Great character designs

ITT: Great character designs

We had a bad character design thread. This one is for character designs that catch your attention and keep it.

Other urls found in this thread:

really starting with a big titty babe huh

Something about maplestory2 chibis that dont let me look away

>tfw kadokawa don't give a flying fuck about them.

yea the game was shit, but lawbringer my fucking bro

>love seaport's giant ass claws
>artists either draw them as tiny gloves or have them out of frame
Fuck this gay earth

localized never

Because it takes some extra effort.

Same deal with Water oni.

Why are girls with giant claw hands such a god damn turn on for me?

Angel's design has to be one of my favorite in smt as a whole. It's so elegant but at the same time represents how angels are slaves to YHVH and are bound to him and the earth.


they're essentially just corrupted versions of boat girls

>Great character designs
OP you posted a bad example.

Minaba knows how to rock my cock's world.

Yours is worse.

These persona spinoff designs look horrible

You keep telling yourself that.

>draw a human girl
>add shitty horns to it
>good character design


every tf2 class

But it's 4 feet tall and has big titties

i'll call this good if you can tell me what the chains across his torso are for

Achieved maximum fetish levels

>short as fuck
>stacked as fuck
Why is this so good

I'm sorry, what? You should actually have a clue what you're talking about before you attempt to shitpost.

This is a Kaneko thread now

I don't know but I can NOT stop masturbating to it.


it's so terrible but it's so boner enducing

what kind of fucked up science went into making this mess?

But this design is awful. The detail and style is absolutely gorgeous, and it's definitely an amazing setpiece to look at, but the actual design theory of it has nothing to do with Maria or anything else. It's just kinda flashy and showy for the sake of looking angelic, and it doesn't quite nail it as well as most of the other Flowerman angels.


Dorafs are the dickable fantasy races ever concieved.
Literally womanlette boob terminals with grabbable horns



specifically the Raidou version, but i can't find a good screenshot of it


the fact that shes russian makes it all better

Someone with some level of academic expertise in art give me the most objective definition of good character design that you possibly can.


I love white hair

user, it's for A S T H E T I C purposes

The hand holding the goggles is on backwards.


I love pretty much anything designed by Yoshida Akihiko.

Metatron in Judaic myth as an angel covered from head to toe in mouths that spoke every single conceivable language.

In SMT he's a fucking robot. The designs are very rarely fully devoted to the things they're based on.

>grabbable horns
I prefer the term love handles when referring to Doraf horns.

thats her pinky
not her index finger


>edea doesnt wear white tights and a barely functional miniskirt
>its just white pants with her shirt flared out
I fucking hate it


>Maria is an artificial goddess who rules over the Idea Space. She was created by the Messians because they were tired of waiting for the Messiah promised by God to save them. Eventually she decides to release the people in Idea Space and succeeds with the protagonist's help in the Law route.
whats the problem what would it have to do to fit better


I like this pose


user, it makes literally zero difference.
She's still wearing skin tight white pants, that is all that really matters.

I want to wear Dva's suit.

>absolutely loathe her reddit tier personality
>want to fill her womb with endless amounts of my liquid lust
What's a man to do?

I want to ____some elves

find a cosplayer


so why are there so many armor/character design threads up at once?
I'm not complaining, just curious
I want to take care of the birb


all the ninjas in MK9

Not saying she doesn't have an obnoxious as shit personality, but how is it "Reddit"?

Best Saucekay

The way she spouts out of date memes until you want to tear your ears off, maybe?

Pretty much everyone looks great in Nioh and the best part is you can dress like that too

Hirame is fucking great

GBF has so many great designs.

>tfw no short haired marie


I just got the 3rd ending for Momohime.
Good god that is unsatisfying and not worth the amount of effort it took.


Great designs and personality

>hurr hats

ugly twat


The best character design is instantly memorable and has enough unique flair without being too impractical. Suspension of disbelief, a base of believable realism within fiction, helps us connect to the character.

I love kunoichis

What is this game even about?

It's the result of dozens of years of research into moe shit by a crack team of sweaty focus testing otaku


beigan rapu hottodogu


>Wind blowing so strong it ruffles every article of clothing on her
>Hat stays firmly affixed to her head as if it's made of plastic

anime pls


It's a mobile game so you likely don't want anything to do with it
Agrias is cute

Racer skins soon!

One piece in the sky with the Hideo Minaba doing the art and Nobuo Uematsu doing the musical score.

Because you're a degenerate. With good taste.

I wish they would make a new Orochi game

It's a mobile game with a battle system that's a bit more like an RPG, boss battles take some amount of skill when you first face them, but eventually you collect enough gear and level your characters where most bosses don't take a lot of strategy. High level raids have phases and there are abilities you might want to hold off on and there's some level of coordinating with a group.

It's pretty fun.


Oh yeah, it's called fujoblue fantasy for a reason. I hope you like baras.

fags missing the point of Dorafs

Fuck I miss this series.

I hate the fact that GBF designs are wasted on mobile game. I wish we got some good fully fledged RPG out of them.


GBF designs is simply amazing.

Never played Phantasy Star Portable 2 but Nagisa's design is fantastic.

Mah nigga.

>post granblue
>posts doujinbait rather than actual best character
pretty sure I actually just like him best because sugita

they're (hopefully) still making an actual 3D action rpg with platinum for granblue

>they're (hopefully) still making an actual 3D action rpg with platinum for granblue
Neither Cygames nor Platinum have even acknowledged it's existance in over a year now. The game is probably cancelled, sadly.

GBF is really great because it's not a bunch of naked girls with their tits hanging out and has designs for a variety of tastes.

If we're counting VNs I also really like Muramasa.