped the 3D model of Colette in a towel?

So we can all agree that Raine is best girl, right?

I think she's reasonably cute, but I haven't really gotten attached to any of the characters yet. I just beat the wind temple thing.

In terms of Symphonia alone I guess, its either gonna be her or Shiina. The rest are trash.

Fuck the PC port for being so shit.

With the next game almost guaranteed to be using UE4 I really hope they change the art design.

What's wrong with it?

>best story
user, no. It's bad even by Tales standards.

so is everything else. vesperiafaggots are the worst. yuri is lesbian porn, not a man's name.

It was fine up through Alexei, but the Adephagos or whatever was pretty stupid.

>yuri is lesbian porn, not a man's name.

No, it's my favorite.

I don't understand how people can say that Symphonia had boring characters and then praise Vesperia in the same breath. Yuri, Karol, and Flynn were the only characters that weren't completely flat.

I feel like the only boring one in ToS is Sheena, but people forgive her because tits.

All of Symphonia's main cast was lame, most other games had at least one or two characters that were worth a damn.

read up what spells/and skill you will get depending on what type tree you use.

>not pure

OP, you can trust zelos. his your best bud.

I bought Zestiria a month ago when it was on sale and, only having played Symphonia, I have no idea why they changed the combat the way they did in the new games. The new combat is the most abysmal thing I have ever seen or played. Symphonia combat was great. Please explain what happened to me.

>they perfect tales combat with Vesperia
>decide they want to make shittier games
>change the combat system, haven't made a good game since

Nobody knows, user.

>to this day, the only Tales game I can even moderately tolerate is Xillia
>Hard mode just means you have to back off and not hit the enemy so much and break their shit in when they guard
>can just cancel our your combo at a moment's notice
>realize how shallow it is
Is there any Tales game with actual difficulty and tactics, and not this bullshit? Xillia should have just had one party member, and it should've been Jude.

>but my favourite cast
Shame they get thrown to the backstage and we have to deal with PROTECT, his """""bff""""" and generic healer.
Pascal has been probably the character I've ever had the most fun with in a Tales game, ranged fighter+melee mage+summoner shouldn't work but it does so well.

graces F is super hard if you want it to be. the combat dosent look Deep at first but once you get into it, ohhh boy.

the best part is the game rewards you for playing on higher diffucilty like better gear, more EXP etc.

I dreamt of Vesperia last night. Weird to dream about such an irrelevant game.

It really was. Still one of the best moments of my gaming life.

Vesperia is a good game but I think most people, especially non Tales fans, would find Symphonia better.

Me too. Strange how no one seems to learn from Nintendo that changing the art style every decade or so makes a franchise feel fresh.

Zesteria still sounds better than Dawn of the New World. Don't know how anyone liked that hot garbage.

DotNW was great, what the fuck you on about?

>babbies first tales that only got recognition because gamecube

your kind are a minority.

I still like to pretend that ToS2 doesn't exist

It's decent enough.

>Best cast of characters
Rita is shit

As someone who's never played a Tales game, all my friends say I should start with Symphonia. Is it really that good or just a good entry game?

good entry game

It was stellar when it first came out. Nowadays, it's hard to play. The battle system is incredibly stiff, the story's pacing is bonkers, and the releases are either incomplete, untranslated, or a poor port.

Yeah, the battle system was revolutionary at the time but hasn't aged well. Also the main character is a bit of a wet blanket.

What are you talking about? Symphonia has a very well paced story divided into clear chapters with their own goals and motivations. It's Abyss that is just mindlessly bouncing around between the same three cities for 15 hours.

I still dont understand how everyone can hate Zestiria. I cant be that retarded for thinking a game is worth playing just to hear the music.

we had this talk yesterday, you are autistic.

play the Music on youtube if you love it so much.

>play the music on youtube
I do that too. I try watching other people play the fights I enjoy, but they are just doing minmax shit and killing everything as fast as humanly possible and its no fun to watch.

Also I only have aspergers

i dont get why people hate the charecters, especially Lloyd. the only bland main charecters i can think of are colette, presea and maybe regal.

Does Symphonia emulate well? I finally got my hands on a decent controller and it opened up a world of proper emulation (m+kb just isn't a suitable replacement for Nintemulation)

>why has the Tales series STILL failed to surpass it?

Everyone in both of the teams that make Tales games forgot how to do dungeon design
Also, they dropped the soul mate/best buds system that actually let you shape Lloyd's character and the relationships in your party.

However, in other aspects besides those, it has been surpassed.

Symphonia is on steam you mouth breather.

I don't use steam you drone.

It just means you can pirate it, do I need to fucking come to your house and install it for you too?
I'll suck your dick if you buy us a pizza.

Symphonia on PC is dog shit. Even the emulation is better.

>Also I only have aspergers

Isn't aspergers autism?

yes. in fact, it plays better than ever Before on a emulater.

dont listen to this retard. that version of symponia on steam is from the ps3 that runs like ass only on 30 FPS and looks awful without its cell-shading. emylate the game.

Duly noted, thanks. I've been craving some pic related (don't have any Japanese consoles right now except a 3DS) and Symphonia fits the bill

Can i play Vesperia without understanding moonrunes?

Yes just use a guide

When you do emulate the game, lower the sensitivity of the control stick down to 80. The game sometimes doesn't prompt you to move blocks when you're standing in front of one because you're moving too fast.

There are a lot of people who like Zestiria they just don't come to Sup Forums.